google-plus-photos interview questions
Top google-plus-photos frequently asked interview questions
How do I download an album that's been shared with me on Google+?
I've read these instructions on Google support:
- From your stream or someone's profile, click on the name of the shared album you'd like to download.
- Click the dropdown icon > Download album.
However, I don't seem to have the Download album option. I've only got View post activity, Mute post, and Report this post.
Source: (StackOverflow)
I'm using Google+ Instant Upload to backup all my photos online, since I purchased Google Storage about two years ago and made extensive use of Picasa.
My question is simple - does adding an Instant Upload photo to an album create a duplicate of the same photo, and hence take up double the storage?
Edit: As a legacy storage user, my storage space is shared across Docs + Gmail + Picasa.

Does this seem relevant to my question?
Source: (StackOverflow)
According to Google's help pages, one can embed pictures from Google Photos onto an external web site:

... but, although it says there's a "Link to this album" on the right hand side, with an "Embed Slideshow", I can't find it anywhere.

There's nothing about embedding under "Share", or anywhere else.
How do I embed an album of photos uploaded to Google on my web site?
Source: (StackOverflow)
I just finished scanning my family's archive of photo albums and now I want to share them with my family on Google+ / Picasa.
I have some 80 albums, is there a way to share all of them at once?
I really don't want to do them one at a time.
Source: (StackOverflow)
Previously, if I uploaded photos from Picasa to PicasaWeb, I could specify them as Public but Unlisted. So you had to have the link to view them but no login was required.
I don't see that option now that Picasa uploads to Google+.
Any ideas?
Source: (StackOverflow)
How do Google Plus Photos, and Picasa relate to each other? Are they different names for the same thing? Or different interfaces to the same photo albums? looks quite different than${my account id}/photos
, but they show the same photo albums, thus the question.
Source: (StackOverflow)
A friend of mine shared an album with me on Google Plus. I'd like to add this album to my albums so that I can see it in the Photos section. How to do it? There is no button for this action, does that mean that I need to download the photos and re-upload them to my G+ profile? That would be a bit impractical as I would need to re-tag everyone etc.
Source: (StackOverflow)
I wonder if there are any ways to hide specific GDrive photos from G+ photo even if I turned on the option to show GDrive photos in G+ photo?
Source: (StackOverflow)
I believe that my images from Google+ and from Picasa web album can both be found in either application. I can search for an album name or an image caption or a file name in Picasa web album. Can I do the same from Google+?
Source: (StackOverflow)
I tried uploading an album to Google+ via Picasa.
I tried selecting both Original Size Images as well as 2048 Max width options. (Photos are 8MP and I have not run out of free storage.)
But the photos are uploaded in 800x600.
What could be the reason behind this?
Picasa shows two blue rounded arrows next to each photo.
Does it mean that it has only uploaded thumbnails/previews and not the entire photos?
Source: (StackOverflow)
Is it possible to allow someone else to edit photos within a specific Google+ album? Like adding a legend or a location for the photo(s)?
Source: (StackOverflow)
I'm playing with the tag-people feature in G+ photos; in particular, I want it to automatically tag photos of my son (who doesn't have a G+ account), and then be able to show all the photos of him. Is this possible? I seem to be able to tag him, but can't find any way to view photos sorted by who's in them (apart from myself).
Source: (StackOverflow)
I'm trying to tag some friends in a couple old photos I have on Google Plus, that were uploaded through auto-backup. But when I open the photo, the "Tag people" option does not show up. For other photos from a different set, the option does show up.
Why is it that the option does not show up in some pictures?
Source: (StackOverflow)
I love Google+’ Stories feature, where it takes camera photos you've uploaded and automatically infers when you go on holiday / have a trip away and presents it as a sort of slideshow.
Often though, I'm with one or more other people, who also have Google+. We're all taking photos which are automatically uploaded and we each get separate stories created, but I'd like to be able to combine all the photos to get one story for all of us.
Is this possible?
Source: (StackOverflow)