
gmail-contacts interview questions

Top gmail-contacts frequently asked interview questions

In Gmail, how do I create a contact from a recipient of an email?

In Gmail, how do I create a contact from a recipient of an email? For sender, there is 'Add to Contact List' but there doesn't appear to be anything similar for the To: or Cc: fields.

Is there an easier way than creating the contacts manually?

Source: (StackOverflow)

How can I move Google contacts between two different accounts?

I want to move some contacts, using drag-n-drop, between two Gmail accounts. How can I do this?

Please mind that I do not want to import/export all contacts, I just want to move some of them between two accounts.

Source: (StackOverflow)


Find duplicates in Google Contacts

I use Google Contacts, but I find that I end up with quite a few duplicates (via multiple email addresses, sync issues etc). Is there any way that I can easily find a list of possible duplicates in my contacts?

I know once I've found them, I can merge them, but it's a bit annoying having to scroll through the list to spot them manually...

Source: (StackOverflow)

How do you add a contact to Gmail from incoming email

If a new person emails me in Gmail and I want to add them to contacts currently my method is:

  1. show message details
  2. copy contact email
  3. contacts/new contact
  4. fill out relevant info
  5. paste email
  6. save contact

Surely there is a better way! I keep hoping you could click on their name in the email header and there would be an option to add.

Is there actually something like this I just can't find?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Google Contacts: Groups vs Circles

Since the integration of Google+ into Google Contacts took place, you have the ability to organize your Contacts into either the former Google Contact Groups or the new available Google+ Circles.

What are the differences between the two approaches? What about using both grouping mechanisms, Groups as well as Circles? Or stick to one of them? I'm not sure if choosing only one has any impact to some apps which rely on Groups or something else.

Source: (StackOverflow)

What Contact sharing options are there in Google Apps?

I setup Google Contacts in Google Apps for several people. I'm wondering if there is any way to share (at least some of) the contacts between everyone in this domain. Similar to how you can share your Calendar with people in the same domain.

I know about enabling Contact sharing, but it seems like that will only share the contact information of people in the same domain. I'm looking for an easy way to share the hundred or so non-domain contacts.

Now that it has ActiveSync/Exchange support, are there any workarounds available at least?

Source: (StackOverflow)

What's a great site for managing contacts?

At the moment I have all my contacts synchronized between Outlook and Gmail, but Gmail Contacts lacks some useful information.

So now I'm looking for a great site/web app for managing all my contacts.

Preferably it could sync with either Outlook or Gmail, but an export would be sufficient. Integration with other social sites for drawing in info would be a plus.

Any suggestions?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Creating a new contact using Google Inbox

Is there a method to create a new contact from Google Inbox? There seems to be other ways to do this, such as the People app on an Android device or via Gmail. However, is there something I'm missing in Google Inbox? (It doesn't seem to exist on the web or on the Android application.)

Source: (StackOverflow)

How do I remove a contact from the Gmail chat list without blocking or deleting the contact?

Under Settings > Chat, I have "Only allow people that I've explicitly approved to chat with me and see when I'm online" checked.

I want to know how to revoke chat permissions for someone whom I've previously allowed without clicking "Block" (blocking them across the Google network--see http://google.com/support/chat/bin/answer.py?hl=en&answer=161879) and without deleting them from my contacts list (so that I have to re-invite them to chat or I have to approve their request to chat with me or see when I'm online).

Source: (StackOverflow)

How to send multiple contacts via Gmail?

Is there a way to attach multiple contact information to an email? Manually copying field-by-field to text body is even worse than sending them via SMS.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Get e-mail addresses from Gmail messages received

How can I export a list containing e-mail addresses for everyone that has sent me an e-mail? I have all of the messages archived.

Source: (StackOverflow)

In Gmail, how do I set the default email address for a contact that has two email addresses?

When I enter the person's name in the To field, the auto-complete comes up, and lists the several email addresses that I have for this person. The first email address that it lists, is not the one that I want to email.

In the contact entry for this user, I have the email address I want to use as the top one. I believe this used to work in gmail, but doesn't anymore.

Is there a way to set the default email address for a person?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Advanced search in Google Contacts

Is there any way to do perform advanced searches in Google Contacts?

For example, wild card operators, AND operator, OR operator etc?

I want to search anywhere in a name, not just the beginning of a name.
(i.e if I write 'ac' it should display Jack as well)

Source: (StackOverflow)

How can I change the order of email-addresses in Google Contacts?

I have many contacts in Google Contacts with more than one email address, and I'd prefer to order them in a certain manner. Short of copy and pasting all of them, is there a drag-and-drop feature of some sort to change the list of contacts?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Send email to Google contact group with Inbox

Is it possible to send an email to a Google Contact Group from Inbox? In Gmail you could type the name of a group to automatically add all group members as recipients, but that doesn't seem to work anymore.

Is there no way to do this now?

Source: (StackOverflow)