
google-scholar interview questions

Top google-scholar frequently asked interview questions

Is there a way to configure Google Scholar to only show results where the document is freely available?

When I do a search, many of the papers are only available to subscribers of a particular service, listed as for sale, or behind some other kind of pay wall. However, if a document is available, there's often a link next to the paper title to view the PDF, HTML, or some other format that isn't behind a pay wall.

Is there a way to only show these documents?

Source: (StackOverflow)

How to merge 2 Google Scholar profile, each with citations

A faculty member accidentally created 2 profiles and has citations in both of them. How can the profiles be merged so that there is one profile with all the citations?

Source: (StackOverflow)


How can I link to a result in Google Scholar?

Sometimes I want to link to a research article on Google Scholar, as the latter contains a list of sources where we can retrieve the research article. Is there any good way to link to a specific result, just like we can link to an insert in StackExchange, e.g.:

enter image description here

Source: (StackOverflow)

Obtaining the DOI in Google Scholar

Is there any way to get the DOI of the results in Google Scholar?

E.g., in the following results page, I would like to get the DOI of the third result:

enter image description here

Is there any way to get it without having to go on the paper link and hope that the DOI is indicated there?

Source: (StackOverflow)

How to use Google Scholar to search key words in abstracts

I've noticed that I can search in Google Scholar for keywords in the titles or in the full paper content, but not in the "abstract only".

Is there a workaround for doing that?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Convert Google Scholar alert into RSS feed

I have created a Google Scholar email alert and I'm trying to figure out how to turn that into an RSS feed. Google Scholar alerts has no RSS feed option, unfortunately. Below is a picture of what the alert looks like in email. I'm trying to use Gmail filters in combination with a service like ifttt.com to automatically turn alert emails into RSS. THe question: how to turn a recurring Google Scholar alert email into an RSS feed.

enter image description here

Source: (StackOverflow)

How to make Google Scholar profile private

How can I make my Google Scholar profile private after making it public?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Where can I see my search history in Google Scholar?

I would like to see my search history in Google Scholar.

Source: (StackOverflow)

What happened to Google Scholar search by subject area?

It was possible to restrict search in Google Scholar by subject area, e.g. it was possible to select Engineering, Computer Science, and Mathematics in Advanced Scholar Search, which had the same effect as including as_subj=eng in the url, e.g. like this.

I was able to find the old Advanced Search interface in Google cache: screenshot

Here is a larger screenshot from the same cached version.

However, now I am only able to get to Advanced Scholar Search which looks like this: enter image description here

So my questions are:

  • Is it possible to find the option to select subject areas?
  • Does adding as_subj=eng has the same effect as before?


As I learned here, you can still get to the old interface like this: http://scholar.google.com/schhp?sciui=2&hl=en&as_sdt=0,5.

However I do not know whether they plan to get rid of the old interface eventually. I also tried a few searches and it seems that results are different: Example: old interface vs. new interface.

Anyway, I still would be glad if someone could add official information from Google.

EDIT 2 (2013/03/15): Perhaps I should add that now there is no difference between the behavior of the two links above, so I do not know about any way to access the old interface anymore.

Source: (StackOverflow)

How to create a citation alert for a paper without citation in Google Scholar

In theory, creating a citation alert with Google Scholar is easy. Search for the paper, click on the "Cited by X" link just below the result, scroll down and click on "Create alert", and finally confirm by clicking on "Create alert".

However this works only for articles that already have at least one citation. If an article has never been cited, the "Cited by X" link doesn't show up. This is annoying because as an academic researcher I would like to be alerted when a given article is cited for the first time. Do you know of a way to work around that limitation?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Getting a list of papers cited by a given paper in google scholar

Google scholar does the reverse of what I would like -- it will return a list of papers which cite a given paper.

Is there any way to get a list of all of the papers that a given paper cites, together with links to the papers (if available)?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Search Google for exact string including hyphens [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate:
How can I search for a keyword with special characters in Google Search?
How to search the internet for terms with special characters

I'm trying to do searches on Google (Scholar) like these:

in-memory database
... and so on

The problem is, that even if using quotes like this:


Google seems to ignore the hyphens.

Is there a way to search so that only results including all the hyphens appear?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Weird Google Scholar results

Today I tried to get the amount of papers (roughly) since 2004. But while playing around in Google Scholar I noticed that I get more results when I filter with the "since 2016" button than with the "since 2015" button.

In my understanding, the "since 2015" filter should include everything that was published after 2015, so 2016 as well.

And Google didn't mess up, because the "since 2015" results contain elements that were published in 2016.

2015 search

2015 result

2016 search

2016 result


Another fun fact: When you enter a custom timeframe and search for articles from 2015-2016, you get 100 results more than searching from 2015-blank.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Bulk download PDFs from Google Scholar

I would like to download ~100 scholarly articles from Google Scholar. I have institutional access, so Google Scholar presents the available PDF. Is there a way to automate the downloading of the PDF files?

I realize that institutional access does not give me "permission" to bulk download. However, by having institutional access I can access the PDF directly from a link on the Google Scholar page, and am not behind a paywall.

Source: (StackOverflow)

How to limit Google Scholar to peer-reviewed papers?

Google Scholar is great to get a quick overview of scientific publications. However, it also gives you textbooks, theses and so forth. I would like to limit its results to include only peer-reviewed (conference) papers. Do you know of a way to do so?

Source: (StackOverflow)