

Flickable: A Zepto Plugin to Enable Touch Gestures on Any HTML Element

zepto´s flickable.js method for window resizing event?

The problem is once I set this function:


I can't find the way to reset, destroy it or override it. So if the user flips the tablet or resizes the window of his browser the segment flicks with the wrong width (set on page load). Thanks in advance.

Source: (StackOverflow)

QML - Move to top #TOP

I am using a Flickable which is embedded in a Rectangle. There is a button in the bottom of the rectangle. My requirement is when I press the button my Flickable will move to top. Its almost like #TOP in HTML. Is anybody have an idea how to achieve this?

Source: (StackOverflow)


Bounds of Flickable.contentY in QML

What is the correct way of asking the bounds of Flickable.contentY? I need that for a scrollbar.

Experimentally I have discovered that

offsetY <= contentY <= offsetY + contentHeight - height

where offsetY can be calculated as

var offsetY = contentY-Math.round(visibleArea.yPosition*contentHeight)

offsetY is zero at the start of the application and seems to be constant unless Flickable is resized.

This formula works in general, but there probably should be a dedicated function for it.

Source: (StackOverflow)

HowTo flick a QML ListView horizontal and vertical

I want to display a big list on a small display. The problem with the ListView is, that I have to setup a orientation, whether it is flickable horizontal or vertical.

What I tried is:

  1. I inserted the ListView in a Flickable, and setup the Flickable for horizontal scroll and the view for vertical scroll, but then I can't flick to both sides at the same time
  2. I tried to set the flickableDirection property of the ListView to Flickable.HorizontalAndVerticalFlick, but this didn't work.

Heres a simple example:

import QtQuick 2.2
import QtQuick.Window 2.1

Window {
    visible: true
    width: 360
    height: 360

    ListModel {
        id: fruitModel

        ListElement {
            name: "Apple"
            cost: 2.45
        ListElement {
            name: "Orange"
            cost: 3.25
        ListElement {
            name: "Banana"
            cost: 1.95

    ListView {
        anchors.fill: parent

        model: fruitModel

        delegate: Rectangle {
            id: delegateRect
            height: 150
            width: 545

            border.color: "steelblue"
            border.width: 1

            Row {
                Text {
                    id: nameLabel
                    width: 345
                    text: name

                Text {
                    id: costLabel
                    width: 200
                    text: cost

Source: (StackOverflow)

QML WebEngineView flick content

I'm trying to make a simple web-browser for desktop with Ubuntu 14.04 using QML and WebEngineView component. The application will be working on devices with touchpad so it would be nice to make the content displayed inside WebEngineView flickable.

I tried to do it this way, but it does not work:

        WebEngineView {
            id: webView
            url: "http://google.com"
            width: parent.width
            height: winternet.height-navigationBar.height-iStatusBar.height-iBackButton.height
            anchors.top: navigationBar.bottom

            MouseArea {
                anchors.fill: parent
                drag.target: parent.data

            onLinkHovered: {
                webView.url = hoveredUrl

If you have any idea's or experience with this, please help!

Source: (StackOverflow)

Webview not scrollable using QtWebKit 1.0

Im trying to use a webview in my qml code, but the scrolling is not wrking with those two versions of QtQuick and QtWebKit. Also I tried the Flickable Web View, the scroll works fine but fixed position content is not properly repositionned.

What I have to do to fix those problems?

P.S: When I use QtQuick 2.0 and QtWebKit 3.0, there is no problem, and for materials constraints I have to use the version 1.0 for both. And Im using the version 5.3 of QT.

This is my qml class:

import QtQuick 1.0
import QtWebKit 1.0

Rectangle {
  id: container
  width: 700
  height: 300

  property string initialUrl: "http://bootstrap2modaldemo.scripting.com/"

  Rectangle {
    id: thumbnailContainer
    color: "black"

    anchors.bottom: container.bottom
    width: container.width

 Rectangle {
    id: content
    width: container.width
    color: "black"
    anchors {
        top: container.top
        bottom: thumbnailContainer.top

    WebView {
        id: webView
        anchors.fill: parent
        width: container.width
        opacity: 1
        url: container.initialUrl

Source: (StackOverflow)

Flickable + property alias contents

I've noticed a strange behavior which prevent me from doing what I want.

If I have

Comp.qml :

Rectangle {
    id: comp;
    anchors.fill: parent

    default property alias contents: flickable.children;
    property int contentHeight: comp.height;

    Flickable {
        id: flickable;
        anchors.fill: parent;
        contentHeight: comp.contentHeight;


main.qml :

Rectangle {
    id: root;
    width: 400;
    height: 400;

    Comp {
        contentHeight: 800;
        Rectangle {
            width: 800;
            height: 800;
            border.color: "black";
            border.width: 5;
            Component.onCompleted: console.debug(parent)

The flickable doesn't work.

If I try to put it all in one file, it work as expected :

main.qml :

Rectangle {
    id: root;
    width: 400;
    height: 400;

    Rectangle {
        id: comp;
        anchors.fill: parent

        Flickable {
            id: flickable;
            anchors.fill: parent;
            contentHeight: 800;

            Rectangle {
                width: 800;
                height: 800;
                border.color: "black";
                border.width: 5;

Am i missing something ?

How to do an external component which content is in a flickable ?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Access Flickable from parent element

I'm trying to call a function which is defined inside a Flickable element, but it seems impossible to access it by id. The following code produces ReferenceError: flickable is not defined when tab.getValues() is called:

import QtQuick 2.4

Tab {
    id: tab
    function getValues() {
    Flickable {
        id: flickable
        clip: true
        flickableDirection: Flickable.VerticalFlick
        contentHeight: column.height
        topMargin: 2 * pxPermm
        function getValues() {
            console.log("flickable.getValues() called")
        Column {
            id: column
            // some content

How else am I supposed to access the Flickable element? The function getValues() must be placed inside the Flickable because it needs to access elements placed inside the column.

Source: (StackOverflow)

QML listview: Flickable as delegate cannot be scrollable

To make a Android ViewPager-like for Qt, I use a listview like this:

ListView {
        id: myListViewArticle
        anchors.fill: parent

        focus: true
        highlightRangeMode: ListView.StrictlyEnforceRange
        orientation: ListView.Horizontal
        snapMode: ListView.SnapOneItem
        model: modelArticles
        delegate: articleDelegate

And a Flickable as its delegate:

Component {
        id: articleDelegate
        Item {
            id: item
            width: 480; height: 800

            Flickable {
                id: mainScrollView
                contentHeight: 1500
                contentWidth: parent.width
                anchors.fill: parent
                clip: true

                Text {
                    id: idArticleContent
                    text: articleContent
                    width: parent.width
                    font.pixelSize: 20
                    font.bold: true; color: "black"
                    wrapMode: Text.Wrap

            ScrollDecorator {
                flickableItem: mainScrollView

But after populate data for listview, I see the Flickable cannot be scrollable (in verticle).

Can anyone tell me how to make Flickable item scrollable inside a listview. Thanks so much for your help.

Source: (StackOverflow)