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"Open in..."-Link for PDF with Trigger.io

I'm still fighting with PDF documents and Trigger.io / Forge.

Is it possible to open a PDF document in an external application out of a Trigger.io app the same way the WebView / Safari does? If yes, how do I manage this?

Example in Safari

Source: (StackOverflow)

trigger.io - Can't create ipa-file anymore

I usually use trigger.io to generate my ipa-Files for iOS. Now when I want to generate the file, I get the following error message:

Failed when running /usr/bin/codesign: codesign_allocate: object: /Users/mherceg/Desktop/ag-app/development/ios/device-ios.app/Forge malformed object (unknown load command 39) /Users/mherceg/Desktop/ag-app/development/ios/device-ios.app: object file format unrecognized, invalid, or unsuitable

It worked yesterday, but now it doesn't. Any help is very welcome.



Source: (StackOverflow)


How can I debug Trigger.io in iOS?

I cannot get Catalyst debugger to recognize the application after it's been started. I don't know what I am doing wrong. The hash is exactly the same in the URL as it is in the app's head block, and yet the "Targets" still show "none." What could be going wrong?

Source: (StackOverflow)

How to execute forge watch

Hi everyone I try to use forge to generate a template for wordpress

I install forge, create a link and, when I execute forge watch and I obtain this error....

/Users/local/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.9.3-p448/gems/guard-1.3.3/lib/guard.rb:47:in `setup': uninitialized constant Listen::Turnstile (NameError)

any idea, how to solver the error.

any idea!

Source: (StackOverflow)

How can I make an app to run in fullscreen mode?

I just started using forge, and it rocks (so far) :)

Using trigger.io (Forge) how can I make the app run in fullscreen mode?

I haven't found a way to do so in the documentation.

I know I could manually edit the Android manifest to include


But this is not really a feasible solution.

Does trigger.io/forge have a simple way to specify fullscreen apps?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Can you use Stylus, Jade, and Coffeescript for development with a native mobile wrapper like Trigger.io?

I'm excited to be starting on my first project, and just wondering if you have any experience or pointers about the best way to use Stylus, Jade, and Coffeescript for development?

I'm sure I can figure something out, but thought I'd see if there was a recommended/fastest way.

Source: (StackOverflow)

How do I prevent forge.launchimage assets from being duplicated in my app?

The forge.launchimage module requires that image assets live under the src/ directory of my app.

Unfortunately this results in the final build of my iOS app containing two copies of each of the image assets.

One copy in the package root renamed as Default--.png as well as the original image under src/.

With iOS requiring multiple resolutions of each asset the duplication starts to add up quickly.

Thank you!

Source: (StackOverflow)

How to configure the developer_certificate_path and developer_certificate_password with Forge

In the forge documentation it states:

You should now be able to configure the developer_certificate_path and developer_certificate_password in your local_config.json file.

However, there are no examples of this or how to specify the provisioning profile.

Does anyone have any examples of the local_config.json file?

I have the path/file, password and provisioning profile - I just dont know this is formatted/used within the config file.

Source: (StackOverflow)

What JavaScript framework do you use with trigger.io? (backbone, knockout, ember, angular)

What JavaScript framework do you use successfully with Trigger.io? I mean client side JS app frameworks like backbone, knockout, ember, angular?

We use angular.js here but have some significant problems when using router for our app ... see details here https://groups.google.com/forum/?fromgroups#!topic/angular/XGDRAskA8qs . Trigger.io and using angular.js router doesnt work together.(at least we could not get it to work)

Do you use some other JS framework you can recommend as working fine with trigger.io using application router capability? (I could see similar router feature in ember or backbone for example)

Source: (StackOverflow)

Forge Errors with reading p12 and pfx files

I am having the following errors when trying read/decode p12 and pfx files:

Cannot read PKCS#12 PFX. ASN.1 object is not an PKCS#12 PFX

Too few bytes to read ASN.1 value.

I am trying to read the file in Javascript with the following:

<input id="cert-file" type="file" name="cert" /><output id="p12cert"></output>

Using JQuery, I attach a "on change" event handler, to check the selected file.


function handleFileSelect(evt) {
    var files = evt.target.files; // FileList object

Then I try to read the file and decode it using forge.

function getFile(p12cert)
    var reader = new FileReader();

    var password = 'password';

    reader.onload = (function (theFile) {
        return function(eve) {

            var p12Der = forge.util.decode64(eve.target.result);

            // get p12 as ASN.1 object
            // Not working for one of my p12 files
            var p12Asn1 = forge.asn1.fromDer(p12Der);

            // decrypt p12 using the password 'password'
            // TODO: Not working for some reason for p12 and pfx file
            var p12 = forge.pkcs12.pkcs12FromAsn1(p12Asn1, password);



I'm not sure if I'm just reading the file in wrong. I was going off of the FileReader examples from here. Am I doing something wrong or could something possibly be wrong with my certs?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Issues accessing the (forge-environment) from OSX command line

I'm following the Trigger.io Forge tutorials and I can't get to work properly from the command line on OSX 10.8.

Using the terminal and the Forge tutorials, I go to the forge-workspace folder and type this into the terminal:

$HOME/Library/Trigger\ Toolkit/forge create 

and get this back:

Matts-MacBook-Pro:forge-workspace mattm$ $HOME/Library/Trigger\ Toolkit/forge create
[   INFO] Forge tools running at version 3.3.17
[   INFO] Update result: you already have the latest tools

This name is what your application will be called on devices. You can change it later     through config.json.
App Name: Weather App
[   INFO] Registering new app "Weather App" with trigger.io...
[   INFO] Fetching initial project template
[   INFO] Building app for the first time...
[   INFO] Update result: you already have the latest tools
[   INFO] App structure created. To proceed:
[   INFO] 1) Put your code in the "src" folder
[   INFO] 2) Run forge build to make a build
[   INFO] 3) Run forge run to test out your build
Matts-MacBook-Pro:forge-workspace mattm$ 

The tutorial says:

At this point, you should have a command terminal open that looks something like:


But this doesn't show up. Plus, when I look in my library directory(and do a systemwide search), I don't see any folders labeled Trigger.

And when I try to follow the tutorial directions and do stuff like use the forge create command, nothing happens:

Matts-MacBook-Pro:hello-world mattm$ forge create</p>
-bash: forge: command not found

Matts-MacBook-Pro:hello-world mattm$ $forge create</p>
-bash: create: command not found

Before you ask, yes I installed Python and am able to build and run the app using the Forge browser interface.

Any idea what I'm missing?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Is it possible to listen for touches on the physical Android back button?

I couldn't find it in the docs, is there a module, or some other way to catch events from the android back button? If not it would be a nice and probably quick module to add.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Can I use offical apns (or easy apns) with the push notification?

I want to use easy apns with the iphone app, but I don't know whether can use apns with forge(don't use Parse service), I cannot found any APIs for this, and within phoneGap, I can edit the native objective-c code to handle this.


Source: (StackOverflow)

How do I change the splash screen on an app built with Trigger.io?

I have started building an app with Trigger.io but before releasing it I want to customize it with our own splash screen rather than the default one that appears with the Trigger.io Forge promotion. Is that possible?


Source: (StackOverflow)

Provisioning Profile and application Id do not match, why?

When I run forge run ios , I get this:

[ ERROR] Provisioning profile and application ID do not match Provisioning profile ID: G85A58Y2F3.io.trigger.forge4afef416b8a111e1910212313d1 adcbe Application ID: G85A58Y2F3.co.uk.nearbyapp.* Please see "Preparing your apps for app stores" in our docs: http://current-docs.trigger.io/releasing.html#ios

My local config looks like this

    "general": {
    },"ios": {
        "device": "device",
        "profiles": {
            "DEFAULT": {
                "provisioning_profile": "nearby.mobileprovision",
                "developer_certificate_path": "nearby_certificate.pfx",
                "developer_certificate_password": "xxxxx"

Any ideas of what could be wrong? I don't understand where the trigger provision id is coming from.

Edit: Ok , I changed the provisioning profile to be a wildcard one - I assume this is needed for running on the device? anyway, that resolved the error I was getting. Now, I get quite a bit further...

It seems to install on the device but I get this in the command window:

Launching - /private/var/mobile/Applications/ABBD210F-2683-46D0-BAF2-ED2AC25279A 4/device-ios.app Could not start com.apple.debugserver!

The app doesnt start automatically but it is installed on the device.

Source: (StackOverflow)