
facebook-integration interview questions

Top facebook-integration frequently asked interview questions

How to signup with Facebook without allowing "post as myself"?

I’d love to sign up with Facebook wherever it’s offered, but if the app wants to "post as me", it’s a no-go. I don’t want some random app posting as myself.

Is there any way to get the best of both, namely signing up with Facebook but prohibiting "post as me"?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Facebook like box for page (social plugin) blank when logged in as page - real Facebook bug or not? And remedy?

I've noticed that Facebook like box for a page (social plugin) is blank when I am logged into Facebook as a page that I am admin.

This happens for my page and for other sites.

When I am logged into Facebook as myself, i.e. a regular user, the Facebook like box is displayed normally. When I am not logged in, again, the page is displayed normally.

I have raised this as a bug with Facebook themselves, but is it? Is there a workaround or adjustment I need to make.

I am using standard Like Box IFrame code from Facebook themselves.

Source: (StackOverflow)


Displaying SE Flair on my Facebook Timeline [closed]

Is there any way I show off my Stack exchange Flair on my Facebook Timeline?

Pasting the HTML code snippet as a "Status Update" just gives a link to my SE Profile.

Also is there any way I can make it appear as the first post in Facebook for ever?

EDIT: I am looking for some-kind of Facebook app to do this. There is no app to do any such thing but there may be apps which post whatever html code snippet you give and also dynamically update them.

Source: (StackOverflow)

How can I search through the attendees of a Facebook event? (might need FBML)

Context: I administer a Facebook "event" to check whether my friends are safe after the Japan earthquake. People invited their friends and now with 10000 attendees it is impossible to browse through to check whether your friend is attending. We need a search feature.

Question: How can I search through the attendees of a Facebook event?
I can create a Facebook application if it is really necessary.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Facebook account gets locked when username-password is given to iTunesConnect

I am in India. I made an app based on Facebook. For testing, I had to give my account details (dummy account) for testing, but this account won't work for the Apple guys because of Facebook's security. The account gets temporarily locked because of unknown location and unknown device.

How do I disable this security? Or how could I work around this problem?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Facebook - email accounts - Page and profile

I would like to request that notifications / messages posted to my Facebook business page are sent to my business email, not my personal one as set in my Facebook profile. Is this possible or do all notifications get sent to the email account from your personal profile?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Is there a way to change the default sorting of a Facebook Guestbook?

I have a Facebook guestbook (aka "Facebook Comments Section" aka "Facebook Social Plugin") integrated in a Drupal website of mine, and the default sorting order is 'Social Status' (comparable to most number of likes/votes/whatever I think). I've searched the Internet to see if this sorting order can be changed to the more logical 'Reverse Chronologic', but apparently this can't be changed, quite surprisingly.

The guestbook is integrated by using html markup, so maybe there exists a (hidden) property to achieve this after all... ?

I'm not getting my hopes up, but I have to try the StackExchange network at least ;)

Source: (StackOverflow)

Trying to get Facebook API but get redirected back to my Page

I need an API key from Facebook, but every time I try to get go to facebook.com/developers while logged into my account I get redirected back to my Facebook page.

How do I get a Facebook API key without this bouncing?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Integrate fb:comments with comments on Facebook page

I use fb:comments on my website and I also have a Facebook Page. Is it possible that whenever a user posts a comment on a webpage in my site, the same comment gets posted on the Facebook's Page wall?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Is the Facebook Graph API `user.timezone` accurate to the user's location?

I'm wondering if the timezone property of the user object is dependent on the location from where the user is using Facebook, or relevant to the originating user country?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Embedding video in Facebook without Youtube

If I post a link to a Youtube video on Facebook, it will imbed the video on the page. What are some other sites besides Youtube that will also embed video if I post a link on Facebook?

I don't want to upload directly to Facebook because the number of views isn't counted.

Source: (StackOverflow)

How to best minimize the work of maintaining a Twitter and Facebook Wall,

What's the upside and downside to these two options:

  • Entering data into Facebook Wall having it post to Twitter. (Facebook app)

  • Entering data into Twitter and having it post to Facebook. (RSS Feed)

Am I missing a better option? I see a lot of overlap between these two options, and would rather not maintain both unless there is a compelling reason.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Is there a way to automatically post to a Facebook group?

I would like to be able to add blog posts to a Facebook group via a service like RSS Graphiti. I know this is possible for Facebook pages, but is this possible for Facebook groups?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Facebook Mobile - Photo Sharing To Multiple Lists

Can someone please explain to me how I can share photos on Facebook mobile with multiple lists or groups? It seems that I am only able to choose one list to share with. From a computer you can set it up to share with specific lists (more than 1). I would love to know how to do this from the mobile platform.

Source: (StackOverflow)