
google-documents interview questions

Top google-documents frequently asked interview questions

How to center a table in Google Docs?

Centering data within a table cell or cells in Google Docs is straightforward and easy (highlight and center).

But how to center an entire table?

This should be easy, but it isn't. I can't for the life of me figure it out.

Any help?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Is Google Docs' Revision History a stable long-term audit trail?

Are all our changes logged, safe, saved, secure and downloadable? Has Google Docs committed to it all being seeable, shareable, protected and preserved?

Remembering what was said is important. I write about Language Evolution et al, so I need a memory, a change log, to show a path.

Important work and business needs reliable, transparent records, so is Google Docs able to recall and share what happens in a living documents' life?

Version history by Google Docs is advocated to give us all integrity, in creative processes, but I am cautious and curious if our full, true timelines will survive long-term.

Source: (StackOverflow)


How do I mail merge from Google Spreadsheet to a Google Document?

With Microsoft Excel and Microsoft Word, it is easy to merge rows from a spreadsheet into pages in a Word file. This was traditionally used to make paper mailings. How can I do the same with Google Drive / Google Docs?

There are plenty of templates that offer spreadsheet-to-email mail merge: How do I do a Mail Merge with Gmail? but that's not what I'm after.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Embed Google Spreadsheet in Google Document

Is it possible to embed a Google Spreadsheet into a Google Document à la Microsoft Excel and Microsoft Word? How about a chart from a Spreadsheet?

Source: (StackOverflow)

A faster way to access Strikethrough on Google Docs

I use a document on Google Docs as a simple to do list. I hate it that I have to access the Strikethrough command via a menu.

Is there a hidden keystroke to toggle Strikethrough or perhaps a way to add the Strikethrough command to the toolbar?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Google Docs, make a single page landscape

I have a really large table and I need to add it to a portrait document. Is there any way to make a single page landscape in Google Docs? In word you could add a "Section break" and do that. I hope it's not too much to ask. I'm working on a document with my friend and I can't just use Word. :(

Source: (StackOverflow)

How do I add new styles to Google docs?

Google docs has a nice set of styles such as normal text and header 1.

How do I add my own? I want to add a style called "code" for text that is programming code.

Source: (StackOverflow)

How can I get code syntax highlighting in Google Docs?

Is there way to switch on syntax highlighting in Google Docs?

Personally I use it for editing and collaborating on C++ files, but PHP or SQL syntax highlighting also would be interesting.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Merging cells in Google Documents

Is it really not possible to merge cells with Google Docs Document?

I have a table like this:

| A | B | C |
| D |   E   |

Is this possible with Google Docs Document?

I also tried to do table nesting, but then I'm unable to remove padding so it looks terrible.

Source: (StackOverflow)

How do I add a caption to an image in Google Documents?

When inserting an image into a Google Document, text can be made to wrap around the image by clicking on it and choosing the "Wrap Text" option. How can I also add a caption to the image, with text still wrapped around the image and caption?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Gmail & Google Docs: Paste just the text, not the formatting (Firefox, Safari)

When I use Gmail and Google Docs (With Firefox 3.6.6), I often cut text from another HTML or PDF document.

When I paste this text into the document body, Gmail and Google doc will paste the text and the formatting. I almost never want to copy the formatting from another document, and I instead need to clean up the formatting afterwards.

Is there a magic key combination so that I can just paste the text, and not the formatting? (RANT: That's a dumb default behavior, and is becoming more common ever since Word switched to this behavior many years ago. How often do people want to copy the formatting?) Can I make this the default behavior for my Gmail or Google Doc editor?

I assume this behavior is mostly within the Google Application. I am also assuming that this behavior is common across most Google Apps. If this is actually a web-browser bug feature, let me know.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Block quote and folding in Google Docs

Block Quote:

In the old version of GoogleDocs there was an option to block quote paragraph, which would create a nice dotted box for the paragraph and make it like a section in a very big doc.

Did anyone find a way to get that functionality with the newer docs, is there any plugin, css for it ?

This link says that there is a way to revert back to old version of docs by Settings (upper right) / Documents / Editing / un-check the box for starting with new formats. I couldnt find that. The link is a year old


In Lotus Notes there was this nice option of folding. You get a small triangle that you can use for folding section of texts. Is it possible to do that in Google Docs and even Outlook for that sake ?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Spell checker for Google Docs for languages other than English

Recently I became a huge fan of Google Docs despite all the deficiencies. But there's one thing that really repels me from writing anything in language other than English, namely poor spell checker. It does not recognize about 10-20% of words in Polish and quite a few French words too, which is quite a big number I should say.

Have been looking for chrome extension that could do the job instead, but have found nothing at all.

Is there any way I could extend Google Docs (or get a Chrome Extension) dictionary with a few other dictionaries rather than adding not recognized words on a one by one basis?

It's been almost a year since pax's comment and I still hope this issue will be resolved soon.

To be very clear on what I am expecting to get take a look at the article from a Polish online newspaper, that is an article written by people who know the language really well by definition. It's about Hungary so yes, there are some words that might not have been recognized, but there are about 20 legitimate Polish words that have been marked as misspelled. If in doubt check online polish dictionary

Yes, I set the language to Polish.

As I mentioned in the comment, vim with polish dictionary can do a lot better; without the AI stuff that is sort of missing the whole point of a spell checker.

enter image description here

Source: (StackOverflow)

Can I prevent Google from tracking which links I follow in downloaded PDFs?

I want to create a PDF document using Google Docs/Drive that includes links, but without Google tracking clicks on those links.

Downloading a Google Drive document (File > Download as) in any other format (docx, odt, rtf, txt, html) behaves as expected: if I insert a link to http://cnn.com, the link in the downloaded document is to http://cnn.com.

Downloading as PDF mangles the link to add Google tracking: http://cnn.com becomes http://www.google.com/url?q=http%3A%2F%2Fcnn.com&sa=D&sntz=1&usg=<tracking_token> which displays "Redirecting you to http://cnn.com" and then sends you along. I assume that Google does this to track users' behavior. It's not as if a direct link wouldn't work for some technical reason.

Google does the same thing for links in publicly visible (but not editable) documents on Google Drive like this one.1 While still distasteful, that seems less obnoxious because they're still hosting the document and their presence is obvious to any viewers. If I'm on page on a google.com domain, it's not (as) surprising that they track links from that page. If I'm looking at a PDF from my Aunt Louise2 with a link to a video on vimeo.com of funny cats,3 I don't expect clicking that link to involve Google in any way.4

Try downloading that document in some non-PDF format and note how the links are now direct instead of going through Google. Is it a coincidence that this is only done for the format that's the most difficult to edit after downloading?

So, having gotten all hot and bothered, did I just miss an option somewhere in Docs' preferences that turns off this non-feature?

Is there an easy way to disable this tracking?

Some subpar solutions I'm looking to improve on:

  • Downloading in some other format and converting that to PDF.
    → Rejected for destroying formatting.
  • Manually editing the PDF file to fix the links.
    → Rejected because... yuck. (Though automating this would be a fine solution.)
  • Accepting that Google knows literally everything that I do online and that this is such an esoteric thing that there's no sense worrying about it.
    → :-(

1. Not my document, just the first public one that I found.
2. Not her real name.
3. Aunt Louise has only partially accepted the modern world. She uses email, but only to send PDF copies of letters she's written.
4. Except that in actual practice the video will be on YouTube and Google will know what I'm looking at regardless.

Source: (StackOverflow)

How to view the parent folder of a Google Document?

Often I have the direct link to a Google Document (mine or an organizational shared one) and want to find documents that are stored within the same folder. To do so, I would need to determine the folder the document is in.

Is there a way to do that?

Source: (StackOverflow)