
flash interview questions

Top flash frequently asked interview questions

How do I get from an instance of a class to a Class object in ActionScript 3?

How do you get an instance of the actionscript class Class from an instance of that class?

In Python, this would be x.__class__; in Java, x.getClass();.

I'm aware that certain terrible hacks exist to do this, but I'm looking for a built-in language facility, or at least a library routine built on something reliable.

Source: (StackOverflow)

How to embed a SWF file in a html page?

How do you embed a SWF file in an HTML page?

Source: (StackOverflow)


Difference between e.target and e.currentTarget

I don't understand the difference, they both seem the same but I guess they are not.

Any examples of when to use one or the other would be appreciated.

Source: (StackOverflow)

How to embed a video into GitHub README.md?

Is it possible to embed a flash video into README.md on GitHub? It isn't showing up: https://github.com/mattdipasquale/PicSciP

Source: (StackOverflow)

Cross Browser Flash Detection in Javascript

Does anyone have an example of script that can work reliably well across IE/Firefox to detect if the browser is capable of displaying embedded flash content. I say reliably because I know its not possible 100% of the time.

Source: (StackOverflow)

How can HTML5 "replace" Flash? [closed]

A topic of debate that's seen a resurgence since the unveiling of the iPad is the issue of Flash versus HTML5. There are those that suggest that HTML5 will one day supplant/replace Adobe Flash.

I do not develop software that runs in a browser, so my (limited) understanding is:

  • HTML is a pure-text markup language that is delivered over HTTP to a client browser. The client browser interprets the markup and renders (with varying degrees of success) the page according to an standard specification.
  • Adobe Flash is a propriety framework for working with audio, video, sound and raster/vector graphics. It requires special authoring tools (a compiler perhaps?) and a custom player that's available as a plug-in to most common browsers.

Could someone please explain (to this C/C++ developer) how it is possible from a technical/coding point-of-view that a text-based markup language (HTML5) could be considered a replacement to a multimedia framework (Flash)?

Please no opinionated arguments - just technical facts.

Source: (StackOverflow)

How to embed fonts in HTML?

I'm trying to figure out a decent solution (especially from the SEO side) for embedding fonts in web pages. So far I have seen the W3C solution, which doesn't even work on Firefox, and this pretty cool solution. The second solution is for titles only. Is there a solution available for full text? I'm tired of the standard fonts for web pages.


Source: (StackOverflow)

How do you decompile a swf file [closed]

I am the maintainer of a site that has allegedly 'lost' the source code to a flash swf file. How do I decompile this source?

Are there any programs online or offline that I could use?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Can someone post a well formed crossdomain.xml sample?

I've been reading that Adobe has made crossdomain.xml stricter in flash 9-10 and I'm wondering of someone can paste me a copy of one that they know works. Having some trouble finding a recent sample on Adobe's site.

Source: (StackOverflow)

What is so evil about a Flash based website?

I have the feeling that Flash-based ( or Silverlight-based) websites are generally frowned upon, except when you are creating games or multimedia-content rich applications. Why this is so?

Source: (StackOverflow)

How can I detect if Flash is installed and if not, display a hidden div that informs the user?

How can I use javascript/jQuery/etc to detect if Flash is installed and if it isn't, display a div that contains information informing the user that they need to install flash?

Source: (StackOverflow)

HTML5 Local Storage fallback solutions [closed]

I'm looking for javascript libraries and code that can simulate localStorage on browsers that do not have native support.

Basically, I'd like to code my site using localStorage to store data and know that it will still work on browsers that don't natively support it. This would mean a library would detect if window.localStorage exists and use it if it does. If it doesn't exist, then it would create some sort of fallback method of local storage, by creating its own implementation in the window.localStorage namespace.

So far, I've found these solutions:

  1. Simple sessionStorage implementation.
  2. An implementation that uses cookies (not thrilled with this idea).
  3. Dojo's dojox.storage, but it is it's own thing, not really a fallback.

I understand that Flash and Silverlight can be used for local storage as well, but haven't found anything on using them as a fallback for standard HTML5 localStorage. Perhaps Google Gears has this capability too?

Please share any related libraries, resources, or code snippets that you've found! I'd be especially interested in pure javascript or jquery-based solutions, but am guessing that is unlikely.

Source: (StackOverflow)


Seems like the new <video> tag is all the hype these days, especially since Firefox now supports it. News of this are popping up in blogs all over the place, and everyone seems to be excited. But what about?

As much as I searched I could not find anything that would make it better than the good old Flash video. In fact, I see only problems with it:

  • It will still be some time before all the browsers start supporting it, and much more time before most people upgrade;
  • Flash is available already and everyone has it;
  • You can couple Flash with whatever fancy UI you want for controlling the playback. I gather that the tag will be controllable as well (via JavaScript probably), but will it be able to go fullscreen?

The only two pros for a <video> tag that I can see are:

  • It is more "semantic" - which probably holds no importance to a whole lot of people, including me;
  • It is not dependent on a single commercial 3rd party entity (Adobe) - which I also don't see as a compelling reason to switch, because free players and video converters are already available, and Adobe is not hindering the whole process in any way (it's not in their interests even).

So... what's the big deal?


OK, so there is one more Pro... maybe. Support for mobile devices. Hard to say though. A number of thoughts race through my head about the subject:

  • How many mobile devices are actually able to decode video at a decent speed anyway, Flash or otherwise?
  • How long until mainstream mobile devices get the <video> support? Even if it is available through updates, how many people actually do that?
  • How many people watch videos on web pages on their mobile phones at all?

As for the semantics part - I understand that search engines might be able to detect videos better now, but... what will they do with them anyway? OK, so they know that there is a video in the page. And? They can't index a video! I'd like some more arguments here.


Just thought of another Cons. This opens up a whole new area of cross-browser incompatibility. HTML and CSS is quite messy already in this aspect. Flash at least is the same everywhere. But it's enough for at least one major browser vendor to decide against the <video> tag (can anyone say "Internet Explorer"?) and we have a nice new area of hell to explore.


A Pro just came in. More competition = more innovation. That's true. Giving Adobe more competition will probably force them to improve Flash in areas it has been lacking so far. Linux seems to be a weak spot for it, cited by many.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Flash CS4 refuses to let go

I have a Flash project, and it has many source files. I have a fairly heavily-used class, call it Jenine. I recently (and, perhaps, callously) relocated Jenine from one namespace to another. I thought we were ready - I thought it was time. The new Jenine was better in every way - she had lost some code bloat, she had decoupled herself from a few vestigial class relationships, and she had finally come home to the namespace that she had always secretly known in her heart was the one she truly belonged to. She was among her own kind.

Unfortunately, Flash would have none of that. Perhaps it had formed an attachment. Perhaps it didn't want Jenine to be decoupled. Either way, it clung to the old, perfect version of Jenine in its memory. It refused to move on. It ignored her (function) calls. It tried to forget her new, public interfaces. Instead, every instance of Jenine that it constructed was always a copy of the old version, down to its classpath:

var jenineInstance:Jenine = new Jenine();
trace( getQualifiedClassName(jenineInstance));
// Should print: com.newnamespace.subspace::Jenine
// Prints: com.oldnamespace.subspace::Jenine
// Ah, young love!

We fought. I'm not proud of some of the things I said or did. In the end, in a towering fit of rage, I deleted all references of Jenine completely. She was utterly, completely erased from the system. My cursor fell upon the "Empty Trash" menu option like the cold lid of a casket.

I don't think Flash ever recovered. To this day it still clings to the memory of Jenine. Her old, imperfect definitions still float through my project like abandoned ghosts. Whenever I force Flash to compile, it still lovingly inserts her into my movie, nestling her definition in amongst the other, living classes, like a small shrine. I wonder if they can see her.

Flash and I don't really talk anymore. I write my code, it compiles it. There's a new girl in town named Summer who looks almost identical to Jenine, as if someone had just copied her source-code wholesale into a new class, but Flash hasn't shown any interest. Most days it just mopes around and writes bad poetry in my comments when it thinks I'm not looking.

I hope no one else has had a similar experience, that this is just a singular, painful ripple in the horrifying dark lagoon that is the Flash code-base. If, by some fluke chance you have, or you have any idea how to erase whatever damn cache the compiler is using, please, please help.

Source: (StackOverflow)

What is the current state of sub-pixel accuracy in the major browsers?

I'm working on a drawing application which requires high levels of accuracy, and I'm wondering which of the major browser platforms (including the HTML Canvas element, and Flash) give the best sub-pixel layout accuracy, both for drawn elements (rectangles in the Canvas or Flash, absolutely positioned DIVs in the browser), and for text.

There are a number of posts related to this, both on this site and others, (see list at bottom), but many are quite old, and none summarises the current situation.

My understanding is that Flash has native support for sub-pixel positioning, using twips to position objects to one twentieth of a pixel, and that when the TextLayoutFramework is used, this accuracy also extends to text. There is at least one report, however, that this doesn't work properly in Chrome. Can anyone confirm this?

My understanding of the situation in the browsers is that Firefox 14+ supports sub-pixel positioning for text and drawn elements, both in page layout and within the Canvas, but I haven't been able to ascertain how accurate this is.

I understand Chrome (as of v21) does not support sub-pixel positioning at all.

I understand IE9 doesn't support sub-pixel positioning, but it appears from the MS blog post linked below that IE10 will.

I don't know if there's any Mac/PC variance in this, and I don't know also if the accuracy of Flash varies between platforms and/or browsers.

I understand a summary question like this may provoke some debate, but I believe this is specific enough for people to provide useful answers, and hope that this thread can be a reference for the state of positioning accuracy up to now.

Some references:


Sub-pixel rendering in Chrome Canvas



Sub Pixel CSS positioning


Source: (StackOverflow)