
gdm interview questions

Top gdm frequently asked interview questions

How do I replace the desktop by an application?

Sometimes it may be needed that a user only has access to a certain application. Running the desktop environment then may be unwanted be it either for security reasons or for acchieving a better accessibility to the given application.

In these cases it may be desired to replace the desktop by an application that runs immediately after login.

Other users should have a normal access to their desktops.

Source: (StackOverflow)

How can I replace LightDM with MDM?

Linux Mint Cinnamon 1.4 released with "MDM display manager". It is based on the code of GDM2.20. It provides:

  • Graphical configuration tools
  • Themeability
  • Remote, automatic and timed login
  • Event scripting
  • Language selection

And it comes with more features than any other Display Manager currently available.

enter image description here (MDM)

So how can I use MDM instead of LightDM on Ubuntu?

Source: (StackOverflow)


How can I change the login screen theme in GDM?

How can I change the Login screen theme? Is there a graphical way or no?

Source: (StackOverflow)

How do I disable GDM and Graphical User Selection?

The new Ubuntu features a completely unkillable GDM. Is there a way to disable it?

It is not enabled in services , the GDM startup script is deleted, it is removed from update.rc but it still starts up.

How do I disable GDM and Graphical User Selection?

Source: (StackOverflow)

How do I switch from LightDM to GDM?

How do I switch from the default display manager (Lightdm) to the older display manager (GDM)?

Source: (StackOverflow)

How do I make GDM the default display manager?

I believe my question says what I am trying to achieve.

Steps I tried to make gdm my default display manager:

  1. sudo dpkg-reconfigure than select gdm as my default.
  2. Edit /etc/X11/default-display-manager and change its content to


After the above two steps I logged out myself and after that when I see my login screen it still shows lightdm as my display manager.

What am I doing wrong here.?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Starting a guest session from the login screen

I was wondering what is the best way to start the guest session from the login screen (GDM).

Currently, I created a new user called 'ubuntu-guest' (has to be something other than 'guest'). Then added the following script to the Startup Applications.

/usr/share/gdm/guest-session/guest-session-launch &
/usr/bin/gnome-session-save --logout

The problem with this method, is that when you log in as 'ubuntu-guest', you have to start up two gnome sessions: one for 'ubuntu-guest' and one for the actual guest account.

Please let me know if you have any other better ideas. Thanks!

Source: (StackOverflow)

Remote login with graphical display manager (GDM, LightDM)

Is it possible to remotely (via ssh) make a login to GDM? I'll explain a situation in which I'd need this: I'm on my laptop and connect to my desktop via ssh. I realize there are some updates available. I install them all, but I need to reboot the computer. The problem is that once the desktop has rebooted, there will be no GDM session available, since it's necessary to log in. Can I somehow perform the GDM login remotely from my laptop?

Edit: I can't find FreeNX for Maverick, and I haven't been able to configure x11vnc + vncviewer to work. Isn't there an easy way?

Source: (StackOverflow)

How to get the GNOME 3 login manager installed?

I was wondering if it is possible to get the GNOME 3.2 GDM login theme working on Ubuntu 11.10. I installed GDM alongside LightDM, but the GDM greeter is really ugly.

enter image description here

Source: (StackOverflow)

What's the difference between GDM and LightDM?

What is the difference between GDM and LightDM? How can one switch between them. I mean if I have selected LightDM during installation process, will I be able switch to GDM?

Source: (StackOverflow)

How to hide users from the GDM login screen?

I have recently added several new users, that I need for qmail. Now they appear in the box in the login screen and clutter it, and I have to scroll to find my user. How can I hide those users from the login box?

Source: (StackOverflow)

How to restart only missing/invisible mouse pointer/cursor?

For some reason, the mouse pointer on my Ubuntu 10.04 PC disappears after the computer is woken up from suspend. That PC is missing a keyboard, so I can fix this by logging via ssh, and issuing:

sudo service gdm restart

... however, this basically restarts gnome, and will close any applications that may have been running.

Another way to solve this is to set up that PC as a synergy slave - and then move the mouse from the synergy master to the slave desktop; this brings the mouse pointer back.

Is it possible to run some command, such that I don't need to restart X (or gdm) but I'll effectively restart the mouse pointer code? Then I could put this into a script on the desktop, and be able to recover the mouse pointer after suspend without needing a second machine (even with the mouse pointer invisible, mouseovers on icons are still rendered, so I could target this icon).

Source: (StackOverflow)

Which display manager should I use? LightDM or GDM? [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate:
What’s the difference between GDM and LightDM?

I'm a somewhat experienced noob on this Linux-thing. I'm growing quite familiar with Ubuntu and I just love Gnome(3+).

Just by accident I was presented with a choice the other day. I was upgrading from an old Ubuntu version and then I had to choose which display manager I wanted to use with the new version. Throwing the dice (even numbers = LightDM, odd numbers = GDM) I got a five, hence, I choose GDM.

I have a rather decent machine (AMD Phenom II hexa-core processor @3.2GHz, 16GB RAM, too much disc space, generic on-board graphics card). I'm currently running Ubuntu 12.10 with Gnome4 (yes, I know, I'm brave/stupid, considering the fact that both are still in beta stage). The machine has a quite central role in my network, but is almost exclusively connected to from other Linux devices (considering Android as Linux).

Basically, I just want to know which manager is the most optimal for my above mentioned system (if there is a difference at all, but there is a reason someone wrote LightDM, right?).

Are there any performance benefits or compatibility issues to consider?

Will I notice a difference using one over the other ?

Remember I'm a noob, I barely know what a display manager is or does.

Cheers, dbm

P.S: I don't want to start a GDM vs. LightDM war here (I will delete the question at the first trolling attempt).

Source: (StackOverflow)

Force gdm login screen to the primary monitor

I have two monitors attached to my video card. Primary monitor has a resolution equal to 1280x1024 and the second has 1920x1200. My gdm login screen always appears on the second monitor even if it is switched off. My question is how to force gdm to show the login screen always on the primary monitor with resolution 1280x1024?

I use Nvidia GT9500 videcard in Twinview mode. I can't use Xinerama because vpdau doesn't work correclty in this mode.

What I have found is that mouse pointer always appears in the center of union of the screens and center is always on the monitor with higher resolution. Login screen always shows where mouse cursor is.

Now my primary monitor has a resolution equal to 1920x1080. The problem still persists, mouse cursor always appears in the right-bottom corner of the second monitor.

Source: (StackOverflow)

How does one exit the X server?

The command sudo service gdm stop would successfully disable the X server in Ubuntu 11.04 temporarily.

However, this same command no longer works in Ubuntu 11.10, because "gdm" is an "unrecognized service" according to Terminal. How, then, do I disable the X server in Ubuntu 11.10?

Source: (StackOverflow)