
grails interview questions

Top grails frequently asked interview questions

How to log SQL statements in Grails

I want to log in the console or in a file, all the queries that Grails does, to check performance.

I had configured this without success.

Any idea would help.

Source: (StackOverflow)

How to access Grails configuration in Grails 2.0?

I have obtained the latest Grails 2.0 milestone, and I am seeing a deprecation warning for the ConfigurationHolder class:


The deprecation message simply says "Use dependency injection instead" which is not very helpful to me. I understand dependency injection, but how can I wire up a bean with the proper Grails configuration so I can access it at runtime? I need to access the configuration from places other than my Controllers and Tags (such as BootStrap).

Source: (StackOverflow)


How can I return a 404/50x status code from a Grails Controller?

I have a controller that needs to return a 404 page and status code on certain conditions. I can't seem to find out how to do this in Grails. A coworker recommended this method:


which works perfectly fine, but it's not very Grails-like. I know Rails' render method take a status argument, but Grails' render has no such functionality. Is there something I'm missing, what's the best way to accomplish this?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Java AppEngine: JDO or JPA, How to choose? [closed]

Pros and Cons of choosing JDO or JPA for a Grails Application that will run on Google AppEngine

Source: (StackOverflow)

Grails BuildConfig.groovy, difference between build, compile, and runtime?

What's the difference between build, runtime, and compile, in BuildConfig.groovy (1.3.7)

grails.project.dependency.resolution = {

    plugins {
        build "acme:acme-cache:latest.integration"

    dependencies {
        build "com.foo.bar:foobar:1.0.5"       
        runtime "org.apache.httpcomponents:httpclient:4.0.3"

Source: (StackOverflow)

What are your favorite Grails debugging tricks? [closed]

Grails can be a bit of a bear to debug with its long stack dumps. Getting to the source of the problem can be tricky. I've gotten burned a few times in the BootStrap.groovy doing "def foo = new Foo(a: a, b: b).save()", for example. What are your favorite tricks for debugging Grails apps?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Intellij IDEA setup on OS X

What's the accepted procedure and paths to configure jdk and global library source code for Intellij IDEA on OS X?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Overriding grails.views.default.codec='html' config back to 'none'

In Grails (<2.3), if I leave grails.views.default.code='none' in the grails Config.groovy, it's up to me to HTML encode my expressions explicitly in the GSP files: ${myValue?.encodeAsHTML()}.

If I set grails.views.default.codec='html" in the Config.groovy, then the HTML encoding happens automatically for every expression: ${myValue}.

My question: If I set the default to 'html', how do I get back to 'none' for one expression when I don't want the HTML encoding behavior?

Source: (StackOverflow)

What in the world are Spring beans?

I am yet to find a high-level definition of Spring beans that I can understand. I see them referenced often in Grails documentation and books, but I think that understanding what they are would be beneficial. So what are Spring beans? How can they be used? Do they have something to do with Dependency Injection?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Grails vs Roo - why SpringSource is pushing two very similar technologies?

SpringSource (now VMWare) has two very similar technologies: Grails and Spring Roo. I have been using Grails, but I see that SpringSource is actively working on something that is a competitor for that technology and that makes me worried about the future of Grails.

Does anyone know how these technologies relate, are they going to be merged, or one of them will be abandoned?

Besides, are there any important technical differences betweent Grails and Roo?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Is Grails (now) worth it?

I know this is a duplicate, however, the Grails world has moved on considerably since that question was asked more than a year ago, as has the IDE support in Eclipse, so please don't just blindly close it.

I thought the answer was yes and have embarked on a new project with Grails 1.2.0 and have flirted with the Groovy/Grails bits of the STS Eclipse Integration.

I think the question deserves revisiting after a year of Grails evolution, when the answer was definitely mixed.

So, as an experienced Java web developer I have these questions and would appreciate my assumptions being challenged:

  • Is Grails now worth it vs. Ruby or roll your own?
  • Has it overcome its buggy start?
  • Does it really confer rapid development benefits? (I admit I am struggling now I am past the extensive baseline configuration to make my bespoke app which is not list and page oriented)
  • Does it perform for real world production apps? (It feels heavy)
  • Is the Eclipse plug-in better than it was and fit for purpose? (I think not yet)


EDIT: I am learning as I go and I have a couple of significant gripes to make about living with the framework - rather than framework capabilities themselves. I am adding these because I think they should be considerations and are based on my experience and opinion, and may help someone who is trying to decide whether to go grails. I may also be showing my lack of experience with the framework, so none of this is meant as out and out criticisms. I am an experienced developer and this is what I have found:

Debugging is really hard. In fact it is almost impossible, especially as a beginner in the framework, which is when you need your trusty debugger friend the most. I have spent way more time than I ought to tracking down problems of syntactical errors in some part of the code to do with referring to domain fields which cause silent failures somewhere in the stack.

Logging is frankly awful. You have two modes, "nothing useful" and "an inordinate amount of useless stuff". My debug log was 128Mb after a single page request and contains nothing about my error. The whole issue of logging needs reconsideration in the framework in my opinion.

The STS Eclipse IDE is of marginal value. Other than syntax hilighting it is not much use. You can't debug the code so it is a glorified editor. The code hints are patchy and there is no GSP support at all as far as I can see. It also is the slowest Eclipse plug-in I have on my desktop - by about 2 minutes to start up. It is shockingly slow. I have reverted to a text editor (which you'll notice all the online tutorial videos do too) and some custom syntax hilighting.

I have some serious concerns about performance. A bit too early to say, but I am already finding myself tweaking the database because of hibernate. Perhaps that's to be expected, but I am really having to keep my domain model simple for the conventions to yield performant queries.

And one last one, the convention that your logical domain model and your physical database model should be identical is not a smart default and unlikely ever to be the case in the real world. I know you can separate the two, but it creates a degree of complexity which I think could be avoided if the conventions were extended. There is inadequate documentation about composition and what you need to do to make it work in practice.

Source: (StackOverflow)

What are "Groovy" and "Grails" and what kinds of applications are built using them?

Nowadays I hear a lot about "Groovy on Grails" and I want to know more about it:

  • What is Groovy?
  • What is Grails?
  • What kind of applications are built using Groovy on Grails?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Difference between findAll, getAll and list in Grails

With Grails there are several ways to do the same thing.

Finds all of domain class instances:


Retrieves an instance of the domain class for the specified id:


When do you use each one? Are there significant differences in performance?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Grails 2.3.0 Auto-reloading not working

I recently upgrade our project to grails 2.3.0. Everything works fine except I've been having problems with auto-reload not working whenever I make changes to our code. This include all projects artefacts - controllers, domain, services, gsps, css and javascript files.

My older versions of grails work correctly and reloads and recompile every time I make a change.

I know this question is popular and I have searched Jira, Nabble and here for days now but none of what I have found have been able to solve my problem (I've even tried to add quotes like Peter suggested in this thread http://jira.grails.org/browse/GRAILS-7936 and also this thread Grails Project Not Auto Reloading did not help).

Am currently running grails on a Macbook pro with the following settings:

  • grails version 2.3.0
  • Java version "1.7.0_17" Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.7.0_17-b02) Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 23.7-b01, mixed mode)
  • Running from terminal with Textmate as IDE

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Are there any good tutorials for using sitemesh in a grails application?

I'm a pretty experienced Grails developer, but most of my experience has been with using grails for serving up JSON/XML to a flex app and some relatively simple HTML websites.

I've been diving deeper into using the sitemesh integration in grails and I'm struggling a little to find best practices for some more complex configurations, and I'm curious if there are any good tutorials or examples out there. The original Sitemesh website isn't that useful as the tags it talks about aren't directly exposed in grails.

A google search is mostly showing old mailing list posts and some vanilla sitemesh stuff which is helping me to move a little further along, but it's a lot of trial and error.

I fully understand how the basic g:layoutTitle, g:layoutHead, and g:layoutBody tags work. Those are easy and well documented.

The kinds of things that I'd like to see examples for:

  • g:applyLayout - the documentation on this is weak and I don't fully understand the uses suggested in the main docs. How is this different than setting the meta name='layout' content='foo' property?

  • g:pageProperty - some better examples on how to pull and use properties into the main template by setting the values as meta tags in the page that's being decorated. The grails docs on pageProperty show only the onload attribute from the body being brought forward. I think you can also use meta tag values here as well, anything else?

  • can you use multiple levels of sitemesh layouts? My testing seems to make me think that I can't, but that seems to reduce reusability. I think that the answer here is some usage of the g:applyLayout, but that's where I'm struggling the most.

Source: (StackOverflow)