
facebook-chat interview questions

Top facebook-chat frequently asked interview questions

How can I disable Facebook chat? [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate:
How can I log out of Facebook chat?

Can Facebook chat be turned off? I don't like Facebook chat and want to disable it. I would like to have it always disabled and not have to disable it every time I sign on. Is this possible?

Source: (StackOverflow)

How to disable in-page Facebook chat for good?

I know you can go in Options > Go Offline. But since I use Pidgin to connect to Facebook Chat, it keeps coming online again. I only want to use it in pidgin. How to remove it from the Facebook web page?

Source: (StackOverflow)


How to switch off the message tone in Facebook

I want to switch off the message tone in Facebook. That is the beep sound that chimes when any of my friends messages me via chat. How can I do this?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Send a Private Message on Facebook when name is not in available list

I want to send a private message on Facebook to someone who is my friend. However, when I select that option their name does not come up in the list of names to chose from. How can I send them a private message?

Source: (StackOverflow)

What does it mean when no time specified beside the phone icon on Facebook chat?

If a friend on Facebook isn't online, in the contacts bar you can see a phone icon beside the last time he's been on Facebook.

For example, if a contact's been online 16 minutes ago, I'll see beside his name: enter image description here.

But what does it mean when there's no time specified beside the icon?

i.e. enter image description here

Source: (StackOverflow)

How to disable "Seen by" in Facebook chat

When two or more people chat together, Seen by appears when one of the participants views the last message.

It is nice to know your message has been viewed, but it is also an invasion of privacy.

How to disable Seen by?

(using the desktop web interface, not mobile)

Source: (StackOverflow)

How to keep Facebook chat online in Google Chrome with facebook tab closed

I was just trying to stay in touch with Facebook without keep the Facebook tab always open.

Now I can check any notification with this Google Chrome extension

And I have to open the tab only when something arrive.

The next step is to keep the chat online without the tab opened. I tried find some extension but none I found can do it. Any suggestions?

Source: (StackOverflow)

How to have notification with chat turned off on Facebook

Is there a way to have chat turned off (in order to be seen as logged out), but receive sound notifications when someone writes a message?

Source: (StackOverflow)

I want to leave a group chat in Facebook but I keep getting added back

I want to leave a group chat on Facebook but every time I do the members of the chat add me right back. How can I prevent them from adding me back?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Tracking friends on Facebook chat [closed]

Can someone please recommend me a tool to alert me when a specific person (or a group) comes online?

Source: (StackOverflow)

He says he is taking a nap but Facebook Messenger say online 1 minute ago

My boyfriend says he will take a nap and that is fine with me. After half an hour, I checked if I have messages from him only to find out that he was online 1 minute ago.

I asked him but he says that he is taking a nap and he did not turn off his phone, that's why it says last online 1 minute ago.

Is this true? Is it possible?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Is there a way I can use my Facebook chat from within Gmail?

I like chatting with people through my Gmail account for a number of reasons, but mostly because these chats are archived and searchable. Is it possible to use my Facebook chat from within Fmail chat so that I can have the same functionality?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Facebook chat only page

I don't remember exactly how I got to it, but I opened a page (external possibly) that only showed the chat interface of Facebook. It was quite similar to the gabtastik screenshot

What I wanted was to create a Chrome Application shortcut for this page, and easily use Facebook chat as a side along application. However, I've not been able to find such a page. Is it possible to open the Facebook chat only interface directly (without using any third party scripts)?

Previously, once logged into Facebook, you could use the URL http://www.facebook.com/presence/popout.php — this no longer works (as of 12th October 2011) — or from any Facebook page chat (in the bottom left) → OptionsPop out.

The second option no longer works with the new Chat UI—18th July 2011.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Facebook chat alert “Friend is using an application to access chat.”

I am using the Facebook chat a lot but today something odd started happening. When I try to send my friends a message through the Facebook chat they will receive a pop up message saying something like

Friend is using an application to access chat. To send him a message, you must change your settings to enable friends using applications to see you when you're online.

I am not using any type of third party application to chat with. I did so when I tried chatting through my iPad some time ago but right now I am using the official chat.

Has anyone experienced this error and / or does anyone know how to fix it?

Source: (StackOverflow)

What's the new "Seen " in Facebook Chat?

What's this newly-appearing-never-seen-before thing in Facebook Chat:

enter image description here

Source: (StackOverflow)