google-hangouts interview questions
Top google-hangouts frequently asked interview questions
One of my friends insists that I should use Google Hangouts because it's so much better than Skype. I would like to give it a try, but I wouldn't like to create a Google+ profile for that. Is there any way (some website or URL hack, Android application, some third party desktop software that hacks it's way into the system) to try it without creating a profile?
Source: (StackOverflow)
The new Google Hangouts in Gmail option seems interesting, and while it shows my most recent contacts, most of them aren't online (some never are because of the Google account they use). Can I sort them by their online state, as the old chat does?
Source: (StackOverflow)
In Google+ Hangouts, I see that by default the user who is speaking gets his/her picture in the main viewing pane, but clicking on another user's picture in the lower pane puts him/her in the main viewing pane. But how do I restore automatic control?
In other words, after having clicked one of the users, how can I revert to having the currently-speaking user be automatically loaded into the main viewing pane?
Source: (StackOverflow)
For the past couple of months, thousands of strange people have been appearing in my Google Hangout when I look for a contact to chat with.
How can I disable that and just leave the people I have in my contact book?
Source: (StackOverflow)
I had a Google Hangout with a friend today. There were 3 windows: one "big" with her, one small with me, one small with her. Even the "big" window was small, less that a quarter of my screen (at "best resolution for retina display"). I could not find a full-screen button, nor did clicking any of the buttons on the Hangout screen do anything.
I am running OS X 10.8.2, she's running Windows XP SP3. I am on Google+, she is not. We both are upgraded to the latest version of the Google talk video plugin.
Has anyone else had this problem? How do I make the screen larger?
Source: (StackOverflow)
Is there a way to set it so my camera does not come on by default immediately when I place a call? When I click a contact in the new Hangouts popup in Chrome or in Gmail, I have a button that says Video Call. I used to be able to just do a voice call.
Source: (StackOverflow)
I need to create a link to open one particular Hangouts chat (not videocall). It is possible to open a chat in a separate window from the main Google+ page, but the URL of that window (something like
) can't be opened again.
Is it possible to get a permanent URL?
Source: (StackOverflow)
How can I see the Google Hangouts online status (away, idle, busy, ...) of my friends? I can see the small green line but nothing else when the person is away.
Source: (StackOverflow)
I resized the chat window, and this snail appeared (also with animation):

Why did it appear? What's its significance?
Source: (StackOverflow)
I use Hangouts within Gmail, I do not use any other client. I would like to know if there is any way to remove or hide contacts from the Hangouts chat list.
I don't want to block the contacts, but don't want to see their name in my chat list. Is there any way to accomplish this, if it is possible at all?
Edit: Hangouts do not have the drop down "more option" that appeared on the old Gchat.

Source: (StackOverflow)
I found the new Google Hangouts sounds annoying and they don't provide a way to disable them. The only thing you can do is disable notifications entirely, per contact even, not globally.
How can you just mute the sound alerts for new messages?
Source: (StackOverflow)
The documentation says ten people can be in a Hangout but I'm hearing that Hangout video maxes out at six people.
Which is correct?
Source: (StackOverflow)
Gmail currently provides free domestic calling for users in the US and Canada, directly in the Gmail interface. It uses the Google Video Chat plugin to allow voice calls to be made to regular phone numbers, and if you have a Google Voice account, integrates with that as well.
This feature used to be built right into the chat window:

As of the update for the new integrated version of Google Hangouts, I can't seem to find any button to place a phone call from within Gmail.

Furthermore, when I place a call from Google Voice and tell it to dial through Google Talk, the call doesn't go through.
Is there any way to use the new Hangouts while still having the phone call abilities?
Source: (StackOverflow)
If I start a Google+ Hangout, is there anyway to send my friends a link directly to that Hangout post? I couldn't find any options.
So I have to send people a link to my profile, and let them click on the join hangout button. I prefer not to do that since the hangout post may be buried by my other updates.
Source: (StackOverflow)