
facebook-profile interview questions

Top facebook-profile frequently asked interview questions

Find Facebook user from picture

I have a picture of a friend however I've lost contact with them and can't find them by name. Is there a way to use this picture to find their Facebook profile?

Source: (StackOverflow)

How do I hide my Groups on Facebook?

How do I hide my Groups on Facebook? The options seemed to have changed and now my groups are visible to my friends. I don't like losing friendships over Group memberships.

Source: (StackOverflow)


How to avoid cropping Facebook profile picture and not lose its quality?

Every time I try to update my profile picture on Facebook, it asks me to crop it to a square. This happens both when trying to upload a new picture and when trying to use an existing picture from a different album.

Here and in multiple other threads it is suggested to update profile pictures from the mobile version of the site to avoid cropping them. However, it seems that changing profile pictures from the mobile site results in pictures losing their quality because Facebook seems to provide "high quality" picture uploads only via the main site. I tried two approaches and both failed:

  • Uploading a profile picture via the mobile site: no "high quality" option and quality is lost immediately
  • Uploading a picture to a different album via the main site (and checking the "high quality" checkbox) and then making it the profile picture via the mobile site: quality is preserved after the first step but lost after the second (high-quality picture remains in the other album, but the profile picture version loses quality)

Is there a way to avoid cropping the profile picture and have it in high quality?

Source: (StackOverflow)

How to download a Facebook cover photo in full resolution?

I got tagged in a picture, and would like to download it in full resolution (to print it because it is a nice picture of the whole soccer team).

PROBLEM: The picture has been uploaded as a Cover Photo, so the usual "Download" option does not appear:

enter image description here

enter image description here

What are my options to download the best-possible-resolution of the image?

I can always right-click and use the "Save Image" feature of the browser, but that downloads the low-resolution version of the picture (for big pictures, only a low-resolution version is sent to the browser, see dicussion in the comments here).

Source: (StackOverflow)

Can one change his Facebook profile into a Page? What happens to his friends?

One of my friends on Facebook, is a good-looking guy who started singing and sharing his music with public on his Facebook profile. Now he has about 5000 friends on Facebook and is quiet famous for part of people.

He's just created a Facebook page and has received around 100 likes. Now he thinks about using the potential of his 5000 friends to promote his page on Facebook. Can he change his profile into a page or transfer his friends to there? If yes, so what happens to his current friends? Should he invite them or ask them for permission?

Source: (StackOverflow)

How do I make an old profile picture on Facebook my picture again AND make it be at the beginning of the list?

I recently went through my profile pictures and deleted old, embarrassing ones. I then realized I had hardly any profile pictures left so, all at once, I added a bunch of more recent pictures of myself as profile pictures and changed the dates in the description. After I did this I had more pictures of myself as my profile picture so, I changed my profile picture back to the one it was before. (I went to the picture, went to options, make profile picture.) However, now all the pictures I had just made my profile pictures (mentioned above) come before my profile picture because my current profile picture is one from an earlier date and Facebook displays it from the old date. I want my current profile picture to be the 1st picture in the list but because it was an older picture, when I click on it, it shows that is the 10th in the list. I want it to be displayed as the 1st so when people look through my pictures, they will see the newer ones of me first rather than the older ones (but I don't want to upload the picture again because I want the likes and comments on it still). If this makes any sense, can anyone please help me?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Job is not current but still shown on Facebook profile

On Facebook I have some job in my info. I have not specified dates when I was working there.

Despite that, though this job is not selected as "currently working here" it is still shown on my profile page, on the left side, under the About box.

Is this expected behaviour? Can I remove it from my profile page since I don't work there anymore?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Why is Facebook complaining about my company email address?

When I try to add an email address to Facebook, it says 'invalid'. But it's not!


Source: (StackOverflow)

Is there a way to "clean" your Facebook profile/timeline? [duplicate]

This question already has an answer here:

Does Facebook have a function to "clean" the profile, meaning delete for example all posts (or all older than 5 years), but keep the friendlist? Something like "delete your profile", but only for parts of it, so that one could delete all these 7 years old posts (or all of them altogether), while keeping the friendlist and profile pictures.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Does Facebook still have a place for favourite quotes and music and if yes how do you edit them?

In the past Facebook had a place where one can specify their favorite music, films, quotes etc. Do they still have this? If yes how can I edit it?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Will my friends see my comments on some business' wall?

If I don't want my friends to see my comments on some business/company Facebook page, what I do to make sure they won't? Same thing about Facebook Groups.

Finally, I think lately some Facebook application surfaced that provide users using them with intel on who visited their profile, viewed picture etc. Aren't such applications against other people's privacy and against terms of service of Facebook? What can I do as user to make sure I still be able to view profile, photo etc. of another person but he won't know this?


Source: (StackOverflow)

How to make Networks not public?

How do I prevent the list of Networks that I've joined from being visible to the entire public?

Source: (StackOverflow)

How to customise top navigation links and their contents on Facebook profile

I have a couple of questions regarding Facebook profile pages.

  1. I noticed that when I go to my friends' profiles on Facebook, the links at the top of the profile differ from friend to friend. For instance, one friend has entries "Timeline, About, Photos, Friends, More: Places, Sports, Music, Films, TV Programmes, Books, Likes, Events, Groups, Review, Notes", while another friend also has an entry under More called "Apps and Games", and yet another friend has an entry under More called "Foursquare". How can these links found on the top of one's own profile page be customized?

  2. I notice that with one friend when I click on "Friends" on the profile's top navigation bar I get a subnavigation bar with entries named "All Friends, University, High School, Current City", while on another friend's profile when I click on "Friends" I get a subnavigation bar with entries "All Friends, Mutual Friends, Recently Added, High School, More: People you may know, Following". Why are these entries in the profile Friends subnavigation bar different. Even more puzzling, and perhaps even more interesting, is how come one other friend only has "Mutual Friends, Followers" in this subnavigation bar and there is no "All Friends" link where I would view all of this friend's friends? On yet another friend's profile, when I click on "Friends" no sub-navigation bar shows up and instead I see the message "No friends to show". Why do these subnavigation bars differ, and more importantly, how can I configure them?

Source: (StackOverflow)

How to add XMPP (aka "jabber") ID to personal profile?

The Facebook profile appears to provide options only for a restricted list of social links. How do I add a different one?

Source: (StackOverflow)

How to make my Facebook profile picture private for non-friends?

I've set my profile picture only available for Friends.

Facebook: Who should see this? Friends

However it's still visible for the public.

Non-authenticated users can see the profile thumbnail and authenticated (non-friends) can still click and see the full picture.

I've already activated option 'Limit Past Posts' in Privacy, but it didn't solve the problem.

Source: (StackOverflow)