
google-analytics interview questions

Top google-analytics frequently asked interview questions

How do I remove permission from an app that I gave Google OAuth access to? [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate:
Unauthenticate Google OAuth connections

I gave Google OAuth access to this app that wanted to read Google Analytics API info. http://www.panguintool.com

No problem, but now I want to take away that app's permission to read my data. Where does Google hide these authorized apps so I can remove it?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Google Analytics email when X happens?

If i get more than X visitors on Google Analytics i'd like to be emailed. Is there any way i can ask GA to do this? I found how to do it for custom reports but it seems like emailing daily reports. I only want to be emailed when a specific event happens http://support.google.com/googleanalytics/bin/answer.py?hl=en&answer=57163

Source: (StackOverflow)


How can I get aggregated hourly visitors from Google Analytics? [closed]

I am trying to find the best hours for scheduling maintenance on servers but it seems that Google Analytics is not able to show me the aggregated usage by hour for a period of time.

So far I was able to see visitors by hour but only for each day, I am looking for something that would aggregate or average this for an entire month or so.

Source: (StackOverflow)

How does Google Analytics calculate average visit duration?

More specifically, why should the hourly average visit duration graph look like this: google analytics hourly visit duration

It's as if there's some sort of daily artefact in the data or method of calculation. This pattern doesn't appear in any other graphs.

Source: (StackOverflow)

What tools can I use to check what sort of information is shared about me with websites?

Related to this question about tracking mechanisms on Web applications and sites, I would like to know:

What tools, scripts or other applications can be used to identify when my online activity is being monitored or tracked by Web applications or sites?

Thanks very much!

Source: (StackOverflow)

How to see traffic from a country to a page in Google Analytics

I know how to look at the OVERALL traffic to my site by country, but I'm wondering how can I look at the traffic to an individual PAGE from a country?

eg. I want to look at what % of people visiting my shopping cart are coming from the UK. Are there any standard reports in Google Analytics that can do that?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Google Analytics — Question on how it affects search results on Google

Simple true or false: Having Google Analytics installed on your page will automatically cause that page to be indexed by Google and appear in their search results.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Do Google Analytics track both HTTPS and HTTP traffic?

I have a few Chrome plugins published on the Google webstore with analytics and I noticed today that the protocols for the URL different depending on what I happen to have copy pasted. Will Google Analytics detect visitors to these pages on both HTTP and HTTPS?

Google analytics page

Source: (StackOverflow)

Convert Google Analytics from @gmail.com to Google Apps For Your Domain

Recently Google enabled its Analytics service to be used on your Google Apps account. I have it under my @gmail.com account. How can I move it from @gmail.com to Google Apps (without re-registering all of my websites, users, filters, etc.)?

Let me clarify more: I have one old Google account (xxx@gmail.com) where I have Google Analytics. I have another Google account (xxx@my-own-domain.com) where I would like to seamlessly transfer my Google Analytics to. Is it possible? If so, how?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Advanced filtering in Google Analytics using OR statements

When generating reports in Google Analytics, a useful feature is the advanced filtering. I'm trying to include two criteria/dimensions for the filter, where they are joined by OR.

In other words I would like to filter on Criteria A OR Criteria B. The default and only option in Analytics is AND, and there seems to be no way to change this.

Am I missing something? Is there no way to filter with or? This seems like a terrible feature flaw in Analytics if so.

enter image description here

Source: (StackOverflow)

Google Analytics: Best way to separate stats for subdirectories?

I have a number of sub-sites operating under the same domain. I would like to track the stats and analytics with Google Analytics, but have each sub-site appear on its own. My site structure looks similar to this:

Parent Site:

Sub Sites

I can install a separate tracking code for each of the sub sites, or use the same one as the parent site. At the moment, I have one tracking code being used across all of the sites, and it becomes tedious to start filtering the stats of each particular sub-site.

Would it be best to get a new tracking code for each sub-site or is there any clever way to keep them under one profile but have their stats displayed individually?

Source: (StackOverflow)

How do I move websites from one profile to another in Google Analytics?

I added several websites to Google Analytics and created an individual profile for each, not realizing what I was doing. How do I move websites from one profile to another?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Advanced Filters in Google Analytics [closed]

I've been segmenting my full "referral" path to the "user defined value" using advanced filters.

screen shot

I would like that data, which obvious is the form of an URL, to be clickable. Would even be better if it could open in a new window.

Anyone know what I should feed the "user defined value" to get that behavior?

I've put up an image to better explain what I'm trying to do (sorry for the blur but it was the only think the client allowed). What I'm trying to do is put the yellow part (the full link path) as an external link so that I can click on it and just visit the site that brought the user here.

Any thoughts on how to do it?

desired output

Source: (StackOverflow)

How to delete secondary Google Analytics account (profile)?

I set up a secondary profile in Google Analytics a long time ago for a site for a store my wife owned. She has long since sold the store and neither of us has access to the site. I am not given the option to delete the "profile" anywhere in the Analytics dashboard. How can I get rid of it without removing my entire Google Analytics account?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Transfer ownership of Google Analytics accounts?

I have two Google Analytics accounts that were created under my Google ID while I was with a former employer. Is there a way to transfer ownership of those accounts?

If I can't just give those accounts to someone else then is there an easy way to recreate the accounts under a different ID without losing the history?

EDIT: I have been through the process to add another administrator, and my administrator privileges have been removed, but the accounts still show up on my analytics page! I can't even delete them... Am I stuck with these accounts forever?!

Source: (StackOverflow)