
gimp interview questions

Top gimp frequently asked interview questions

How do I draw a box in GIMP?

I want to draw a box around a portion of my graphic for the purpose of highlighting it.

How can I do that?

Source: (StackOverflow)

How do I open an EPS file in GIMP 2? "Could not interpret PostScript file"

I've created some EPS files in GIMP 2, but I can't open them back up. When I try, the "Import from PostScript" dialog comes up, but no matter what I do, when I proceed I get an error "could not interpret PostScript file".

I'm using Windows 7 x64/64-bit and GIMP 2.8.14, also x64/64-bit.

Source: (StackOverflow)


GIMP: change one colour to another?

In GIMP, I have a green button GIF image: it shades from dark green to light green, against a transparent background. I would like to change it to blue, and keep the shading, so it shades from dark blue to light blue.

How can I do this?

Source: (StackOverflow)

I accidentally closed my GIMP toolbox. Can I get it back?

While trying to quit the GIMP image editor, I inadvertently clicked the cross on the main toolbox (the one with selection/painting tools, etc). Now, the toolbox seems to be permanently lost, even after restarting. Is there anything I can do to get it back, or alternatively, how can I reconstruct it?

I'm using version 2.8.2 on Windows XP, with the multiple window layout.

Source: (StackOverflow)

How to find the JPG quality?

When I save a JPG file with GIMP, I can adjust the quality I save it at, from 0-100 (I use 89). It seems like I've used an app to see what this number was on saved file but if I did I can't for the life of me figure out what it was. Any suggestions as to what to use?

Source: (StackOverflow)

How to get a good clean newspaper scan?

I tried a few times to scan newspaper articles, but the images I got were always blotchy and with bad colors, sort of like this:

enter image description here

Sometimes I see some really good scans, like this:

enter image description here

What is the trick to get such good results? Do I need a high-quality scanner, or some good Photoshop filters?

If there is something I can do using free tools that would be awesome.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Word to GIMP pasted image too small

I paste an image from Microsoft Word 2010 into GIMP 2.6.10 using Edit → Paste as → New Image, but the pasted image is less than half-size (1280×800 down to 553×347). Pasting into an existing blank 1280×800 image makes no difference.

On the other hand, pasting exactly the same clipboard entry into Windows Paint works beautifully, producing a razor-sharp 1280×800 image, and furthermore, pressing Ctrl+C in Paint, then going to Gimp and pressing Shift+Ctrl+V in Gimp produces the correct full-size image in Gimp too.

Why does pasting an image directly from Word to Gimp reduce the image size? How can I make it paste the correct image size without having to go via Paint?

UPDATE: I just noticed that cutting the image from Word and pasting back into the same document also loses definition. Paint must be magical.

Source: (StackOverflow)

How to set a custom sized rectangle select area in gimp?

I am a totally newbie gimp (using 2.6.11) user and whenever I need to select a rectangular area of an image (for further pasting it into a new image), I just click the "Rectangle Select Tool" button in the toolbar and try selecting with the mouse. If I aim for a rectangle of certain size, it often becomes a challenge, because it's not easy to select a rectangle of certain size (in pixels) with the mouse.

I would rather want a way to set/modify the rectangle area explicitly, by having a dialog where I can input the size of rectangle in pixels and a way to move that area over the image using keyboard shortcuts, to make sure that I can select exactly the area I need and that I can get the selection rectangle there as soon as possible.

How can I do this in gimp?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Take a psd and export all the layers into separate image files without using Photoshop

This is my first question here and I'm not sure if this is the appropriate site for my question, but here it goes. If this is not the correct site, please direct me to the correct one.

I have a psd file. I simply want to extract the layers from it into separate image files. I do not have Photoshop and I've already used up the free Photoshop trial.

I am running Mountain Lion on a MacBook Pro. I have installed Gimp, but I can't figure out how to do what I want. I have searched using Google, but have been completely unable to find a tutorial showing me how to do this.

I would really appreciate instructions or a link to an appropriate tutorial. I have seen some answers here, but they simply say use Gimp, which doesn't help me.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Why does GIMP start up so slow on my machine?

Is there any way to speed up GIMP's startup time on Windows Vista Home Premium 32-Bit 1.6 [Dual] Intel Processors? On XP [different computer], it loads in less than 3 seconds. On Vista, it takes 20 seconds:

  • 2 Seconds (other - fonts, brushes, etc)
  • 18 Seconds (extension-script-fu)

It just freezes at extension-script-fu. Looking at Process Explorer, I see that it's not taking any CPU at all. EDIT 1: It does seem to be taking 50% of the CPU.

It gets stuck for about 18 seconds, and then starts working again. Then, the actual GIMP program pops up [...finally]. I have the latest stable version running (I think). I tried it with XP SP2 Compatibiliy mode and/or Run As Administrator, but that didn't help.

EDIT 2: One way would be to disable script-fu. Does anyone know how to disable it at startup? Is it possible? Would GIMP still work? What wouldn't work? Could I start it later, after loading?

EDIT 3: Seems to startup at lightning speeds even with script-fu (<3 seconds) in GIMP 2.8 RC1 on Windows Vista.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Using Paint or Gimp WHERE is the UNSELECT?

Why with paint and gimp both do I see all these drawing, selecting options and no clear unselect?

Is there a way to unselect any of the drawing or selecting methods then I can go and reselect what i did earlier without drawing another circle when I mean to select it. ?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Command line to automatically crop an image?

By using Gimp's menu, you can automatically crop the image (removing white borders). I have a lot of images with white borders of different sizes. I want to remove them using Gimp in command line but I cannot figure out what the command is.

Anyone has an idea?

Maybe by using ImageMagick?

Source: (StackOverflow)

get pixel alpha value

Given a pixel in an image imported from a png file, how can I get the alpha value of the pixel with the GIMP? If this is not possible, what software can I use to achieve this (OS: Linux)?

Source: (StackOverflow)

"Round corners" filter disabled in GIMP

I have an RGB image with one layer, and I want to apply Round Corners filter to it. However, the filter is disabled (look at the image).

What am I doing wrong???

Source: (StackOverflow)

How to change the transparent background grid in GIMP?

When a layer in GIMP is transparent and there are no opaque pixels behind it, you see a kind of default grid indicating that this part of the image is "transparent", like in the centre here:

Transparency example

Is there a way to change the look of this grid, or are you stuck with the default "light grey/dark grey"? I'm open to solutions even if the functionality has only recently been added in development versions of GIMP.

Source: (StackOverflow)