
file-format interview questions

Top file-format frequently asked interview questions

Math equation formats

I need to store equations in a text file, in a source format that can be converted to something that can be rendered (e.g. mathML). I like the format used in OpenOffice. I don't want to use TeX, or at least I don't want to pull in all the baggage of interpreting TeX. What format does OpenOffice Equation Editor use, and are there 3rd party command-line converters that will process this format? I don't want to have to run OpenOffice every time I need to render/convert my equations.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Why provide a postscript document?

I have seen many people linking postscript versions of their resume along with the pdf versions.

What purpose does it serve?

Source: (StackOverflow)


What file extension does a tab delimited file have?

Comma delimited files usually have a file extension of .csv. What file extension should a tab delimited file have? When doing an export from Excel, it saves it as .txt when selecting tab delimited, but wasn't sure if this was the standard. Thanks.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Why are camera files typically prefixed "DSCN" or something similar?

I've noticed that files from my digital camera are always saved on the SD card as DSCN####.JPG. Some other cameras also save with this naming scheme, but others yet save with the prefix DSC, and sometimes even other strings. Is there any significance to these prefixes? Does it mean anything to the computer when importing the photos? And why do different cameras use different prefixes?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Is there a way to convert SWF animations to movie files on Linux?

Is there any Linux tool that will take a SWF file and output some kind of video format? Note that I don't want a tool which will re-encode an embedded FLV or MP4, I want to take a standard Flash movie and render it as a video.

I found a reference to dump-gnash in the GNU Manual, but having installed the gnash package on Fedora I don't have that command.

Source: (StackOverflow)

What are .md files?

I often see files with a ".md" extension. I usually open them with a text editor like Gedit and I can read them just fine.

So – why do they use .md files and not say .txt files? Can somebody explain how .md files are different from regular .txt?

I did a web search but all I came across were wrong references to a "moneydance program file format".

Source: (StackOverflow)

EOL in Notepad++ and Notepad

I'm using Notepad++ to create some text file, but I noticed when the generated file is opened in Windows Notepad, the file contents get mal-formated due to the fact that Notepad++ use LF and EOL character, while Notepad expects CR + LF.

Is there any way to change this behavior in Notepad++??

Source: (StackOverflow)

Save OS X Grab images in formats other than .tiff?

Can OS X's Grab utility be made to save images in formats other than .tiff? I'm specifically looking to extend / adjust Grab for the sake of a quick, short workflow, rather than looking for another tool to use.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Document file format for universal adoption? [closed]

I don't want to assume that someone has Word installed on their machine. What is the best file format so that everyone can read a document file?

The only ones I can think of are:

  • Rich Text Format
  • Open Document Format
  • Portable Document Format
  • Plaint Text

For example, what would be the best file format to write a resume in? I've actually written mine in XHTML, but some places simply demand a .doc file.

Source: (StackOverflow)

What is a "file format"? [closed]

What do we mean by a "file format"?

Source: (StackOverflow)

True difference between Excel CSV and Standard CSV

What is the true difference between an Excel CSV and a standard CSV?

For example, when handling columns with line breaks inside one cell, how do they encode it differently?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Is there a single catch-all-features tracked music format?

I have an archive of old(ish) tracked music in various formats - .mod, .s3m, .it and Commodore 64 .sid files.

Is there a single, well-supported, tracked music format with a super-set of the features of all of these, to which I can losslessly convert all of my files?

I'm specifically interested in a format with support for a variety of tags (a-la-ID3).

Source: (StackOverflow)

Tell if a .gz file is really gzipped

What is a nice command-line trick to tell if a .gz file is really gzipped, as opposed to being a non-Gzip file just named that way?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Are you allowed to come up with any desired file extension (for Unix, Linux, Windows)?

I want to create a file called "message" that contains text only. How does the system know what program to use to read it if I decide to call it:

  • message.txt?
  • message.dat?
  • message.enc?
  • message.cpz?
  • message.asdfasdf?
  • message.abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz?
  • message.this_is_so_random?
  • or just 'message' with no extension?

I was wondering this for text-only files, but what about files that contain video and audio?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Who decides if file format is popular enough to have its own MIME type?

Who decides, if a program is popular enough to have its own MIME type?

Right now, I program something for dealing with .srt subtitles - and while on wikipedia, it has application/x-subrip MIME type, nothing like that is seen in the official IANA MIME list.

How is that determined? Who decides, if srt is popular enough to have its own listing in IANA MIME list?

Source: (StackOverflow)