
facebook-messages interview questions

Top facebook-messages frequently asked interview questions

Does Facebook mark messages as unseen automatically?

I'm a little bit curious. Does Facebook mark messages as unseen automatically? After some passing days I see that my message to a friend becomes unseen. Is it done automatically or what ?

Any explanation would be appreciated.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Facebook, messages won't load, the page is blank

I'm having trouble with messages on Facebook. When I try to open the page, it turns blank. I've tried to reload the page but it doesn't work.

I've also tried to log in as a different user and read messages, and that works. I tried it to make sure it wasn't a browser-related problem as I use IE8.

Any tips?

Source: (StackOverflow)


Why can some Facebook users currently be messaged, but not others?

According to Facebook’s current messaging policies, all users should be capable of receiving messages. However, when viewing some profiles, belonging to Friends of Friends or non-Friends, while logged in with my account, the "Message" button is missing. Also, mail sent to such users' Facebook email addresses bounces back. My account has not been blocked by these users.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Reply to Facebook Message via Email

I know it is possible to receive your Facebook messages via email. I would like to reply by email, but Facebook doesn't allow me to do this and instead returns a delivery failure. Are there any Facebook apps that could allow me to reply by email?

Source: (StackOverflow)

How can I download all messages from Facebook?

How can I download all my private messages from Facebook?

I don't really want to have to scroll through the actual messages, wait for older ones to load, and copy and paste since I have 7k+ messages so far.

I'm open to any solution.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Send message to inbox of member of group who I'm not friends with

I need to reach members of my group whom I am not friends with and who may have turned off notifications (I don't want to friend them though). Is there a way to get a message to their inbox (not their Others inbox of messages) or something equally as noticeable (email?) ?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Find first Facebook message in a thread

Is there a way to search or arrive at the first Facebook message in a thread without scrolling back for hours?

Source: (StackOverflow)

How can I add a new recipient to a Facebook message?

I've sent a message in Facebook to multiple people. I want to send another one to the same group without adding them one by one, but just add one new person instead. Is there a way to do this?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Facebook is not displaying any messages

This is how it looks currently:

When I click on Messages, it dims out and then doesn't display anything. I have tried the following:

  • Refreshed the page.
  • Tried it in latest versions of Safari, Chrome and Firefox.
  • Tried it on different computers.
  • Disabled adblocker and similar plugins.
  • Send a bug report for over a month ago without any respond.
  • Loaded up a picture of Mark Zuckerberg and spat on the screen.

There you go. I know what the issue is. For a great while ago, Facebook introduced something in Messages (where the screen dimmed and you could enter username, phone and similar, or simply choose to skip, I am sure someone remembers this) and since then, I can't get the window to show on my account, to skip those steps... therefore, it is stuck like this.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Prevent reply all in Facebook group message

I'm the admin for a Facebook group of approximately 50 members, and I want to send a single message to everyone in the group. I need to use a message because most members of the group do not receive notifications for posts on the group page.

The last time I sent a message to the whole group, a few members started replying in a casual chatty way that spammed all of the other members and lead to some of them leaving the group.

Is it possible to send a message to a group that does not allow anyone to "reply all"?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Facebook private messages email notifications [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate:
How to receive email notification on about new Facebook messages?

I used to get email notifications when I received private messages but for some reason I'm not getting the notifications any more. I went to Account Settings-->Notifications but I'm not finding any option to turn this on. So, how can I get email notifications when I get a private message? Thank you!!

Source: (StackOverflow)

Sending private messages to a list of Facebook pages

I have a list of Facebook Pages of Businesses that allow you to message them privately. Is there a way that gives me the possibility to send the same message to every Page in that list? I've tried searching and haven't found anything that might work.

Just to reiterate, these aren't personal profiles or friends, but Facebook Pages of businesses that people can like, and who have enabled the option for customers to message them.

Source: (StackOverflow)

How can I AUTOMATICALLY forward Facebook messages to my email?

I am told that I can AUTOMATICALLY (not manually) forward my facebook messages to my email account but I can't find how to do that in the facebook settings.

1) Can facebook messages be automatically forwarded? 2) How do I do that?

(YES someone asked this very same question but the answers were to the question "How can I manually forward messages." so I'm asking again.)


Source: (StackOverflow)

Is Facebook email unusable or just unpopular?

Facebook recently has been rolling out the ability to email to and from the "messages" interface. This is rolling out with the update that combines Facebook Chat and Messages, etc, into one messaging service (still usable separately, but all of the history is saved in Messages).

This may still be a limited BETA, but I have it, and I know many who do.

I do not know of anyone who uses it though. The attachment manager, layout, and usability are very streamlined and modern. I feel that it brings the concept of email up to 21st century, personally, though it may be unprofessional, it is still great technology.

Or am I missing something? Is Facebook email unusable or just unpopular and why?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Getting the Facebook Spam filter to work properly

At the moment the Facebook Spam filter seems for me to have a zero detection rate for real Spam messages but it does put most Messages send by people I don't know who aren't sending me Spam and who have a valid reason to message me into the "Others" folder.

Is there a way to simply deactivate the whole thing or somehow train it effectively?

Source: (StackOverflow)