
facebook-like interview questions

Top facebook-like frequently asked interview questions

People cannot "Like" any posts on my Facebook Wall

On my Facebook page, the "Like" and "Comment" option is missing on all posts on my wall. I can like and comment on my own page, but others cannot. I discovered this when I went to my profile page and clicked on the "View As" option.

If I share a link, or someone posts a picture or message on my wall a viewer of my page does not have the option to "Like" or comment on anything. People can only view my profile but cannot do much else unless they post actual content to my wall.

Has anyone encountered this problem before?

Source: (StackOverflow)

List the Facebook comments that I liked all the time

How can I see all the comments I liked on Facebook?

I looked on the Activity log< pages, but I didn't find something useful.

Source: (StackOverflow)


How can I see the list of people who have been invited to like a page on Facebook?

I administer a Facebook page with two other people. All three have invited a bunch of different people. How can I see the list of all people who have been invited by us three to like the page?

Source: (StackOverflow)

How to invite non-friends to like your Facebook page?

Today I got a notification from a person I'm not friend of (although we have 22 mutual friends) to like his page.

I thought this wasn't possible. Is it a paid feature or what? I can't understand how he sent me that "like my page" notification.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Customize Facebook Newsfeed Message When Someone Likes Facebook Page

Does anyone know if it is possible to customize the message that populates in newsfeeds when someone Likes my company's Facebook Page? We are beginning a charity gig on our Facebook Page next year, and we would prefer the message say "(Person) Liked (Company Name) and donated $5 to (Charity)" rather than "(Person) Liked (Company Name)."

Source: (StackOverflow)

What setting controls whether or not people I'm not friends with can "like" my public Facebook profile photo?

I looked at the profiles of a few people who I'm not friends with. I could view their profile photo in all cases (i.e. I could click on it and see the "large version" of it). On some of them, I could "like" the photo. On others, I couldn't—the link to "like" just wasn't there.

What setting controls this?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Find like-minded people in Facebook

Is there a way (an app maybe) to find like-minded people on facebook ? We like stuff everyday, and it would be nice to find the people with whom one has the most shared likes, and socialize with them. Is there such an app or a way in general ?

Source: (StackOverflow)

How to save Facebook likes to Pocket?

For Twitter favorites, I am using IFTTT so that every time I favorite something on Twitter, a new entry is added to my Pocket queue.

Could the same be achieved for Facebook likes somehow?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Reporting improper use of "F" button on websites

I know that third party websites are not allowed to change, modify, or hide the "Like" button.

However, is it allowed to change, modify, or hide the "F" button (the square blue button with "f" in it)? And if it is not allowed then how can I report it?

Source: (StackOverflow)

How can I see the posts that someone liked?

I want to see all the likes of a Facebook friend — he/she did like some of my posts but I don't remember which ones.

How to see all likes of a friend on my posts/comments?

Source: (StackOverflow)

How do I see all of my Facebook "Likes" and, if necessary, remove them?

With the imminent release of Graph Search, I am a little concerned about what Graph Search results in which I may be found.

Where can I go to see all of the pages/links/etc. I have "Liked"? How can I remove these in bulk?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Stop Facebook from showing the pictures you like

The photos I like are showed on my friends' news feed. How do I stop that?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Hide friends' page likes from newsfeed

I like seeing when my friends like a picture or video. However, I'm tired of seeing pages that they like. I could care less about that stuff. Is there a way to hide just the page likes?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Find out who likes my website using the Facebook like button

Where can I find the details on who has liked and commented on my pages via the Facebook Like button that I've put on my website?

I recently put the Facebook Like plugin on my site and now see that there are a number of users that have clicked on the Like button.

John and 51 others like this.

Is there a way for me to see which Facebook users have clicked on the button? I would like to see the comments and likes linked to this button.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Is it ok to ask your fans to share your page with their friends?

Facebook now allows non-admins to invite their friends to like a page, if some of your friends already like that page.

This article says that we shouldn't ask page fans to "invite their friends to like a page", but I couldn't find anything about it in the Facebook Pages terms.

Is it ok to ask page fans to share the page with their friends? (or invite their friends to like it)

Source: (StackOverflow)