
facebook-notifications interview questions

Top facebook-notifications frequently asked interview questions

On Facebook does the user get notified when a non-friend comments on their post which they posted on their friend's wall?

If I post something on a friend's timeline, and a friend of theirs (but not a friend of mine) comments on that post, will I get a notification?

Source: (StackOverflow)

How to disable birthday notifications

On Facebook, notifications have started showing up for birthdays:

Facebook birthdays notification

These notifications are a waste of time, they are redundant with the birthday notification zone that already shows up on the news feed.

QUESTION: How to stop birthdays from generating a notification?

Greasemonkey/userscripts accepted if there is no easier solution.

Source: (StackOverflow)


Email notification for new friend requests on Facebook

A few years ago, if I remember correctly, Facebook used to send emails regarding new friend requests. But now, in the notification settings, I can not find the setting to enable such email notifications.

So, my question is: has the friend requests email notification feature gone from FB? Or was it never present?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Facebook private messages email notifications [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate:
How to receive email notification on about new Facebook messages?

I used to get email notifications when I received private messages but for some reason I'm not getting the notifications any more. I went to Account Settings-->Notifications but I'm not finding any option to turn this on. So, how can I get email notifications when I get a private message? Thank you!!

Source: (StackOverflow)

Disable desktop Facebook notifications

Recently I get Facebook notification such as friends' birthdays on my laptop with Windows 7 64-bit. (White rectangular box on the lower-right corner of the screen) I'm using Chrome browser but don't have Facebook extension or something like that.

Why do I receive these notifications and how can I turn it off?

Source: (StackOverflow)

How to stop notifications when people 'like' my post

When I post a status in Facebook, I get notified whenever someone likes my post. How can I stop that?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Post to Facebook groups without member-freinds being notified of it?

Can I post to Facebook groups without my freinds (members of that group) being notified of it? Everytime I post to a group, they get notifications that I just posted something there.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Does one get a Facebook notification when someone edited their comment to your post?

I've seen differing reports on this question and would like to get to the bottom of it. While some say (including myself, having tested it with my two Facebook accounts) that no notifications are sent out after someone edited their existing comment, there are those who have received one

(https://www.quora.com/Does-editing-a-comment-on-Facebook-send-out-a-notification/answer/Elling-Lien, https://www.quora.com/Does-editing-a-comment-on-Facebook-send-out-a-notification/answer/Elling-Lien/comment/14026784).

One person claims it only happens if the original comment was posted while the post's author was offline.

What are your experiences? How can this Facebook behavior be officially ascertained?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Stop receiving notification emails from Facebook

I have searched through the options and settings (and searched for "Facebook email" questions on this website) to no avail.

What I want is very simple: I do not want Facebook to ever send me any notification email again. I'm getting friend request emails, friend confirmation emails, group post notification emails, private message emails...

I think there's a way to block just the group emails from each individual Facebook group, but that doesn't solve my overall problem. I'm being flooded with Facebook update emails, and I just don't want them.

Can anyone point me in the direction of a universal "unsubscribe" setting?

Source: (StackOverflow)

"Don't forget" event notification: how do they work?

I recently noticed that I received for some invitations, not all, a reminder notification saying "Don't Forget: X invited you to X event" on Facebook.

I wanted to know how these work, what is the rule or maybe function/button that drives these notifications?

My goal is to be able to use these and seed reminder notification to people that were invited but didn't respond.

Source: (StackOverflow)

What will happen if I change the privacy of a photo from "Friends" to "Public"?

I uploaded a picture to my timeline and set the privacy to "Friends". My friends received notifications. But now I have changed the privacy of the image to public. Will my friends get new notifications or what will happen?

Source: (StackOverflow)

How to stop getting notifications on likes?

When people comment on my post/photo/link/whatever, it's nice to get a notification, because they say something and it might be interesting to read or perhaps reply to it. But when people like my post, there is really no extra information there, except an increase in number of likes. The notification is just noise in my opinion. Can I stop notifications for all likes?

Source: (StackOverflow)

How to exclude comments from Facebook subscription notifications?

The new "subscription" feature of Facebook is clearly valuable. But:

Even though I am only subscribed to one person and expect to only get notified once when the person posts a new update, I constantly get notifications! Why is that so?

I now noticed and assume that Facebook always notifies me for every single comment from one individual friend of the person I subscribed to!

I don't even know those persons and I don't care and I did not subscribe to (or like) the individual comment "thread", so I don't understand why I still get notified?!

I checked the "Notification" settings, there is no sub-settings menu for the "subscriptions" feature. Did anyone else notice this and complain to Facebook? I mean I wonder what I'd do if I subscribed to dozens of people then? That would be a complete overload!

Source: (StackOverflow)

How to disable "Your page has X new views"?

I keep receiving annoying and useless notifications for my Facebook pages:

Facebook page has new views

QUESTION: How to disable these notifications?
I don't want to be notified about new views nor new likes and post likes.

I clicked both of these buttons, for each page, many times, with zero improvement:

Get fewer notifications like this

In each page's notification settings, I have "New Likes" turned off, and I can't find any setting about views:

Facebook page notifications settings

Source: (StackOverflow)

How can you know that your Facebook post has been shared/linked on a web-site?

For example, my Facebook post has been linked in a Quora question or a WordPress blog and also visited several times from there. Can I somehow learn about this?

Source: (StackOverflow)