
facebook-groups interview questions

Top facebook-groups frequently asked interview questions

Changing a Facebook group setting from "secret" to "closed"

How can I change the privacy setting of a Facebook group (500+ members) from secret to closed?

I can't see any option to do so in Edit Group Settings.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Block event invites from non-friends in Facebook (2014)

How do I block/ignore event invites from non-friends, sent to me through a group?

I don't want to leave the group, and turning off all notifications of the group didn't help ignoring the event invites, they still get through.

I'm basically looking for an answer similar to this one, but for Facebook of the year 2014.

This other answer is not valid anymore either as it allows me to block friends only.

Source: (StackOverflow)


Keyword Search for a comment in group wall

How do I search for a comment I made on a Facebook group wall post a long time ago?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Prevent reply all in Facebook group message

I'm the admin for a Facebook group of approximately 50 members, and I want to send a single message to everyone in the group. I need to use a message because most members of the group do not receive notifications for posts on the group page.

The last time I sent a message to the whole group, a few members started replying in a casual chatty way that spammed all of the other members and lead to some of them leaving the group.

Is it possible to send a message to a group that does not allow anyone to "reply all"?

Source: (StackOverflow)

How to post on Facebook group, and make it visible only to group members?

I want to post on a group and don't want anyone who checks my profile to see this post/comment except if he/she is in the same group.

Is that possible? And if yes, how?

Source: (StackOverflow)

What is the largest size a Facebook group can become?

What is the largest number of people who can be members of a Facebook group?

Source: (StackOverflow)

How to disable “Seen by” in Facebook groups?

Since recently, Facebook Groups add a "Seen by" feature that show to everyone on that group who have seen that post.

It can be convenient, but it is also a form of privacy invasion.

is there a way to disable it, even if you are not the group admin?

Source: (StackOverflow)

How do I hide my Groups on Facebook?

How do I hide my Groups on Facebook? The options seemed to have changed and now my groups are visible to my friends. I don't like losing friendships over Group memberships.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Is it possible to delete all contents from a Facebook group?

I’m the administrator of a private group on Facebook and I need to delete all posts and pictures from this year, to start new contents. Is it possible to do it all at once or do I have to do it one by one?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Quickly delete all messages and comments by a given user in a Facebook group

I'm an admin for a group on Facebook. A user has recently requested that all his content be removed from the group (he is no longer welcome to post to the group so I can't tell him to just remove the posts himself).

Is there a quick way to delete all of his posts (and comments)? I can delete them one by one but it'd take me ages. He's already been banned from the group, but I still see his posts. (Is it just because I'm an admin?)

Source: (StackOverflow)

Is it possible to quickly invite people to join a group rather than just adding them?

I recently created a Facebook group. I'd like to invite a bunch of people to join the group instead of adding them without their permission. Is this possible?

Source: (StackOverflow)

How to make Facebook group open for joining?

I have a Facebook group meant to be open for anyone to join.

In the "edit group" screen, I set privacy to "open". There is a small lock icon besides the word "open", it that matters in any way.

However, instead of "join" button, there is an "ask to join" button, and also apparently the group doesn't appear on searches (at least one person wasn't able to find it).

How can I make my group actually open?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Hidden Members on FB groups

A member I want to delete from a Facebook Group is not showing up on the members list. And he keeps taunting and abusing the group asking us Admins to remove him, which we can't because he is not showing up on the member list. And it seems like he is adding more vicious members to the group now and they are abusing members. The admins have reported to FB and when we block them we are not able to see their posts but the remaining group members can, and it's even tougher then! What is happening?

Source: (StackOverflow)

How can you download all the data from a Facebook Group?

I have a private group in Facebook for a group of classmates. I know with the tools Facebook provides you are able to download your own data. However, I want to download all the status updates, images, docs, etc... from a Facebook group. Is this possible?

Source: (StackOverflow)

How to prevent friends adding me to their Facebook groups without my consent

A friend of mine on Facebook has added me to her Facebook group without my consent. I had to visit the group page and click on "Leave group" to leave it.

I don't want my friends to add me to their groups without my consent? Where is the related setting in the options list?

Source: (StackOverflow)