
facebook-timeline interview questions

Top facebook-timeline frequently asked interview questions

Facebook's "View As..." returns blank profile?

I am using the "View As..." tool to see how a certain person sees my profile.

But it turns up empty! No timeline, just a blank page after my cover and profile pics.

This doesn't make sense since we are Facebook friends and my profile privacy rules says all timeline posts are open to all friends.

In addition this person is not in any special list (and needless to say, other people that I tested - view my profile just fine).

Something to consider: this person has blocked writing on their timeline (at least, I can't write on their timeline, and I see only posts written by him).

What is going on?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Direct permalink (object_id) to posts on the new facebook Timeline profiles

How do you link directly to a wall post under the Facebook Timeline view of things?

With the old Facebook profiles, you can use Firebug (a Firefox add-on) to look at the wall post, and get the object_id.

With a Timeline profile, there is no object_id, rather there are:

  • contentid (sometimes negative)
  • contextwindowstart
  • contextwindowend

None of them work when placed in a direct link URL, e.g. http://www.facebook.com/[profile-username]/posts/[object_id].

Source: (StackOverflow)


How to display my timeline of only a particular month in the past?

I want to check everything I posted a particular month many years ago.

I could scroll down all the way, but scrolling all these years takes forever and makes my browser really slow.

How to show my timeline only for a particular month, for instance December 2009?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Why do I see tweets on my timeline from people I'm not following?

I see a lot of people on my timeline that I do follow, and then a random person that I have followers in common with has a tweet show up on my timeline. I'm not following them and I don't want to see their tweets! How do I stop this? 

Source: (StackOverflow)

Can Facebook Timeline be updated via an API?

Is it possible to update Facebook Timeline using some sort of an API?

Say for instance if I wanted to upload a large amount of content for the reverse chronological history of the timeline?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Better way to search the Facebook activity log / timeline?

I'm trying to find a post I made on my timeline (aka wall) several months (or even years) ago, but can't find a way to search for it. I see there's a way to download my entire content, but that's very heavy.

Currently, I open the activity log (e.g., https://www.facebook.com/username/allactivity) and start scrolling down to get some info on the page. Then I use my browser to search for the text. But this is slow and, depending on how far back I want to go, tedious. Clicking on the earliest month/year in the filter only loads those periods specifically.

Anyone know of a better way that will find the search words anywhere on your activity log quickly?

Edit: There's a "bug report" (not really a bug, but lack of a feature) related to this on Facebook's developers forum.

Source: (StackOverflow)

How do I search for old items I posted in my own Facebook timeline? [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate:
Better way to search the Facebook activity log / timeline?

I was just trying to look up something on my own timeline (specifically, the last time I had jury duty). Unfortunately, the native Facebook search feature seemed to be completely useless for this. I couldn't even get it to show me a post from 24 hours ago.

The Facebook search feature seems to only works for public content, and doesn't seem to allow restricting results to just my own content. My privacy settings are generally set to friends-only, and I don't allow public searching of my timeline. I do, however, think I should be able to search my own content.

Is there a way to search my own content with Facebook either natively with the standard Facebook web app or with a trustworthy/secure app or add-on?

Source: (StackOverflow)

What are trips on Facebook's Timeline map page?

Go to a Facebook Timeline profile, click on the Maps icon in the info header section, and below the map are five sections: All, Places Lived, Trips, Life Events, and Photos.

Where does the Trips part come from? I actually would like to fill that part out. Facebook help has nothing on it that I could find.

Source: (StackOverflow)

How do I choose which job is featured on my timeline?

I currently work in three places. How can I choose which job appears in my timeline? In my info I have three current jobs and I want to switch the one appearing in the timeline with another one from the remaining two. How can I do that?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Facebook timeline - none of my comments or likes on friends posts show on my timeline

None of my comments or likes on friends posts show on my Timeline. They are all in my Activity Log and are all marked as 'allowed on Timeline'. The only things visible on my Timeline are my own direct posts or shares, nothing else. This has been the case ever since the change for me from Wall to Timeline - ie a few months now. Can anyone please help me with this.

Source: (StackOverflow)

What is the difference between show on timeline and allow on timeline in facebook?

I notice some posts on my Facebook Timeline have options for "Show on Timeline" and "Allow on Timeline" but I couldn't find what is the difference between them.

The post that has these options was posted from the Run Keeper app. It might be only for app generated post, but I'm not sure.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Facebook join date is hidden from timeline but still visible to public

I have already hidden the "Facebook join date" from my timeline (by hovering over it, selecting edit or remove (the pencil) and then Hide it from timeline). Right now, I cannot see this date if I go to my timeline and scroll down to the beginning. That makes sense. However, when I view my profile as public (by clicking the blue downward arrow just beside the Activity Log and then selecting "view as"), this "Facebook joining date" is still visible to everyone.

Is that a bug? If not, how can I hide or delete it?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Facebook timeline and avatar alignment


At time of writing, Facebook's Timeline dimensions are as follows:

However, Facebook prevents uploading images that are 160x160; the pictures must be uploaded at 180x180. Facebook then scales the picture down to 160x160 automatically.


I would like to achieve a pixel-perfect alignment between the Facebook timeline cover image and the Facebook avatar, but Facebook scales the 180x180 picture to 160x160, which causes alignment issues. I cannot find exact steps that:

  1. Are updated for the recent dimension changes.
  2. Provide a template suitable for The GIMP.
  3. Walk through the Facebook picture upload process.
  4. Describe how to crop the avatar to align with the cover.

When uploading the avatar to Facebook, there is a crop tool, but it doesn't show how many pixels are being cropped. It also doesn't say the size of the cropped image. This makes it difficult to determine whether Facebook will still scale the image down, or exactly what transformation will be made upon the image.


What are the exact steps (explained with screenshots would be great) to upload (1) a cover (at 851x315); and (2) an avatar (at requisite dimensions) such that the images are perfectly blended?

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Thank you!

Source: (StackOverflow)

Facebook reverts back to Top Stories even after changing to Most Recent

I am aware of the question Facebook home page post display changed and its answers, however, I think this issue is slightly different. Facebook either brought back this feature or its more integrated into the UI now.

I prefer to have "Most Recent" selected, so I can linearly go through the timeline and see what my friends have posted. On the mobile version of FB, I can set it as Recent, and it never reverts back to "Top Stories". However, on the main website when I'm accessing it from my laptop, the setting seems to revert back constantly. I realize that this is part of their marketing to keep me on the site looking at "Top Stories", but I'm wondering why it sticks on the mobile version, then.

Is there a setting to permanently select "Most Recent" for posts that's buried in the settings somewhere?

enter image description here

Source: (StackOverflow)

How to hide questions from timeline?

I don't want questions that I answer to appear on my timeline. And I'd prefer not to have to manually hide it every time I answer one.

I remember there used to be a setting to automatically hide all activity from particular services such as Questions. Does this still exist? I couldn't find it.

Source: (StackOverflow)