
google-image-search interview questions

Top google-image-search frequently asked interview questions

Google Alerts for images

We use Google alerts quite a lot to keep in touch with what's being said about our company, but what we’ve found really useful lately is using the reverse image search tool in Google Images to search for our images appearing around the web. However, this is a manual and quite tedious process and we were wandering whether it was possible to do a "reverse image search Google Alert".

In other words, you could upload you images and then each time they were used on the web you would get an email alerting you.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Switch off drag and drop feature of Google image search

How do I turn off Google's drag and drop image-based search feature?

When you go to the Google Image search engine, people can drop a picture into the search box and the results of the search will be displayed.

How do I switch off this feature?

Source: (StackOverflow)


How to search only totally free images in Google?

I needed an image of a robot for a presentation, and I wanted an image with a free (e.g. creative commons) license. I searched in Google images "robot free", but got mostly royalty-free images (i.e. after you buy the image, you are free to use it).

I remember that once it was possible to search in Google for images with a public-domain or creative-commmons license, but now I cannot find it. Where is it?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Order Google image search by resolution (descending)

How can I order a Google image search by image's resolution in descending order (greater to lowest resolution)?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Can I hide images on Google Image Search that I've already flagged?

When I'm reporting offensive images on Google, is it possible to hide images that I've already flagged? I want the images that I've flagged as offensive to disappear from my search results (instead of showing up again and again.)

Source: (StackOverflow)

export saved Google images into Google photos

How do I import saved images from http://www.google.com/save/ into Google Photos without downloading them?

(From Linux.)

Similar to, but different from:

How to download all Google Search images results


enter image description here

Source: (StackOverflow)

How do I find the earliest / original instance of an image on the web?

I'm curious about the etymology (aka "origin") of this image I found on the web:

scarface snowman

How would I go about finding the earliest websearch result for this image?

Yes, I can use TinEye to find other instances of the image (253 for the record, but not all of them are actual matches), but I want the earliest, first, and possibly original place this image appeared on the internet. In other words, where on the web did this image originate?

I suppose I can search for something like scarface snowman in Google, and perhaps set the "custom date range" on the advanced search Google options in the left sidebar like so:

Custom [date] range...

From: 5/1/1989
To: 1/1/2007

... and then keep manually adjusting 1/1/2007 "up" until I get the first hits for this phrase in time. When I do that, I get to 1/1/2010 and find this result:


Which Google dates as Dec 20, 2009. However, I'm not confident this is the first time the image appeared on the web; it's just the first time the phrase appeared on the web. It is a start but not much more.

How else can I find out the origin of this image via web search or web apps? Is there any other better way?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Is there a way to search for images with transparent background using Google Image Search?

How can I search for an image with transparent background using Google Image Search?

Source: (StackOverflow)

How do I search an image with specific resolution using new Google Image Search

As you know, there was an option available in Google Image Search known as Search image with specific screen resolution, option name as Exactly but recently Google changed the approach and am not happy with the pre-defined sizes available there, any idea how I can hunt for a specific resolution image?

Say what if I want to search for an image of 300x300

Screen of new Google Image Search Options...

enter image description here

Source: (StackOverflow)

Prevent popups, etc. from the new Google Image Search?

Short of disabling JavaScript, is there any way to stop the irritating behaviour of the new-fangled Google image search? I'm tired of having things pop up and down, move around, and scroll up and down wildly, not to mention these exasperating popup images.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Search animated pics with Google

Is there a way to search for animated GIFs or PNGs with Google? (Not static GIF or PNG files, but animated files.) I’ve tried with apng but Google does not recognize that filetype and trims it.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Google image search URL that can be shared?

I performed a Google Image search, it shows results, but when I send the search URL to someone, they can not see any result:


Actually, the link does not even work in a new tab of the same browser.
Here is how I performed the search:

  1. Go to search.creativecommons.org
  2. Enter berlin
  3. Click on Google Images
  4. Once you have been redirected to Google Images, click on the Size filter, select Larger than… and then 4 MP (2272×1704).

Screenshot of Google Images, searching for berlin, with filters applied

How to share the resulting link successfully?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Copying a Google "Maps" search field to an "Image" search field

Say I searched for my childhood's school on Google Maps:

enter image description here

After seeing the "Earth View" of it, I feel like searching for Images of this college, on Google Image search.

Is there a way to launch an image search with the same input as the one currently used in Google Maps? (Or any other media-specific Google search such as Videos, etc.)

My reasoning is that since I'm gonna go from a Google service to another Google service, there might be a way besides from "copy/paste" to switch search results type.

Otherwise I can copy/paste but that requires selecting the text, going to Google Image search, then pasting, then clicking the "search" button.

Other Google search services have shortcuts to search through different type of media at the top of the page as seen here:

enter image description here

I tried clicking on different menus and shortcuts, but none that led to a different type of search. Looking for ways to do this on Google didn't give any results either.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Are the image sizes Google reports inaccurate?

I tired to do a search by image earlier and got these results. However, I found one was reported at 800x1000, but is smaller than one reported at 768x960.

What causes Google to misread these sizes? Using Chrome’s Inspect Element feature, the first is scaled down to 600x750, but as this changes when I move the Inspect Element bar up (resizing the image) I can't find the native size of the second image.

Source: (StackOverflow)

How can I change the default usage rights settings of the Google Images search?

I would like the default setting to be Labeled for reuse. How can I make this setting apply permanently?

enter image description here

Source: (StackOverflow)