facebook-tags interview questions
Top facebook-tags frequently asked interview questions
When clicking on "report/remove tag" what does the option "Get help from an authority figure or trusted friend" do? Does it actually contact the local police or something? Just out of curiosity...
Source: (StackOverflow)
I blocked someone about 2 weeks ago and they were tagged in several photos of mine and a mutual friend, let's say person A. When I look at photos with this person through my account, there are no longer any tags of the blocked person on my photos and person A's photos.
However, when I logged into a different mutual friend's account, let's say person B, the tags of the blocked person only show up on the shared photos of person A and not my own photos.
Basically, has the blocked person removed the tags on my photos?
Source: (StackOverflow)
I have a photo from a guy I want to tag, but we are not friends and I don’t want us to become friends on Facebook only so I can tag him.
We have a friend in common, so we are related.
But when I type his name on the tag, Facebook suggests me people I don’t even have mutual friends with.
Is there a way to tag a specific person on a photo? Maybe something like @[[user.id]]
Source: (StackOverflow)
On Facebook, it's possible by default for someone's friends to tag him in a photo without his permission. Is there any way for a user to stop his friends from doing that, or to at least require his approval before the tag becomes public?
I don't know if there are other places where people can have their information shared without permission, but if so, this question applies to those places too.
Source: (StackOverflow)
I've shared a video from YouTube to Facebook, and this has shown up ok on my wall.
Now I want to tag friends that are in the video, and can't see any option to do that. All the guides I see in places like this say that there should be a tag option to the lower right of the video, but I can't see that. Is this a feature we've lost in one of their updates, or has it just moved somewhere obscure?
Source: (StackOverflow)
A spam application has tagged me (and 5 others) within a comment on a random post on a friend's timeline.
How to remove the tag from that comment?
I don't want to untag myself from a picture or post, but from a comment.
There is no control to remove the tag, nor on the post itself nor on the comment nor on my name. I was hoving the mouse on the expected places when taking the screenshot. I did not paste any white. I only pasted peppers, plus green (poster) blue (others) red (me).

Source: (StackOverflow)
If I want to tag a page in a photo (new way of adding a photo to a page's photo album), I type @
and then the page name, and a dropdown is shown with a list of candidates. What happens is that some times it doesn't show the page I want among the options, only finding pages with, for instance, very few people on it. Or if I want a page for a musician, it shows the wikipedia page, not the official one.
I have the page link, I "like" the page, the page has photos added to it (so it's in theory possible and permitted to do this), but the page still doesn't show on the list.
Source: (StackOverflow)
I posted a status update on Facebook and tagged a few friends in it, but I forgot one, and another only accepted my friend request after I had already posted the status update. How can I now retroactively tag the other friends in my status update?

When I click on Tag Friends
, I get a list of all the friends I have already tagged in that post. However, there is no way to add new ones.

If I select Selected
from the dropdown menu, I get a list of only the currently selected friends. I can unselect friends from this list, which presumable will untag them, but I cannot add new ones.

If I select Search by Name
, I can try to enter a name into the text field titled Search all friends
, but it doesn't search all friends, it again only searches amongst those that I have already selected. Friends which are not already tagged in the post, simply don't show up.
I also tried using the Facebook for Android App, but there doesn't seem to be any way to tag friends either.
Do I have to use the API for this? I feel quite comfortable with curl
and friends, so it wouldn't be a big problem, but I am not familiar with the API nor the API docs, so I wasn't able to find the right endpoint at a quick glance.
I know that it used to be possible to tag friends in posts after the fact, and I know that it still works with photos. How can I tag someone in a post after the fact, using either the website, the Android App or the API?
I originally posted the status update from the Android App, if that makes a difference. Also, I am using the German language version of both the website and the App, although as you can see from the screenshots, I tried switching at least the website to en-US and it didn't help.
Source: (StackOverflow)
When I open Facebook, I sometimes have 5 people asking me questions, and I usually don't have time to answer them all on-the-spot.
How can I "mark" a message so that later I remember that I have to answer it?
Usually I wait until the message is sent to my email inbox (where I can "star" it), but:
- The email usually does not come immediately
- The email does not come if I read the message on Facebook, so I can't read it (I can just see the first few lines)
- Sometimes the email is just not sent at all, even though I haven't touched it on Facebook.
I could create a browser bookmark for each message to answer, but it is not very convenient.
I could also mark the message as "unread", but actually many of the messages in my FB inbox are "unread", because I don't check the messages I have already received by email... so I can't use this trick either.
Any better option?
Source: (StackOverflow)
I have one friend in particular who will be regularly tagged in photos such that he will show up in my news feed with an update like "xyz was tagged in SomeBusinessPages photo". The thing is my friend won't even be in the picture. This happens frequently for this friend and I'm pretty sure it's tag spam.
Ideally I'd like to still receive notification of legitimate photo tags of my friend while filtering out this spam. How can I do this? It tends to be one user (actually a business page) that is tagging my friend in this spammy way. I have not "liked" the page, perhaps there's a way just to block tags by the page?
Source: (StackOverflow)
On the Facebook website it is possible tag friends on your status update—just type @
followed by the first few letters of your friend’s name. The same holds good for any Facebook page you like. But how to do this on the mobile web application?
Source: (StackOverflow)
Facebook Timeline is a nice feature, but i think there is a flaw in Timeline and Tagging feature.
As I have on this feature and I can see here:
Privacy Setting-->Timeline and Tagging
Review tags friends add to your own posts on Facebook is ON
Now whenever someone tags me in a photo, I get a notification (this is okay) to Approve it and redirects me to the Activity Log
even if I disapprove the tag, I get tagged on that Photo! and I continue receiving notifications related to the Photo.
Current Solution:
Go to the Tagged Photo
But is there any other way.
Source: (StackOverflow)