
google-forms interview questions

Top google-forms frequently asked interview questions

Importing responses into a Google Docs Form (spreadsheet)

I have some Google Docs Forms and I would like to import legacy survey data into the responses spreadsheet, so as to benefit from the data presentation features (having the combined data set) but I've been unable to make it work.

I did import the data but the rows after the last "native" response just get ignored.

It looks like there is some hidden information about where the last response row is in the responses spreadsheet.

How can I overcome this?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Is there a way to password protect Google Forms?

I would like to create a check request form but I only want users who either enter a password or whose Google accounts I give permission, to be able to fill out the form. Is this possible?

One idea if this isn't by default would be to embed the form in a web page that is password protected and then never hand out the URL of the form but I am hoping there is something better than that available.

Source: (StackOverflow)


Create input field in Google Docs form allowing only images

I need to make a Google Doc form, in which the users need to upload an image. Is it possible to do so using Google Docs form? If yes, then how?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Google docs forms confirmation email when someone signs up?

When you are using google docs forms so people can sign up to an event. Is it possible to make the form send out a confirmation email when someone registers?

Source: (StackOverflow)

How can I create an e-mail field on a Google Form?

When making a Google Form, how can I mark the field as "e-mail" so that it is validated as an e-mail before the user can submit the form?

enter image description here

Source: (StackOverflow)

When sharing a Google form, how can recipients see the form and not the spreadsheet?

I'm using Google Docs to build a survey as a form for various recipients to take. The form itself is built and, as a form, functions magnificently. (Seriously, it's a work of art. I'm really good at surveys.) I'm using my Google Enterprise account to make the form and collect the data.

I had set the privacy settings such that anyone with an @stackoverflow.com account could discover the spreadsheet. When I tried to send it to someone outside of @stackoverflow.com they kept having to request permission for the file, and then she would see the spreadsheet rather than the form. I altered the privacy settings (anyone with a link can view) but I'm worried that once I start sending this to the number of people that I need to, I'll continue to have the spreadsheet-visibility problem.

How do I send out the form so that survey-takers see only the form and not the spreadsheet? Will I need to "publish to web" or alter the privacy settings further?

[UPDATE] I thought perhaps I could get around this by embedding the survey form in a website, a Google Sites page to be exact, that I made in my personal email account. However, when I tried that, copying the embed code from the app and everything, I see this:

A screenshot of Google failing me.

Which is exactly the same error I get everywhere. If it's my form's privacy settings, how the heck do I alter those? Is it because I'm on Google Enterprise? Should I rebuild this form on my personal account?

Source: (StackOverflow)

How to create a countries drop-down list question, without entering all countries manually?

I am creating a Google Form, and as the final question I want to ask the participants what country they come from.

As it often comes up in polls, I am surprised that this country component is not available:

Add item screenshot

Is it hidden somewhere else?
Is it just not available, and I have to create it myself by entering 200+ countries manually or via programming? In that case, what is the best practice?

Entering countries manually

Source: (StackOverflow)

Internationalization of a Google Form

I have written a Google Form for my French-language website, with French-written fields.

Problem: All the generic text is still in English, for instance "Required" or "Go back to the form".

Question: How to have those texts be written in French?

Source: (StackOverflow)

How to add fields to a Google Form visible only to specific users

Is it possible to add fields to a Google Form which are visible only to specific users (based on their email ID)? Or allow only users whose email IDs fall in a set to fill the fields?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Creating a troubleshooting tree in Google Forms, but it can't embed images or links

I tried creating a troubleshooting tree in Google Forms but appear to be unable to embed either pictures or links.

I wanted to create a tree wherein users get directed to different nodes with further suggestions and questions depending on their earlier answers, similar to (but hopefully more useful than) the Microsoft Windows troubleshooter. If they are unable to resolve the problem themselves, I would like to receive an email or for a ticket or spreadsheet row to be created with the answers they provided.

I am the volunteer webmaster for a co-op preschool and receive many similar support requests, such as parents being unable to see the calendar for their child's class. I created detailed guides that I can't get people to read. Instead, everyone just emails me without giving me any of the details I need to solve the problem.

If this isn't possible to do in Google Forms, I'm open to other tools or services which can create tickets/emails as outlined above.

Other posts such as building a support section to a website and small business online support apps are too bulky, and would prefer a lighter-weight solution if it's a no go in Google Forms.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Adding hyperlinks in a Google Form

How can I add hyperlinks in Google Form?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Set up specific questions to appear only after particular answers on Google Forms

I am currently creating a survey using Google Forms. It's quite a long survey, so I would like to make it as quick as possible for everybody doing it.

A lot of the survey questions are repeated and depend on whether or not a person has had training in a particular area.

For example, the first question for each page will be:

  • Have you had training in X?

Followed by questions according to the first answer, e.g.

  • If you have not had training in X, how interested would you be in having training in X?
  • If you have had training in X, how confident are you in delivering the service?
  • Do you feel you have enough time to deliver the service?
  • etc.

Is it possible to create the survey so that if somebody indicates that they have or have not had training in X, it only shows them the follow-up question relevant to their experience?

Another advantage would be that I would increase the likelihood that the people are responding to every answer, and not just skipping over it. At the moment, I have to make the follow-up questions optional due to it applying/not applying to them, so it means they can skip over questions that are relevant to them.

Source: (StackOverflow)

How can I get Google Docs to stop formatting a form response as a date?

I have a Google form with a question that contains a drop-down box with the following values:

  • Fewer than 10
  • 11-25
  • 26-50
  • More than 50

If the user selects "11-25", Google Docs renders the response data like this:

ono halp

Under the formats dropdown in the toolbar, selecting "Plain Text" has the cell render as this date. Selecting "Normal" gives just "40,872", and selecting any other type of format gives "$ 40,872.00", "980928:00:00", and other various numbers that aren't anything like "11-25", depending on what option I choose.

The workaround is to change the form response option to "11-25 apples", or to recognize when manipulating my data that 11/25/2011 really means 11-25 apples. But is there a way to get Google Docs to stop turning "11-25" into a date?

Source: (StackOverflow)

How to create a question in Google Forms that allows two distinct answers?

I have a question like this (it's a DISC test, if this matters):

1. From the following list, which option is 100% you and which option is 0% you?
a. tall
b. fat
c. happy
d. unemployed

How can I make this possible in Google Forms? The person answering it must be able to choose two of the four options, but they should be distinct (one must be 100% you and the other must be 0% you).

What's the best way to make this work in Google Forms? Is it even possible?

Source: (StackOverflow)

How to save users' responses in Google Form survey as they continue from page to page?

I have a long form for users to answer survey questions with about 20 pages. It's long enough that users may want to stop and finish the survey later, or they may abandon the survey altogether half way through. How can I...

Cause the answers on each page to be saved to a spreadsheet when the user clicks the continue button to move to the next page?


Add the option for the user to save their responses and complete the survey later?

Source: (StackOverflow)