
followers interview questions

Top followers frequently asked interview questions

How do I find out who is following me on Facebook?

On Facebook, someone is following me besides my friends and clicking the number of my followers on my page, brings me to a page for which a search for the word Follow comes up with no results (i.e. no references to the word, "Follow" or "Follower" or "Following" etc. on the page).


enter image description here


enter image description here

Source: (StackOverflow)

Following back Webstagram profiles that are set to private

I have a Webstagram (an Instagram viewer) account, since I don't have an iOS device, and some people that follow me have private profiles, so I can't follow them back.

Is it possible for me to follow them back? And if yes, how?

Source: (StackOverflow)


Reached Limit of max number of people & Pages to See First. What is the limit & how to trim list?

  • What is the limit as the message did not say anything about that
  • How to trim the list for the ones I want there to avoid message

You've Reached the Limit
You have picked the maximum number of people and Pages to see first. You need to remove one before you can add District Crossfit.


Source: (StackOverflow)

How does "following" work on GitHub?

I have a GitHub account and I follow some of my friends and other people whose projects interest me. When following someone, I was expecting to see their public activity in my news feed, but it is not the case. I am used to following someone on Twitter and I thought GitHub would work the same way.

How exactly does following people work on GitHub?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Why do I see tweets on my timeline from people I'm not following?

I see a lot of people on my timeline that I do follow, and then a random person that I have followers in common with has a tweet show up on my timeline. I'm not following them and I don't want to see their tweets! How do I stop this? 

Source: (StackOverflow)

Twitter: Easy way to unfollow users not also following me?

On Twitter, is there an easy way to unfollow users not also following me – or at least get a list of such users I'm following where there isn't reciprocation?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Twitter is making me follow random people

Twitter is making me follow random people. After two days of unfollowing them I get another dozens of people in my follow list. Did my account get hacked or something?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Is there a way to track gross number of Twitter followers gained?

I'm searching for a tool that will track the gross number of Twitter followers gained. Most tools I find will track the net amount, for example, if I were to gain 9 followers in a day, but lose 15, it would only show me a loss of 6 followers.

I'm trying to see the data before the losses are factored in, so in the above example, I'd just want to see the 9 followers gained.

Source: (StackOverflow)

How to see historical follower statistics for Google Plus pages?

I'm a Google Plus page manager. I see how many followers my page has right this minute. But I can't see how many followers we had yesterday, or the week before. I'd like to know how many followers I had about a month ago.

Is there any way to do this natively with Google Plus?

What about with a service? (Hopefully, a free one.)

Source: (StackOverflow)

Bots/strange followers on twitter: any problems if I ignore them

From time to time I see strange twitter handles following me on Twitter. I generally ignore them. Don't follow them (for sure, don't even look them up mostly)

What can be the intention of these other than they expecting me to follow them or the links they post?

Is it safe to ignore them (and let them continue following me)?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Hide my Twitter followers

For privacy reasons, I don't want everyone to be able to see who follows me on Twitter.
How to do?

I am OK with removing all of my followers if it is the only solution, but I hope there are more diplomatic solutions.

Source: (StackOverflow)

How to hide Facebook followers list

I want to hide the names of my followers on Facebook. This image shows what I'm trying to achieve:

followers list hidden

How can I do that?

Source: (StackOverflow)

On Twitter, how can I find people most followed by the people that I follow?

Twitter recommends who you might want to follow and indicates a couple of people-that-I-follow that follow them. But no mention of how many others.

If you click on the recommendation you can get their profile summary that indicates they are followed by A, B, C, and 100+ others of the people-that-I-follow.

If you ask for the full list (View All) of people recommended to follow then you get a list which indicates they are followed by A, B, C. But no mention of how many others.

It's the how-many-others statistic that interests me. I'm more likely to follow someone if more of the people-that-I-follow also follow them.

But there's no way I can see to list recommended people that I might want to follow in such a way that I can see which ones have more of the people-that-I-follow who also follow them.

Am I missing something?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Are the followers on a blog publicly visible?

I've got a blog and I've got a few followers who's blog's are related to stuff I'd...rather not be associated to.

I know that I can't remove followers and that I can moderate the comments (I have a very strict Akismet setup going already and have to approve all comments, just to be safe) but I still would like to know if someone could find/view the list of followers. Is this possible, and if so, is there anything I can do about it? The followers I'm talking about are obviously those who follow a blog for the attention, as they followed, and then haven't done thing since.

I'm not hosting the blog myself, so I have limited control over what I can do with my blog.

Source: (StackOverflow)

How to track down the recent unfollowers on Twitter

Sometimes when I log in to Twitter, I realize that some users have stopped following me (there seems to be a decrease in the number of the followers). Is there a way to track down who those users are?

Source: (StackOverflow)