google-plus-1 interview questions
Top google-plus-1 frequently asked interview questions
On my blog posts on blogger, I have an inordinate amount of +1's (Like 10,117!). As seen here:

This seems exceedingly odd as this is a private blog that only approved users can read. Does anyone have any suggestions as to why this is happening and how to stop it?
Source: (StackOverflow)
I've noticed that pages where I have marked with +1 have "You +1'd this" in Google search results.
However, it doesn't seem to affect the order of results, or there may be very small differences I can't see or notice.
How do I get pages marked +1 on top of other search results?
I was thinking of using it like a "read it later" or similar service. Like when I mark web pages "read it later", but never read them. If +1 marked pages appear on top of search result, it may be the time to read them.
Source: (StackOverflow)
I know you can view your friends' (circles') various +1s by going to their profile page and clicking the +1 tab.
I don't want to check and recheck each friend's +1, with each behind 4 clicks to get there, every day. And then have to remember which I've seen and which I haven't.
Is there a way to see those +1s in your main Google+ Stream alongside posts at the Google+ home page? Or will the Stream only ever show full Posts?
If there is not a Google-supplied version, are there any Chrome (or other browser) add-ons/extensions that have a feature to inject the +1s in the correct places in your Stream?
Source: (StackOverflow)
There are Facebook share button and Twitter share buttons, is there one such button for Google+? The +1 button doesn't seem to be a Google+ share button, it just seems to be a social search recommendation.
Source: (StackOverflow)
If I go to my Google dashboard I can see the most recent +1 I made (below), but where can I find all the other websites/pages I've +1'ed?

Source: (StackOverflow)
There's a site I'd like to +1 on Google+, but I have it in my bookmarks, and didn't find it by searching. How can I add the link to the "+1" section on my profile?
Of course, I could search on Google until I find the site, but in general, I'd like to avoid that.
Source: (StackOverflow)
If I'm going to use it, I want to know I can get my entries out. While I can get my entries from my profile page, that only shows some at a time. If I had hundreds that could get tedious. Is there a better way?
Edit 7/8/2011: This Google Plus1 (+1), not Google+. Some answers were based on Google+ after another person edited this.
Source: (StackOverflow)
I have a Google account but I use it mostly for Gmail, never had any activity in Google+ and didn't +1 anything ever.
Today I went to the account data page to review / disable some things and the page seemed to be saying that I +1'd over 800 times!

And the +1 tab in my profile was empty. Well, it was almost empty, there was one entry related to Skype Wifi, and I didn't do that either.
Do I have a malware? Could it be done by some malicious JavaScript when I visited a website(s)?
Source: (StackOverflow)
Where do I go to find a list or collection of all the posts in Google+ that I have ever marked with the +1 button?
The +1 tab on my G+ profile shows only web sites I +1'ed and not the posts that I plussed when reading my stream.
Source: (StackOverflow)
Since I have my booksmarks there, putting them into Google might make searches better without a lot of manual training.
EDIT 8/16/11: a script that does this would be fine too.
Source: (StackOverflow)
I want to know what pages I have given a +1 in Google+.
Previously I could see this in the +1 tab on my Google+ profile.
The help still describes this as the place to look
However, I can no longer find any +1 tab on my Google+ profile. It now just displays my "interests" and my posts. I cannot find any complete list of the pages that I have given +1.
Where can I find this information?
Source: (StackOverflow)
I have +1'ed few sites, and they are showing in my Google+ profile to my "extended circles" (people in my circles and their circles).
However, can I make my plus-ones public? The same way that I can share a link in my profile, and it is visible to everyone, even not logged-in users.
Source: (StackOverflow)
How to know the list of people who gave a Google Plus One (+1) to the website. The Facebook likes people list are displayed when clicking the like count button, but +1 doesn't displays any user IDs that gave a plus? Any ideas?
Source: (StackOverflow)