facebook-events interview questions
Top facebook-events frequently asked interview questions
Is there a way to stop a specific person from sending you event invitations without removing them as a friend on Facebook? If it isn't built in, perhaps there is an application that lets you remove yourself from events after you are invited?
Source: (StackOverflow)
I recently noticed that I received for some invitations, not all, a reminder notification saying "Don't Forget: X invited you to X event" on Facebook.
I wanted to know how these work, what is the rule or maybe function/button that drives these notifications?
My goal is to be able to use these and seed reminder notification to people that were invited but didn't respond.
Source: (StackOverflow)
Facebook started showing the weather on event pages:

How to switch temperature from Fahrenheit to Celsius? (or from Celsius to Fahrenheit)
Source: (StackOverflow)
When looking at a friend's page on Facebook, I sometimes see "Going to <event>" at the top left (just below the profile picture), where <event> is an upcoming event which is public, but which I haven't been invited to (so it doesn't show up in my events calendar).
Is there a way to see a list of such future events that this friend is going to, rather than just the one closest in time (which appears to be the one that shows up on their page)?
The closest thing I've found thus far is go to "Events Popular In Your Network" and scan that list for the friend's name, but that list is unlikely to be exhaustive.
Source: (StackOverflow)
A friend invited me to a public event.
I accidentally touched "Can't go", and now the event does not appear anywhere.
- In the "Tab" event of the "Events" page, there is no "Show declined events" link, even in desktop mode.
- I know my friend is marked as going, but no info about the event appears on his profile page.
- I don't remember how the event was called, and searches not lead to it.
- It is not listed in the "events near you", or other suggested events.
QUESTION: How to find back that event page?
Is begging my friend the only solution?
Source: (StackOverflow)
I would like to disable wall posts on my Facebook events to prevent people who aren't invited to the event from posting or even viewing the event's wall. Is it possible to disable an event's wall altogether?
Source: (StackOverflow)
How do I block/ignore event invites from non-friends, sent to me through a group?
I don't want to leave the group, and turning off all notifications of the group didn't help ignoring the event invites, they still get through.
I'm basically looking for an answer similar to this one, but for Facebook of the year 2014.
This other answer is not valid anymore either as it allows me to block friends only.
Source: (StackOverflow)
I'm trying to create an event for a Facebook Page that I'm administering. However, as soon as I create it, it goes public.
I seem to remember that there used to be some way to create events as hidden, fine-tune everything (graphics, descriptions, etc), then, once the time is right, flip a switch to make it public and start inviting people.
The privacy icon is on the event page, but it's just stuck at being public and grayed out.
Anyone know of any way to do this?
Source: (StackOverflow)
I've cancelled a Facebook event on a page I administer -- I was expecting the event to remain in the events page, but marked Cancelled, but it appears to have been completely removed. Is there some option similar to "View Past Events" for cancelled events?
Source: (StackOverflow)
I have an event on my Facebook Page that I would like to share on my own personal news feed. There is no share button. How can I do this?
Source: (StackOverflow)
On Facebook, you can be invited to an event by any of your friends. Once you have been invited to an event, the admins of that event can send messages straight to your inbox even if you have not sent an RSVP to that event. My problem with this system is that it essentially forces you to opt out of events rather than opt in. I shouldn't have to say I'm not going to a spammy event about some club night in order to not receive their advertisements. They should not be able to message me until I have accepted their invitation.
Is it possible to set this up? If not, are there any other steps I can take to lessen event spam?
Source: (StackOverflow)
This question already has an answer here:
Is there any way to keep the two synchronised? So when a new event is added to facebook (regardless of attending or not), it comes up on google calendar?
I've tried pasting the webcal link from Facebook into google calendar, but this only gives me one event (the one furthest in the future).
Source: (StackOverflow)
I have tried this before but didn't get anywhere.
I have a Google Apps account of my own domain that I use for email, calendar and contacts. I sync all of these with my iPhone.
I would like to sync Facebook Events I am attending/maybe attending only to another calendar (separate colour) within my Google Apps account calendar. I dont want to have to export to ICS etc. everytime a new event comes up.
I have also tried using http://www.fbcal.com/ but this wouldn't show events with Google Apps.
[Follow Up Edit]
Now that the event issue has been sorted out, thanks to eventbusyfix the Facebook Events are working in "other calendars" within my Google Apps calendar. How can you sync this over the air to an iPhone? I only ever see the options to sync your main calendars.
Oh, while I'm at it what about syncing Facebook birthdays as well (not export)?
Source: (StackOverflow)
Is it possible to reply to Facebook event invites without having to log into Facebook? Every time I log into Facebook, there is a chance that I will get distracted and waste time.
Source: (StackOverflow)