
formulas interview questions

Top formulas frequently asked interview questions

Formula for smart, scale-aware number-formatting in Google Sheets? (e.g. 1,024 → 1k, 1,816,724 → 1.8M)

Any recipes out there for a "smart" number formatting formula for Google Sheets that's "scale-aware," a la Rails ActionView's distance_of_time_in_words method?

I would expect to enter a number like: 1,816,724 and see 1.8M (or enter 2,394 and see 2.4K).

Source: (StackOverflow)

Tool for teaching maths online [closed]

I'm trying to find a good tool for teaching someone maths online. Some kind of a online whiteboard that the student can be invited to.

I need to be able to draw graphs and handwrite using my drawing tablet. I also need to be able to type text and formulae.

Something with similar features to the Windows application iDroo would be great!

What online tool would be most suitable?

Source: (StackOverflow)


Stop a '+' from generating a formula

I'm having a bit of a struggle. I'm creating a spreadsheet which uses plus signs (+) regularly. I want a semi-permanent fix for +'s turning into addition formulae. See this YouTube video for a demonstration.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Looking for an "isFormula" formula for Google Spreadsheets

Is there a function that will tell if a specific cell has a plain (manually entered) value or has a formula?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Concatenating only filled cells

I currently have a spreadsheet to keep track of scores in a card game. There can be between 2 and 5 players. I have the following:

| Players  |
| Dave     |
| Paul     |
| John     |
|          |
|          |

At the moment I use

= JOIN( " vs " ; C10:C14 )

But the problem is I then end up with "Dave vs Paul vs John vs vs". Is there a way to make it say "Dave vs Paul vs John", but if I had more players, Dave vs Paul vs John vs Rob with one formula?


Source: (StackOverflow)

Which formula extracts the domain name from an email address (bob@example.com -> example.com)?

Which Google Spreadsheets formula do I use to get the domain part from an email address?

Example: bob@example.comexample.com

Source: (StackOverflow)

Google Spreadsheets ISEMPTY() formula function

Is there any way I can check whether a cell is empty?

There is a function ISBLANK() but it returns false when there's a formula in a cell even thought the formula doesn't return anything (or an empty string). I would like it to return true when the formula doesn't return anything as well. So the cell seems to be empty without any value.

Source: (StackOverflow)

IF OR Statements

How do you do an IF ... OR ... THEN statement in a Google spreadsheet? In PHP I would do this:

if($C7 == "U.S.A." || $C7 == "Canada"){ ...

How to do the same as a spreadsheet formula?

At the moment I have

= IF ( C7 = "U.S.A." , "The Americas" , "Europe" )

I'd like to say if C7 = "U.S.A." OR "Canada"...

NB: I should have been able to (and tried extensively to) Google this, but the search engine ignores the words IF and OR

Source: (StackOverflow)

Conditionally formatting a cell based on another cell's value in Google Spreadsheet

I did some searching on this and came across this post.

However, this solution uses an onEdit() trigger. I would like to see a solution that uses a formula approach, so in the OP's example from that post, the formula would be like so:

=setcolor( if(A1=1,true,false), RGB(255,255,0) )

How can I create a formula that does this?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Adding one Google Spreadsheet column to a string to dynamically create a URL in the next column

I have a spreadsheet of product id codes that I'd like to turn into links, and from everything I've read, the concat or concatenate functions in Google Docs should work for that, but so far everything I try results in an error.

What I want to get:

Brand   Product Code        URL 
AP  X527W       http://example.com/search.php?Code=X527W    
AP  X522M       http://example.com/search.php?Code=X527W
AP  Y500M       http://example.com/search.php?Code=X527W        

What actually happens, when I use the formula =concat('http://example.com/search.php?Code=', B2)

or =concatenate('http://example.com/search.php?Code=', B2)

or ='http://example.com/search.php?Code=' & B2



So how do I concatenate strings in Google Docs?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Can I use column headers in a =QUERY?

Reading the documentation for the =QUERY function1, 2, 3, some of it seems to imply that I should be able to use column headers directly in my query. For example, the =QUERY function takes a third optional parameter, HEADERS, which lets you specify a number of header rows.

Most of my queries would be a lot prettier if I could use column headers, thus not having to use column indexes, but I'm not able to make it work.


A      B         C
Name   Phone     City
Vidar  12345678  Oslo
Rupert 32165487  Berlin

I'm able to query this by using column indexes:

=QUERY(Sheet1!A1:C; "select A, B, C where A = 'Vidar'"; 1)

... but not using column headers:

=QUERY(Sheet1!A1:C; "select A, B, C where Name = 'Vidar'"; 1)

... this gives me Error: Invalid query: Column [Name] does not exist in table

Is it at all possible to use column headers like this? If not, what is the purpose of the HÈADERS parameter?

Source: (StackOverflow)

How do I combine a cell value with a string in a Google Spreadsheets formula?

I have the following IF condition in some cell:

=IF(A1>A2, "value is <C5>", "value is <D5>")

where <C5> and <D5> should be the values of cells C5 and D5.

I know it is a simple question but searching was not successful. I don't really know how to phrase this.

Source: (StackOverflow)

How to nest ImportRange into the query function in the new Google Sheets

We have applicants who come in and fill out a form via Google Forms. I have fields that auto-populate from the Response tab into a separate tab that is organized to fit our trackers. I am looking for a string to use with `ImportRange' that would add conditions to what is transferred.

For example:

Book 1

                    Applicant Form Response
   A   B      C             D           E         F          G

1  Jon Doe    xxx-xxx-xxxx  xx/xx/xxxx  Detroit   Michigan   Pass

2  Jon Doe    xxx-xxx-xxxx  xx/xx/xxxx  Detroit   Michigan   Fail

3  Jon Doe    xxx-xxx-xxxx  xx/xx/xxxx  Detroit   Michigan   Pass

4  Jon Doe    xxx-xxx-xxxx  xx/xx/xxxx  Detroit   Michigan   Pass

Book 2

                       Passed Applicants
   A   B      C             D           E         F          G

1  Jon Doe    xxx-xxx-xxxx  xx/xx/xxxx  Detroit   Michigan   Pass    

2  Jon Doe    xxx-xxx-xxxx  xx/xx/xxxx  Detroit   Michigan   Pass

3  Jon Doe    xxx-xxx-xxxx  xx/xx/xxxx  Detroit   Michigan   Pass

I want to be able to take the info from this sheet(Applicant Form Response) in book 1 A:G and auto fill into a different book (Passed Applicants) only if G = Pass.

I understand the range formula =IMPORTRANGE("Spread_sheet_key", "Applicant Form Response!A:G") and my Query function would be (if within the same workbook) =Query('Applicant Form Response'!A:G, Select * where "G contains 'Pass'") or something.

With this I am able to transfer all the data from one book to another. As stated above I only want the data of those who passed to transfer.

What other formula would be best to use and how do I nest it within the 'ImportRange' formula?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Count occurrences of names so that only one in each row counts

I have a set of data in one Sheet tab, and a counter on another tab in the same document.

I want the counter (in sheet 2) to read through the text in the table in sheet 1, and update how many times one name has occurred, counting only one per line. How would I do this?

I want it to end looking like in sample spreadsheet. Same example here: input data

name1   name2   name3   name4
name3   name5   name2   name2
name1   name2   name3   name3
name4   name1   name4   name2
name5   name3   name5   name1
name2   name4   name1   name5

Output (desired result) is:

name1   name2   name3   name4   name5
5       5       4       3       3

Source: (StackOverflow)

How is reddit's link karma calculated?

I couldn't find it easily in their FAQ: When does your link karma increase 1 point?
I don't think it's a one-one relationship with votes, as some of my stuff got upvoted and it didn't change immediately

What about comment karma? Is it the same formula but for votes on comments?

Source: (StackOverflow)