
google-contacts interview questions

Top google-contacts frequently asked interview questions

How do I remove a contact from the Gmail chat list without blocking or deleting the contact?

Under Settings > Chat, I have "Only allow people that I've explicitly approved to chat with me and see when I'm online" checked.

I want to know how to revoke chat permissions for someone whom I've previously allowed without clicking "Block" (blocking them across the Google network--see http://google.com/support/chat/bin/answer.py?hl=en&answer=161879) and without deleting them from my contacts list (so that I have to re-invite them to chat or I have to approve their request to chat with me or see when I'm online).

Source: (StackOverflow)

Is there a way to share/synchronize contacts between Google accounts?

My wife and I each have our own Google accounts for Gmail, calendar, etc.

Obviously, we know some of the same people. We'd like to keep the contact information for those people shared or at least synchronized between our accounts. But not all of our contacts.

What are our options?

(Sharing calendars is so easy. I wish it was as easy on Google Contacts.)

Source: (StackOverflow)


Get e-mail addresses from Gmail messages received

How can I export a list containing e-mail addresses for everyone that has sent me an e-mail? I have all of the messages archived.

Source: (StackOverflow)

In Gmail, how do I set the default email address for a contact that has two email addresses?

When I enter the person's name in the To field, the auto-complete comes up, and lists the several email addresses that I have for this person. The first email address that it lists, is not the one that I want to email.

In the contact entry for this user, I have the email address I want to use as the top one. I believe this used to work in gmail, but doesn't anymore.

Is there a way to set the default email address for a person?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Advanced search in Google Contacts

Is there any way to do perform advanced searches in Google Contacts?

For example, wild card operators, AND operator, OR operator etc?

I want to search anywhere in a name, not just the beginning of a name.
(i.e if I write 'ac' it should display Jack as well)

Source: (StackOverflow)

What Contact sharing options are there in Google Apps?

I setup Google Contacts in Google Apps for several people. I'm wondering if there is any way to share (at least some of) the contacts between everyone in this domain. Similar to how you can share your Calendar with people in the same domain.

I know about enabling Contact sharing, but it seems like that will only share the contact information of people in the same domain. I'm looking for an easy way to share the hundred or so non-domain contacts.

Now that it has ActiveSync/Exchange support, are there any workarounds available at least?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Prevent Gmail from expanding email address using name from Contacts

I want to prevent Gmail from replacing To: i@corp.com with:

To: The fat guy who was near takeshi at the meeting <i@corp.com>

I just typed i@corp.com in the compose window, but Gmail expands it with the contact name.
I want to prevent that.
I want Gmail to use i@corp.com, or maybe i@corp.com <i@corp.com>

Sometimes I meet people and get their email but forget their name, so I write an accurate description in place of the name. But I really don't want the description sent to them:

enter image description here

I never added these names inside Gmail willingly. They are synced from my Android phone (which is not something I asked for).

I can't edit all names, because there are thousands, and actually I need these "easy to remember" names on my Android phone, to know immediately who is calling me.

Maybe the only solution is to abandon Gmail's web interface and switch to Thunderbird?

Source: (StackOverflow)

How to add filter and label to group in Gmail contacts?

I have my Gmail contacts sorted into groups. In my mail I also have labels associated with filters-for specific people I have a filter associated with a label.

For the filter creation, how do I associate a filter with a group in the 'contacts'. In other words, 'family' which is a group label in my contacts; rather than the list of email addresses?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Google Contacts: Groups vs Circles

Since the integration of Google+ into Google Contacts took place, you have the ability to organize your Contacts into either the former Google Contact Groups or the new available Google+ Circles.

What are the differences between the two approaches? What about using both grouping mechanisms, Groups as well as Circles? Or stick to one of them? I'm not sure if choosing only one has any impact to some apps which rely on Groups or something else.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Stop Gmail from automatically creating contacts

Gmail really likes to make contacts for me and stick them in my "All Contacts" list. I'd much rather manage my contacts myself and only add people when I want to specifically do so. (Actually, I wouldn't mind if they managed the list automatically except that oftentimes I get contacts made from mailing lists and sometimes the names are wrong, which is inconvenient.)

How can I make it so that my contacts list is neither obnoxiously long nor badly spelled and punctuated?

Source: (StackOverflow)

What "address book" web app would you recommend? [closed]

I am currently using Gmail contacts.

Is there anything better to try in the market ? (and if you can describe their pros and cons in a few words that would be cool)

Source: (StackOverflow)

Can I make Gmail use the nickname as the primary method of autocompleting contacts?

Is it possible to make Gmail use the "Nickname" field as the first choice for autocompleting a contact when writing an email? And, if possible, also for ordering them in contacts?

I don't know what was intended with the "Nickname" entry, but while I put people's full name in the "Name" field (obviously), I use "Nickname" for what I usually call them. So for example, I might have "Michael" in the "Name" field, but "Mike" in the "Nickname" Field.

This also relates to friends of mine whose real names are in different languages with different characters and whatnot, but I think the point is made.

Can "Nickname" take priority, and if it is not found, then default to the "Name" field?

Source: (StackOverflow)

How to change a contact's autocomplete email order in Gmail?

I have always been under the impression that the order of email addresses for a contact is the order in which their autocomplete suggestions will pop up. So if I have a contact with multiple email address and type their name into the To: field, the order of the email address listed in the auto complete pop up will be the order in their contact info, and in particular by hitting tab it will auto fill the first email address of the contact info.

Recently, I've noticed that this is not the case sometimes. In particular I have two contacts that recently changed their main email address and Gmail does not want to update the autocomplete popup with the order I expect. Whether this is because it is no recognizing that the "first" email address in the contact info has changed or because perhaps the auto complete order is based on something else (such as the email address with the most volume associated with it), I do not know.

Does anyone know how to have this behave the way I'd like?


An answer mentioned removing the offending email address that's been previously the most emailed address, saving, then readding, and saving the contact again. This seems to work temporarily, but reverts within 6-8 hours.

Source: (StackOverflow)

What's a great site for managing contacts?

At the moment I have all my contacts synchronized between Outlook and Gmail, but Gmail Contacts lacks some useful information.

So now I'm looking for a great site/web app for managing all my contacts.

Preferably it could sync with either Outlook or Gmail, but an export would be sufficient. Integration with other social sites for drawing in info would be a plus.

Any suggestions?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Attach a vCard of a Google contact in an email

This is related to Exporting a single Google contact as a vCard in that it would remove a step from the most common case use of that question.

Lets say I have two friends, Alice and Bob. Lets say Alice would like Bobs email address. I would like to be able to go into Google contacts, find Bobs contact info, and be able to email it to Alice. Does Gmail/Google contacts allow you to do this?

Source: (StackOverflow)