
forums interview questions

Top forums frequently asked interview questions

Notifications of replies to posts in SourceForge.net

I'm using a SourceForge.net forum and I was wondering if I can subscribe to my posts in order to get email notifications when someone replies.

I'm currently using "Monitoring" functionality, but it seems to work only at forum level and not at post level.

Source: (StackOverflow)

What's a good site to setup a support forum?

I have a small software company and we have a forum (WebWiz Forums) on our site. Honestly, with all the spammer attacks, it's more hassle than it's worth.

I'd like to outsource the forum to some 3rd party site. What's a good site to setup a forum on?

It needs to have the following qualities:

  • Free
  • Reliable
  • Handle spam properly
  • If they want to display ads, I am ok with that
  • It does not necessarily need to be under my domain name. It could be mycompany.TheForumCompany.com

Source: (StackOverflow)


HTML, Markdown or Textile support in LinkedIn discussion groups

Does LinkedIn support HTML, Markdown or Textile in their discussion groups?

I wrote a long comment in a discussion group on LinkedIn that would have been much easier to read if I could give it some structure like we can here or in GitHub comments.

I could just try standard HTML, Markdown and Textile in the LinkedIn posts, but that would basically be spamming.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Free application for local community? [closed]

I want to help out in a local community/support group for parents of children with ADHD (Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder). To organize the group we need a place to communicate, organize monthly meetups, schedule some dates and collect information.

So is there a free webapp/service that provides (importance in the given order, at least the first three should be met)

  1. free
  2. welcome page (static content) for the contact information
  3. mailing list where everybody can add himself
  4. News with RSS where the organizers can announce next meetup or related events
  5. Forum for members to discuss
  6. Doodle like functionality
  7. Calender to show the events
  8. Wiki or some knowledge base solution

I know I could collect free software for forum, mailing list and wiki and set up a server, but it's done on personal time without any budget. Further most members are not technically skilled.

Who knows such an app or an app that might fulfil out needs? Thank you

Source: (StackOverflow)

How can I delete my account/profile from asp.net forums?

I've created a profile to asp.net forums which has my full name as username and I don't want it to be displayed on my every posts. If I can change username then good, otherwise I want to delete that profile.

Source: (StackOverflow)

What are the forums for internet startup founders? [closed]

What are the forums for internet startup founders? (I hope if I remove the word best it is not argumentative anymore? Please do not close this question unless you add an answer here)

Source: (StackOverflow)

Forum software with a nice mobile interface [closed]

I'd like to provide a support forum for my mobile app.

Of course many people will be viewing this from a mobile browser and most forum software looks terrible on a mobile interface.

Is anyone aware of a forum package that with a nice mobile view?

Source: (StackOverflow)

vBulletin feeds (RSS) for threads and subforums

Howto read a vBulletin board with feed reader? Wish to subscribe to some threads and also complete subforums. Is there a RSS feature which can be enabled by administrator? Some hidden feature?

I know only about mail notification. But the mail notifications will stop, if you don't login regularly.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Make watch feature e-mail post contents for PHPBB

I use PHPBB's watch post/forums feature quite a lot. I get really tired of having to click on the e-mail to go to the board and see the new posts though. Is there some way to make it so that the e-mail that tells me there is new contents can just also contain the new contents as well?

This is an install that I control, so I can even change the source files if need be...

Source: (StackOverflow)

How do I sort search results by date in Google Support Forums?

Google's official support forums leave a lot to be desired as far as finding helpful information (they really should be powered by StackExchange!)

Is there any way to sort search results by date (created and/or last replied)? Currently it appears that results are only sorted by 'relevance' and some of the threads at the top are very old.

Bonus points if there is a way to limit searches to sub-forums. Presently, when you enter a search string in the search field, it automatically appends "more:forum" however if a topic has several sub forums (Such as Picasa, which has Picasa Windows and Picasa Mac), it doesn't seem that there is a way to limit results to a specific sub-forum.

Example is: http://picasa.google.com/support/bin/search.py?ctx=en:searchbox&forum=4&query=cpu+usage

This shows results from the FORUM but there is no way for me to a) sort results by date and b) limit results to the Picasa for Mac subforum

Source: (StackOverflow)

How can a moderator delete an old post on Yahoo! Groups?

I am the owner and moderator of a group on Yahoo! Groups. The group has tens of thousands of messages, and I need to delete a few individual, very old messages posted by someone whose Yahoo! account has been deleted. How can I do this?

According to Yahoo! Help, posters can delete their own messages by opening them in the web interface and pressing the "Delete" button which appears at the bottom. Though I know the URLs of all the messages I need to delete, this technique doesn't seem to work for moderators; for me pressing the "Delete" button has no effect. And the original poster cannot delete his own messages because there is no way to reactivate an account which has been dormant for more than a year.

The same Yahoo! Help article says that moderators can delete a message from the message list by ticking the checkbox next to its entry and then pressing the "Delete" button at the top of the page. However, in Yahoo! Groups's new interface, the message list is now one of those infinitely scrolling pages. In my case I would have to scroll and manually look through tens of thousands of archived messages in order to get to the ones I want to delete. Surely there must be a better way?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Anonymous Forum Software [closed]

This is probably an unusual use case, but is there forum software available that provides anonymous posts only? At the same time, I would like it to be a private, invite-only forum.

This means that users would have to login to even see any posts, but when anyone posts, it would be completely anonymous (no one would know who is posting). Yes, the user could create a post saying "My Name Is __ __", but they probably wouldn't do that as it would defeat the purpose of this forum.

I have been evaluating a lot of them, but so far the only solution I can find is to manually change the code to set the userid to a random string when the account is created. This may be a good option, but I can't find any platforms that make this task easy.

Basically, it's a forum for providing anonymous feedback, without fear of "retaliation". Users do not want to give honest feedback if they know the person who created the pages they are giving feedback on.

Any ideas would be helpful. Thanks in advance!

Source: (StackOverflow)

Is it possible to search over multiple Google Forums from one search box?

I've embedded several Google forums in our website, found at: http://appinventor.mit.edu/explore/forums.html, following the general guidelines found at: http://support.google.com/groups/bin/answer.py?hl=en&answer=1191206

While you do see searches over individual forums when you click on the name of that forum, I'd like there to be a way to search over multiple related forums from one search box.

Is this possible? Would a Google Custom Search Engine work for this purpose? (Off to try that now)

Source: (StackOverflow)

Can the Disqus commenting system be used as a full-blown forum?

Disqus is a pretty neat little comment system. Does it have the ability to be turned into a full-blown community forum. Has anyone managed to successfully hack/customize Disqus in this way?

Source: (StackOverflow)