
graphics interview questions

Top graphics frequently asked interview questions

Fast rectangle to rectangle intersection

What's a fast way to test if 2 rectangles are intersecting?

A search on the internet came up with this one-liner (WOOT!), but I don't understand how to write it in Javascript, it seems to be written in an ancient form of C++.

    LONG    left;
    LONG    top;
    LONG    right;
    LONG    bottom;
} RECT; 

bool IntersectRect(const RECT * r1, const RECT * r2)
    return ! ( r2->left > r1->right
        || r2->right < r1->left
        || r2->top > r1->bottom
        || r2->bottom < r1->top

Source: (StackOverflow)

Java2D: Increase the line width

I want to increase the Line2D width. I could not find any method to do that. Do I need to actually make a small rectangle for this purpose?

Source: (StackOverflow)


How can I read the RGB value of a given pixel in Python?

If I open an image with open("image.jpg"), how can I get the RGB values of a pixel, if I have the coordinates of the pixel?

Then how can I do the reverse of this? Starting with a blank graphic, 'write' a pixel with a certain RGB value?

It would be so much better if I didn't have to download any additional libraries.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Do I use , , or for SVG files?

Should I use <img>, <object>, or <embed> for loading SVG files into a page in a way similar to loading a jpg, gif or png?

What is the code for each to ensure it works as well as possible? (I'm seeing references to including the mimetype or pointing to fallback SVG renderers in my research and not seeing a good state of the art reference).

Assume I am checking for SVG support with Modernizr and falling back (probably doing a replacement with a plain <img> tag)for non SVG-capable browsers.

Source: (StackOverflow)

How can I produce an effect similar to the iOS 7 blur view?

I'm trying to replicate this blurred background from Apple's publicly released iOS 7 example screen:

iOS 7 Control Center screenshot

This question suggests applying a CI filter to the contents below, but that's a whole different approach. It's obvious that iOS 7 doesn't capture the contents of the views below, for many reasons:

  1. Doing some rough testing, capturing a screenshot of the views below and applying a CIGaussianBlur filter with a large enough radius to mimic iOS 7's blur style takes 1-2 seconds, even on a simulator.
  2. The iOS 7 blur view is able to blur over dynamic views, such as a video or animations, with no noticeable lag.

Can anyone hypothesize what frameworks they could be using to create this effect, and if it's possible to create a similar effect with current public APIs?

Edit: (from comment) We don't exactly know how Apple is doing it, but are there any basic assumptions we can make? We can assume they are using hardware, right?

Is the effect self-contained in each view, such that the effect doesn't actually know what's behind it? Or must, based on how blurs work, the contents behind the blur be taken into consideration?

If the contents behind the effect are relevant, can we assume that Apple is receiving a "feed" of the contents below and continuously rendering them with a blur?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Creating a blurring overlay view

In the Music app of the new iOS, we can see an album cover behind a view that blurs it.

How can something like that be accomplished? I've read the documentation, but did not find anything there.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Most underused data visualization [closed]

Histograms and scatterplots are great methods of visualizing data and the relationship between variables, but recently I have been wondering about what visualization techniques I am missing. What do you think is the most underused type of plot?

Answers should:

  1. Not be very commonly used in practice.
  2. Be understandable without a great deal of background discussion.
  3. Be applicable in many common situations.
  4. Include reproducible code to create an example (preferably in R). A linked image would be nice.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Android: Difference between SurfaceView and View?

When is it necessary, or better to use a SurfaceView instead of a View?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Algorithm to detect intersection of two rectangles?

I'm looking for an algorithm to detect if two rectangles intersect (one at an arbitrary angle, the other with only vertical/horizontal lines).

Testing if a corner of one is in the other ALMOST works. It fails if the rectangles form a cross-like shape.

It seems like a good idea to avoid using slopes of the lines, which would require special cases for vertical lines.

Source: (StackOverflow)

How do I position one image on top of another in HTML?

I'm a beginning rails programmer, attempting to show many images on a page. Some images are to lay on top of others. To make it simple, say I want a blue square, with a red square in the upper right corner of the blue square (but not tight in the corner). I am trying to avoid compositing (with ImageMagick and similar) due to perfomance issues.

I just want to position overlapping images relative to one another.

As a more difficult example, imagine an odometer placed inside a larger image. For six digits, I would need to composite a million different images, or do it all on the fly, where all that is needed is to place the six images on top of the other one.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Generate colors between red and green for a power meter?

I'm writing a java game and I want to implement a power meter for how hard you are going to shoot something.

I need to write a function that takes a int between 0 - 100, and based on how high that number is, it will return a color between Green (0 on the power scale) and Red (100 on the power scale).

Similar to how volume controls work:
alt text

What operation do I need to do on the Red, Green, and Blue components of a color to generate the colors between Green and Red?

So, I could run say, getColor(80) and it will return an orangish color (its values in R, G, B) or getColor(10) which will return a more Green/Yellow rgb value.

I know I need to increase components of the R, G, B values for a new color, but I don't know specifically what goes up or down as the colors shift from Green-Red.


I ended up using HSV/HSB color space because I liked the gradiant better (no dark browns in the middle).

The function I used was (in java):

public Color getColor(double power)
    double H = power * 0.4; // Hue (note 0.4 = Green, see huge chart below)
    double S = 0.9; // Saturation
    double B = 0.9; // Brightness

    return Color.getHSBColor((float)H, (float)S, (float)B);

Where "power" is a number between 0.0 and 1.0. 0.0 will return a bright red, 1.0 will return a bright green.

Java Hue Chart:
alt text

Source: (StackOverflow)

How to make text glow?

Can we apply glowing effect to any text like shown below:

enter image description here

Updated: Please also tell me what things i need to create something like this:enter image description here

Do i need a Special font for this?

Source: (StackOverflow)

How to convert .ICO to .PNG?

What tool can I use to convert a .ICO file to a .PNG file?

Source: (StackOverflow)

What does PorterDuff.Mode mean in android graphics.What does it do?

I would like to know what PorterDuff.Mode means in android graphics.

I know that it is a transfer mode.

I also know, that it has attributes such as DST_IN, Multiply etc.

Source: (StackOverflow)

When transforming textures (drawn as flat 3D objects) to mimic depth, black lines appear randomly

We are developing a top-down RPG using XNA. Recently we bumped into a setback when writing the code to display our maps. When drawing the map, top-down view with a normal transformation matrix, everything seems to be fine. When using a non-flat transformation matrix, such as squeezing the top or bottom to mimic depth, black lines (rows when top or bottom, column when left or right is squeezed) that move around when the camera changes position, appear. The movement and placement appear to be random. (Image provided further down.)

Background information

The maps consist of tiles. The original texture has tiles consisting of 32x32 pixels. We draw the tiles by creating 2 triangles and displaying part of the original texture on these triangles. A shader does this for us. There are three layers of triangles. First we draw all the opaque tiles and all opaque pixels of all semi-opaque and partial-transparent tiles, then all the semi-opaque and partial-transparent tiles and pixels. This works fine (but when we zoom by a floating point factor, sometimes color-blended lines are in between tile rows and/or columns).


We use the same rasterizerState for all tiles and we switch between two when drawing solid or semi-transparent tiles.

_rasterizerState = new RasterizerState();
_rasterizerState.CullMode = CullMode.CullCounterClockwiseFace;

_solidDepthState = new DepthStencilState();
_solidDepthState.DepthBufferEnable = true;
_solidDepthState.DepthBufferWriteEnable = true;

_alphaDepthState = new DepthStencilState();
_alphaDepthState.DepthBufferEnable = true;
_alphaDepthState.DepthBufferWriteEnable = false;

In the shade we set the SpriteBlendMode as follows:

The first solid layer 1 uses

AlphaBlendEnable = False; 
SrcBlend = One; 
DestBlend = Zero; 

All the other solid and transparent layers (drawn later) use

AlphaBlendEnable = True; 
SrcBlend = SrcAlpha;
DestBlend = InvSrcAlpha; 

Other shaders use this too. The SpriteBatch for the SpriteFonts used, uses default setting.

Generated Texture

Some tiles are generated on the fly and saved to file. The file is loaded when the map is loaded. This is done using a RenderTarget created as follows:

RenderTarget2D rt = new RenderTarget2D(sb.GraphicsDevice, 768, 1792, false, 
    SurfaceFormat.Color, DepthFormat.None);

When generated, the file is saved and loaded (so we don't lose it when the device resets, because it no longer will be on a RenderTarget). I tried using mipmapping, but it is a spritesheet. There is no information on where tiles are placed, so mipmapping is useless and it didn't solve the problem.


We loop through every position. No floating points here yet, but position is a Vector3 (Float3).

for (UInt16 x = 0; x < _width;  x++)
    for (UInt16 y = 0; y < _heigth; y++)
        position.z = priority; // this is a byte 0-5

To position the tiles the following code is used:

tilePosition.X = position.X;
tilePosition.Y = position.Y + position.Z;
tilePosition.Z = position.Z;

As you know, floats are 32 bit, with 24 bits for precision. The maximum bit value of z is 8 bits (5 = 00000101). The maximum values for X and Y are 16 bits resp. 24 bits. I assumed nothing could go wrong in terms of floating points.

this.Position = tilePosition;

When the vertices are set, it does so as follows (so they all share the same tile position)

Vector3[] offsets  = new Vector3[] { Vector3.Zero, Vector3.Right, 
    Vector3.Right + (this.IsVertical ? Vector3.Forward : Vector3.Up), 
    (this.IsVertical ? Vector3.Forward : Vector3.Up) };
Vector2[] texOffset = new Vector2[] { Vector2.Zero, Vector2.UnitX, 
    Vector2.One, Vector2.UnitY };

for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
    SetVertex(out arr[start + i]);
    arr[start + i].vertexPosition = Position + offsets[i];

    if (this.Tiles[0] != null)
        arr[start + i].texturePos1 += texOffset[i] * this.Tiles[0].TextureWidth;
    if (this.Tiles[1] != null)
        arr[start + i].texturePos2 += texOffset[i] * this.Tiles[1].TextureWidth;
    if (this.Tiles[2] != null)
        arr[start + i].texturePos3 += texOffset[i] * this.Tiles[2].TextureWidth;


The shader can draw animated tiles and static tiles. Both use the following sampler state:

sampler2D staticTilesSampler = sampler_state { 
    texture = <staticTiles> ; magfilter = POINT; minfilter = POINT; 
    mipfilter = POINT; AddressU = clamp; AddressV = clamp;};

The shader doesn't set any different sampler states, we also don't in our code.

Every pass, we clip at the alpha value (so we don't get black pixels) using the following line

clip(color.a - alpha)

Alpha is 1 for solid layer 1, and almost 0 for any other layer. This means that if there is a fraction of alpha, it will be drawn, unless on the bottom layer (because we wouldn't know what to do with it).


We use a camera to mimic lookup from top down at the tiles, making them appear flat, using the z value to layer them by external layering data (the 3 layers are not always in the right order). This also works fine. The camera updates the transformation matrix. If you are wondering why it has some weird structure like this.AddChange - the code is Double Buffered (this also works). The transformation matrix is formed as follows:

// First get the position we will be looking at. Zoom is normally 32
Single x = (Single)Math.Round((newPosition.X + newShakeOffset.X) * 
    this.Zoom) / this.Zoom;
Single y = (Single)Math.Round((newPosition.Y + newShakeOffset.Y) * 
    this.Zoom) / this.Zoom;

// Translation
Matrix translation = Matrix.CreateTranslation(-x, -y, 0);

// Projection
Matrix obliqueProjection = new Matrix(1, 0, 0, 0,
                                      0, 1, 1, 0,
                                      0, -1, 0, 0,
                                      0, 0, 0, 1);

Matrix taper = Matrix.Identity; 

// Base it of center screen
Matrix orthographic = Matrix.CreateOrthographicOffCenter(
    -_resolution.X / this.Zoom / 2, 
     _resolution.X / this.Zoom / 2, 
     _resolution.Y / this.Zoom / 2, 
    -_resolution.Y / this.Zoom / 2, 
    -10000, 10000);

// Shake rotation. This works fine       
Matrix shakeRotation = Matrix.CreateRotationZ(
    newShakeOffset.Z > 0.01 ? newShakeOffset.Z / 20 : 0);

// Projection is used in Draw/Render
this.AddChange(() => { 
    this.Projection = translation * obliqueProjection * 
    orthographic * taper * shakeRotation; }); 

Reasoning and Flow

There are 3 layers of tile data. Each tile is defined by IsSemiTransparent. When a tile is IsSemiTransparent, it needs to be drawn after something not IsSemiTransparent. Tile data is stacked when loaded on a SplattedTile instance. So, even if layer one of tile data is empty, layer one of the SplattedTile will have tile data in the first layer, (given that at least one layer has tile data). The reason is that the Z-buffer doesn't know what to blend with if they are drawn in order, since there might be no solid pixels behind it.

The layers do NOT have a z value, individual tile data has. When it is a ground tile, it has Priority = 0. So tiles with the same Priority we be ordered on layer (draw order) and opaqueness (semi-transparent, after opaque). Tiles with different priority will be drawn according to their priority.

The first solid layer has no destination pixels, so I set it to DestinationBlend.Zero. It also doesn't need AlphaBlending, since there is nothing to alphablend with. The other layers (5, 2 solid, 3 transparent) might be drawn when there is already color data and need to blend accordingly.

Before iterating through the 6 passes, the projection matrix is set. When using no taper, this works. When using a taper, it doesn't.

The Problem

We want to mimic some more depth by applying the taper, using the some matrix. We tried several values but this is an example:

new Matrix(1, 0, 0, 0,
           0, 1, 0, 0.1f,
           0, 0, 1, 0,
           0, 0, 0, 1);

The screen (everything with height value 0, all flat stuff) will be squeezed. The lower the y (higher on the screen), the more it's squeezed. This actually works, but now random black lines appear almost everywhere. It seems to exclude a few tiles, but I don't see what's the correlation. We think it might had something to do with interpolation or mipmaps.

And here is an image to show you what I am talking about: Screenshot with lines.

The tiles not affected seem to be static tiles NOT on the bottom layer. However, transparent tiles on top of those show other graphical artifacts. They miss lines (so rows just get deleted). I marked this text because I think it is a hint to what's happening. The vertical lines appear if I put the mip mag and minfilter to Linear.

Here is an image zoomed in (in game zoom), showing the artifact on tiles on layer 2 or 3 Screenshot with lines, zoomed in

We already tried

  • mipfilter on Point or Linear
  • Setting GenerateMipMaps on the original textures
  • Setting GenerateMipMaps on the generated textures (true flag constructor of RenderTarget)
  • Turning on mipmapping (only gave more artifacts when zoomed out, because I was mipmapping a spritesheet.
  • Not drawing layer 2 and 3 (this actually makes ALL the tiles have black lines)
  • DepthBufferEnable = false
  • Setting all solid layers to SrcBlend = One; DestBlend = Zero;
  • Setting all solid layers to ScrBlend = SrcAlpha; DestBlend = InvSrcAlpha;
  • Not drawing transparent layer (lines are still there).
  • Removing clip(opacity) in the shader. This only removes some lines. We are investigating this further.
  • Searching for the same problem on msdn, stackoverflow and using google (with no luck).

Does anyone recognize this problem? On a final note, we do call the SpriteBatch AFTER drawing the tiles, and use another Shader for avatars (show no problems, because they have height > 0). Does this undo our sampler state? Or...?

Source: (StackOverflow)