

Draws simple SVG flow chart diagrams from textual representation of the diagram flowchart.js

tool to convert c++ source code to flow chart [closed]

I have an old C++ code with multiple nested if else

Is there a tool that will take C++ code and produce a flow chart ? a free tool will be the best ;-)

Source: (StackOverflow)


flow chart diagrams : tools / best practices [closed]

Are there any free online tools out there to make visio kind of diagrams. I would like to practice my flowchart skills. Are there any good sites or books or articles out there that discuss best practices for flowchart diagrams.

Source: (StackOverflow)

JavaScript flowchart / flow diagram lib [closed]

Are there any javascript libraries for client-side rendering and manipulation of flow-charts? My preference would be for jQuery, but I'd settle for others.

This question has been asked before, but not for a couple of years so I'm hoping there's a more positive answer now!

The question has been asked again and now the most upvoted and most complete version of this question and answers is here: Graph visualization library in JavaScript

Source: (StackOverflow)

Embedding a flowchart design surface in a .net application

I need to incorporate a flowchart design surface into an app we're developing to allow users to create what are essentially workflows/schedules. I need to be able to create my own 'shapes', set custom properties on them and possibly have a bit of logic in there too (if, while etc).

I know I need to take a look at hosting WF in the app, it looks like a good fit, but does anyone know of other designer compoments out there I could use.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Sankey Diagrams in R?

I am trying to visualize my data flow with a Sankey Diagram in R.

I found this blog post linking to an R script that produces a Sankey Diagram, unfortunately it's quite raw and somewhat limited (see below for sample code and data).

Does anyone know of other scripts—or maybe even a package—that is more developed? My end goal is to visualize both data flow and percentages by relative size of diagram components, like in these examples of Sankey Diagrams.

I posted a somewhat similar question on the r-help list, but after two weeks without any responses I'm trying my luck here on stackoverflow.

Thanks, Eric

PS. I'm aware of the Parallel Sets Plot, but that is not what I'm looking for.

# thanks to, https://tonybreyal.wordpress.com/2011/11/24/source_https-sourcing-an-r-script-from-github/
  sourc.https     <- function(url, ...) {
# install and load the RCurl package 
if (match('RCurl', nomatch=0, installed.packages()[,1])==0) {
  install.packages(c("RCurl"), dependencies = TRUE)
} else require(RCurl)    

# parse and evaluate each .R script
  sapply(c(url, ...), function(u) {
    eval(parse(text = getURL(u, followlocation = TRUE, 
    cainfo  = system.file("CurlSSL", "cacert.pem", 
    package = "RCurl"))), envir = .GlobalEnv)
 } )

# from https://gist.github.com/1423501

# My example (there is another example inside Sankey.R):
inputs = c(6, 144)
losses = c(6,47,14,7, 7, 35, 34)
unit = "n ="

labels = c("Transfers",
           "Unable to Engage",
           "Consultation only",
           "Did not complete the intake",
           "Did not engage in Treatment",
           "Discontinued Mid-Treatment",
           "Completed Treatment",
           "Active in \nTreatment")


# Clean up my mess
rm("inputs", "labels", "losses", "SankeyR", "sourc.https", "unit")

Sankey Diagram produced with the above code, Sankey Diagram produced with the code above

Source: (StackOverflow)

Good freeware for flowcharts on Windows? [closed]

I have to present some 'process' or 'flow' of the application at work on friday. I was hoping to prepare a flow chart before I begin the hands on demo.

Any suggestions for freeware sw to make simple flowcharts on Windows?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Flowchart diagrams vs. UML activity diagrams

What is the practical difference between using flowchart diagrams and UML activity diagrams? I have some thoughts, but maybe I'm missing an elephant in the room?

Flowchart diagram:

  1. Widely used;
  2. Easily understood by non-programmers;
  3. Old?

UML Activity diagram:

  1. Standardized;
  2. Supports concurrency;
  3. Less known syntax, but still simple enough.

For my case of ad-hoc documenting a particular block of application logic, I decided to go with the flowchart diagrams. More people in the company will be able to understand them.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Graph flow chart of transition from states

I'm trying to find a way to graph something like this in R:

Image created with inkscape

It is a transition between states, I want the boxes to be equal to the population size and the arrows to indicate the size of the transition. I've looked at the Diagram package but it's flow charts seem too crude for this.

  1. Is there a better package that allows this?
  2. If 1 == FALSE: Is there some other software that is better suited?
  3. If 1 & 2 == FALSE: I guess the last resort is grid rectangles and bezier curved arrows, any ideas how to quickly get this off the ground?

Source: (StackOverflow)

jsPlumb: how to make Flowchart connectors avoid intersecting elements?

Is it possible to make jsPlumb Flowchart connectors not to cross connectable items or specified elements (in the example: elements with 'item' class)?

Default Flowchart behaviour:

enter image description here

A desired result:

enter image description here

Here's what I tried:


Edited to clarify


 <div id="root">
        <div class="item" id="item1">Item 1</div>
        <div class="item" id="item2">Item 2</div>
        <div class="item" id="item3">Item 3</div>
        <div class="item" id="item4">Item 4</div>
        <div class="item" id="item5">Item 5</div>


    source: $('#item2'),
    target: $('#item7'),
    anchors: [ "Continuous" ],
    connector:[ "Flowchart" ],
    paintStyle: {
        strokeStyle: "#000000", 

Basically to have jsPlumb engine (SVG or canvas) be aware of the relevant DOM elements and have a object-avoidance scheme


Source: (StackOverflow)

Creating Straight Edges in Graphviz

I want to create a flowchart (similar to Visio) using Graphviz. Here is a sample digraph.

digraph start_up {
node [style = rounded]; 
node [shape = rect] start end;
node [style = ""];
node [shape = diamond] "USB\nCommand\nArrived";
start -> "Initialize\nCode";
"Initialize\nCode" -> "USB\nCommand\nArrived";
"USB\nCommand\nArrived" -> "USB\nCommand\nArrived" [label="No" tailport=w headport=n];
"USB\nCommand\nArrived" -> "Has USB 3.0\nInterface Been\nSelected" [label = "Yes"];
 "Has USB 3.0\nInterface Been\nSelected" -> end

The problem is when I render this in Graphviz the line created by "USB\nCommand\nArrived" -> "USB\nCommand\nArrived" [label="No" tailport=w headport=n]; looks pretty ugly. I wouldn't mind curved lines, but this line looks deformed. You can see what Graphviz creates here

Is there a way to make this look better?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Online Flowchart Diagram Tool (run from private wiki) [closed]

Is there some flowchart diagram tool that would (or could be made to) integrate with a self-hosted wiki?


  • basic functionality (e.g., drawing some boxes and some arrows)
  • would strongly prefer it to be visual (i.e., not written out in text that then gets converted)
  • allows for dynamic editing
  • it is important that the tool can be integrated into the wiki (e.g., as an extra panel somewhere)
  • can be run from a personal server
  • free

I've looked around at other threads here concerning a diagram tool, but they are either desktop applications, online ones which reside on third-party servers, or cost money.

[Edit] Thanks for the responses, but I would like them to be dynamically editable (I've added this to the requirements). What I mean is that I would like to integrate (or run it from a private server) some online collaborative diagramming tool. While I could create a JPG of something made in Graphviz and upload it, this is not easily editable. I would have to upload the source file somewhere, which someone would have to download and edit, then upload the new JPG.

Source: (StackOverflow)

How much planning do you do before starting to code?

When you're starting a new project, how do you plan for it or how long does it take?

Pseudocode? Flowcharts?

Do you try to think of all the classes in advance?

TBH, i never plan anything. I get straight to it and think of solutions as problems arise. Mostly because the few times i tried planning in advance, i would always forget something major, and thus the logic of the planning would be flawed.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Automatic Flowchart Generator - Python [closed]

Does anyone know of any flowchart generator that support Python, besides Visustin?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Flowcharting functional programming languages

Flowcharting. This ancient old practice that's been in use for over 1000 years now, being forced upon us poor students, without any usefulness (or so do I think). It might work well with imperative, sequentially running languages, but what about my beloved functional programming?

Sadly, I'm forced to create a flow chart for my programm (that is written in Haskell).

I imagine it being easy for something like this:

main :: IO ()
main = do
   someInput <- getLine
   let upped = map toUpper someInput
   putStrLn upped

Which is just 3 sequenced steps, fetching data, uppercasing it, outputting it.

Things look worse this time:

main :: IO ()
main = do
   someInput <- fmap toUpper getLine
   putStrLn someInput

Or like this:

main :: IO ()
main = interact (map toUpper)

Okay, that was IO, you can handle that like an imperative language. What about pure functions?

An actual example:

onlyMatching :: String -> [FilePath] -> [FilePath]
onlyMatching ext = filter f
   where f name = lower ('.' : ext) == (lower . takeExtension $ name)
         lower  = map toLower

How would you flowchart that last one?

Source: (StackOverflow)