
gnome-panel interview questions

Top gnome-panel frequently asked interview questions

how to reset gnome panel?

I think my gnome-panel is messed up because I alt+right click it and nothing pops up. I'm on 12.04, classic gnome desktop.

so I used locate and found gnome-panel in .gconf somewhere, how do I clear just gnome-panel's settings so that I can add things to my panel again?


matt: ~/.gconf $ find|grep -iw panel

Source: (StackOverflow)

How to remove shadow from gnome-panel?

How can I remove this shadow:

panel with shadow

from gnome-panel?

Source: (StackOverflow)


Sound applet has dissappeared

I recently removed and reinstalled pulseaudio and now I can't get my sound applet back on my panel.

Any ideas how to get it back?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Getting network manager on the gnome panel

I've just installed 10.10 from a minimal iso. I've installed gnome-core and the network manager (among a few other things), and I've added the notification area to the panel.

According to the system monitor, nm-applet is currently running, but I can't see it in the notification area. How can I resolve this?


I've noticed that if I click really close to the right of the notification area I get a nm-applet dropdown box but it says "device not managed" under "Wired Network" (I am connected to the internet though), yet there is no nm-applet graphic.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Has GNOME2 been forked?

I'm a GNOME2 fan, and I was wondering if the GNOME2 stack had been successfully forked (Mainly just the top and bottom panel) so we can use it in 11.10 when GNOME2 classic is replaced by Unity 2D. I heard there was talk about doing that, but I haven't heard if it was actually done or not.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Visual corruption affecting several panel applets

This happens occasionally, and I never know how to fix it without deleting the panel and adding a new one. Any help would be appreciated.

Weird panel

Source: (StackOverflow)

Temperature indicator for gnome panel

Is there an indicator (a.k.a applet, launcher) that I can embed to my gnome panel which shows my cpu, gpu, hdd etc. temperatures?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Remove unwanted shortcut gnome classic

On ubuntu 11.10 using gnome classic I accidently made an error and now I have to deal with a redirect button to the gnome tweak tool in the top bar of the gnome interface, right next to the locations button.(but can be moved accros the top bar) I don't want and can't delete the button. Is there a solution to get rid of it?

Source: (StackOverflow)

How do I reload the clock applet?

It seems I am running this bug. Sometimes my clock applet just stops running, and I have a pop-up window saying 'The clock has quit unexpectedly'. Between 'Reload' and 'Close', I have unfortunately chosen the second option. Even if I have rebooted, I cannot launch the applet anymore. I am on Ubuntu 10.10.

Can somebody give me the command line that I could use in the application launcher appearing when Alt + F2 are hit ? Or any other solution in order to recover the applet on the gnome-panel ?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Where is the Tomboy panel applet?

I just installed Natty on my laptop and I noted that my Tomboy applet is missing. I click over panel and choose Add to panel to try find it but it isn't there.

Are there some way to restore this applet? I like it so much!

Source: (StackOverflow)

Gnome Shell Thunderbird Mail Notification

Does anyone know of a way to get persistent Gnome 3 panel notifications in Gnome 3 in Oneiric? It's one of the few things holding me back from using Gnome 3 regularly.

I've actually found a way of moving the notifications from the (usually) hidden bottom bar to the top, but it does not move the Thunderbird icon. The icon also only tends to appear the first time mail is received. I'm very surprised this basic piece of functionality doesn't exist for Gnome Shell.

Source: (StackOverflow)

What can replace system monitoring in the top Gnome Panel in Unity?

I'm used to have System monitoring in the top Gnome Panel: CPU, Temperature, Net, Fan-Speed. (see screenshot below)

screenshot of Gnome 2 panel showing the system monitor applets

In Unity, the Top Panel is locked for window name and global menu, so I can't add panel applets. So my question is:

Is there a way to replace this kind of system monitoring (always visible, taking not much space) in Unity?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Resetting gnome panel

How does one reset the gnome panel to the initial state?

During use, gnome panel applets move and get replaced with the ones users like. After some time the panel becomes so cluttered that it requires a cleanup. The easiest way would be to reset the panel to the original state that it was in after install. Is there an easy way of doing that?

Source: (StackOverflow)

How to customize the gnome classic panel

First the picture:

enter image description here

As you can see in the image, the colors used for the icons and the words Applications and Places (In spanish in this case) have a different background dark gray color than the rest of the panel. Also the icons look rather bigger in that panel. Now my questions are:

  1. Can the background colors be customized so they look the same all the way through the panel.

  2. Can the icons be somehow minimized a little so they don't look strange (bigger actually)

  3. How to edit the way to add icons to the panel. I have to actually hold the ALT key and right click on it to show the context menu which shows me the option to add something. That extra key press is not friendly at all.

In this particular case I am trying to help an older man start in Ubuntu. Unity is too much for him but Gnome is friendlier for him (Learning curve is not the best for older people.. specially 68+ year old people).

Source: (StackOverflow)

How to add panel applets to classic gnome panel?

Because of Unity's inability to use any Gnome panel applets, I changed back to the classic gnome panel.

However, even in the classic interface, I'm finding I can't right-click the Gnome panel to change anything.

How do you add applets to the Gnome panel in the classic interface?

Source: (StackOverflow)