

Python service microframework Ginkgo Service Framework — Ginkgo 0.6.0 documentation

How do I set up a Ginkgo test suite?

I have inherited a Go project that consists of a lot of common files, a library of sorts, two executables, and theoretically a test suite. The test suite is being written after the fact. But I dislike the only way I've found of setting up is rather unpalatable

I'm using Ginkgo, and this is my starting directory structure

  • component1/component1.go
  • component2/component2.go
  • cmd1/cmd1.go
  • cmd2/cmd2.go
  • project_suite_test.go
  • component1_test.go

Each cmd?.go file will be compiled into a separate executable.

What I would like is a multi-file test suite, usually one file per component. Where do I put the files so that go test will find and run all of them, without leaving them here in the root of the project?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Is it possible to emulate Example testing with Gomega?

I have some go tests that I would like to update to use Ginkgo for BDD style testing. The problem is, the server uses stdout and stderr for logging, and many of the tests utilize Go's built in "Example" testing framework as follows:

import (

func ExampleConsoleLog() {
    fmt.Printf("Testing %d, %d, %d: %s\n", 1, 2, 3, "mike check")

    // Output:
    // Testing 1, 2, 3: mike check

I would like to using Ginkgo and Gomega to assert that these get printed out to the stdout, but there are no built in matchers that I can tell that do this. Gomega does provide a gbytes package, but there is no documentation on how to "attach" a gbytes.Buffer to stdout or stderr. Is there is a custom matcher that I can use for this?

Source: (StackOverflow)


Set log level when using goapp test

I'm having some success using Ginkgo with goapp test. However, the recurrent INFO and WARNING messages issued by the development server clutter up the terminal a bit much for my liking. The following is repeated for each spec:

INFO     2015-06-02 22:28:50,805 devappserver2.py:726] Skipping SDK update check.
WARNING  2015-06-02 22:28:50,805 devappserver2.py:742]     DEFAULT_VERSION_HOSTNAME will not be set correctly with --port=0
WARNING  2015-06-02 22:28:50,857 simple_search_stub.py:1126] Could not read search indexes from /tmp/appengine.testapp.basie/search_indexes
INFO     2015-06-02 22:28:50,859 api_server.py:172] Starting API server at: http://localhost:44696
WARNING  2015-06-02 22:28:50,860 inotify_file_watcher.py:196] There are too many directories in your application for changes in all of them to be monitored. You may have to restart the development server to see some changes to your files.
WARNING  2015-06-02 22:28:50,861 inotify_file_watcher.py:196] There are too many directories in your application for changes in all of them to be monitored. You may have to restart the development server to see some changes to your files.
INFO     2015-06-02 22:28:50,861 dispatcher.py:186] Starting module "default" running at: http://localhost:38301
INFO     2015-06-02 22:28:50,861 admin_server.py:118] Starting admin server at: http://localhost:46337

I'm aware that dev_appserver.py has a flag to set log level, but I'm drawing a blank on how to make goapp test understand that, so each test run is accompanied by pages of distracting spam before I get to Ginkgo's output.

I don't see anything to set log level in Ginkgo's own flags. Can anyone point me in the right direction? Alternatively, does the above output suggest I have configured something poorly that should be corrected?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Testing two strings with ginkgo trouble

First of all I want to tell you that I’m very new at go and that I came from Python. Having saying that than I can continue with my problem. I’m having the following trouble:

cacciald@cacciald-Lenovo-G470:~/workspace/gopath/src/github.com/lcacciagioni/bosh_web_console/executor$ go test
Running Suite: Executor Suite
Random Seed: 1409854483
Will run 1 of 1 specs

• Failure [0.005 seconds]
  Should execute a command [It]

      <string>: Hello World

  to be equivalent to
      <string>: Hello World


Summarizing 1 Failure:

[Fail] Executor [It] Should execute a command 

Ran 1 of 1 Specs in 0.006 seconds
FAIL! -- 0 Passed | 1 Failed | 0 Pending | 0 Skipped --- FAIL: TestExecutor (0.01 seconds)
exit status 1
FAIL    github.com/lcacciagioni/bosh_web_console/executor       0.019s

Here is the code:

// Package executor will provide a way to execute console commands in our
// Operative System.-
package executor

import (

func Runner(command, params string) string {
        cmd := exec.Command(command, params)
        var out bytes.Buffer
        cmd.Stdout = &out
        err := cmd.Run()
        if err != nil {
        return out.String()

And here is my simple test:

package executor_test

import (
        . "github.com/lcacciagioni/bosh_web_console/executor"

        . "github.com/onsi/ginkgo"
        . "github.com/onsi/gomega"

var _ = Describe("Executor", func() {
        var (
                cmd    string
                params string

        It("Should execute a command", func() {
                cmd = "echo"
                params = "Hello World"
                Expect(Runner(cmd, params)).To(BeEquivalentTo(params))

If some can tell me why this is not working that will be great!!!

Source: (StackOverflow)

Asynchronous Testing With Stream Processing

I'm very new to Go, so I may be misunderstanding something foundational about Go's async/stream handling, but here goes...

I'm trying to write some tests using ginkgo on a function I wrote that processes streams.

The processing side reads in newline-delimited text from a File until it encounters a special delimiter line at which point it tries to parse the text as JSON. The code looks like this:

func ParseConfig(inStream *os.File) (Config, error){
  var header string

  var stdin = bufio.NewScanner(inStream)
  for stdin.Scan() {
    line := stdin.Text()

    if line == "|||" {

    header += line

  // parse JSON here and return

My test looks something like this

Describe("ParseConfig()", func() {
  It("should pass for a valid header", func(){
    _, err := io.WriteString(stream, "{\"Key\": \"key\", \"File\": \"file\"}\n|||\n")

    conf, err := parser.ParseConfig(stream)


Unfortunately, this yields a JSON parsing error, as it's trying to parse an empty string. I'm assuming that my problem is that I'm sending the string on the stream before I've told the ParseConfig() function to listen on that string for data? But I'm not entirely clear how I could refactor this to use proper go routines to first listen for data then send it.

Some of the potential solutions I saw were around the use of "channels" (with which I'm unfamiliar) but I was worried that this one need might not be worth a major refactor to introduce a whole new paradigm of concurrency.


Source: (StackOverflow)

Testing Stdout with go and ginkgo

here I am making my first steps in go trying to do BDD on a go command line app. I am using Ginkgo, which wraps testing.go and lets you do more expressive BDD. https://github.com/onsi/ginkgo

I am having issues in reading the stdout to do an assertion on it.

Found that on pkg/testing example do stub the output before running but I can not find the way to read that output: http://golang.org/src/pkg/testing/example.go

This is what I would like to do:


 package cli

 import "fmt"

 func Run() {
        fmt.Println("Running cli")


package cli_test

import (
        . "github.com/altoros/bosh_deployer_cli/lib/cli"

        . "github.com/onsi/ginkgo"
        . "github.com/onsi/gomega"

var _ = Describe("Cli", func() {
        It("should parse update stemcell flag", func() {
                Expect(stdout).To(Equal("running cli"))

Source: (StackOverflow)