facebook-apps interview questions
Top facebook-apps frequently asked interview questions
Unfortunately, because of some fat fingering when browsing the Klout website from my iPad I accidentally sent app requests to 50 friends. I am really annoyed by these sort of requests and certainly did not intend to send them to my friends.
- Can I view the app requests I've sent on Facebook?
- Can I undo the requests that I've sent?
- Can I add a privacy setting to prevent any Facebook app (Klout or otherwise) from ever sending these requests in the future?
Source: (StackOverflow)
Some Facebook friends are playing games on Facebook such as Empires & Allies and Hidden Chronicals. I never tried those games or gave them permission to contact me, but I receive annoying daily requests to join.
I've tried to find our how block this request messages, and some web pages point me to: http://www.facebook.com/settings?tab=applications
But neither Empires & Allies or Hidden Chronicals are on this page, and reporting this apps as spam does not solve it either.
Source: (StackOverflow)
Now and again I receive requests from friends that they want to add my birthday to their calendar using the "I want to add your birthday" app, is this an explicit request from the friend or is this app using personal attributes without permission for an exploitative purpose, if it's the latter then are you breaking the law?
Source: (StackOverflow)
It appears to me that within the realm of Facebook business entities available for posting an event, there are 3 methods in which to post an event:
Logged in as a personal account assigned as the admin to a group
Logged in as the Facebook Business Timeline Page
- Logged in as a personal account assigned as the admin to a group
Methods of Posting an Event
Logged in as a personal account assigned as the admin to a group

Note: This one I understand, everyone in the group will receive an invite to the event.
Logged in as an Admin of your Facebook Timeline Account

The above image displays what happens when posting an event to a FB Timeline Business page when logged into the personal
account of a person who has been assigned to be the administrator of
that FB Timeline Business Page.
Here there is an button to Select Guests
and clicking it results in a list the friends in the logged in account administrator's personal friend list, which can be checked off to invite.
- However, these are not the people that I'm looking to notify of the event. I'd really like to notify all of the people who like the business that the FB Timeline Business page represents.
Note: I have a hunch that maybe this has nothing to do with an administrator account at all, and is just the screen that appears when someone's personal profile tries to display an event on someone's FB Timeline Business Page, but I'm not sure about that.
Why this is confusing:
Here are the steps I take to reach the screen above:
1. Inside of my Facebook Timeline Business Page, I click the Events
App from the Views and Apps
(or is it Favorites
?) section of the page.
2. In the resulting screen you click Create Event
Logged in as the Facebook Business Timeline Page

Note: There is no way to Select Guests
to invite here...does that mean that everyone who likes the Facebook Timeline Business Page will receive an invite?
Who gets invited to these events? (Process/Output)?
I know for a fact that when posting an event from a group, all the members of the group receive event invites and the process goes something like this:
- After an invite is posted from the group by the admin, each user is displayed the invite as a notification first,
- If that person accepts the invitation it will eventually display below their ticker feed when the time of the event is nearing.

However what I don't know is what happens when you post an event logged in as an admin to a Facebook Timeline Business Page, or when logged in as the Facebook Timeline Business Page itself.
So in summary, my questions are:
When you are logged in as an admin to a Facebook Timeline Business page and create an event by clicking on the events app, does that event invite all of the users that like
your Facebook Timeline Business Page?
When you are logged in as the Facebook Timeline Business page and create an event by clicking on the events app, does that event invite all of the users that like
your Facebook Timeline Business Page?
Source: (StackOverflow)
When trying to create a custom tab/app on facebook, there is no 'create app' button present on my page. Have I missed a step in the setup or is there a reason behind this? Any help will be greatly appreciated.
Source: (StackOverflow)
When I try to create a new app I receive the message
Only verified developers can be added as listed developers of this application. Read http://www.facebook.com/help/?faq=17580 for details.
However, I am a verified user. I both gave Facebook my credit card details and phone number. And in fact, when I follow the links, I receive the message "your mobile phone has been successfully verified".
Any idea what is happening here?
Source: (StackOverflow)
Is there a Facebook app that ranks all my Facebook posts (status updates, photos, links, etc.) by number of likes? How about one that ranks my friends by average number of likes on each friend's posts?
I found this, which looked promising, but appears not to work anymore (redirects to the Facebook home page): http://webapps.stackexchange.com/a/12401
Source: (StackOverflow)
I do not use Facebook very much but I remeber reading some documentation a long time ago about Facebook apps being available by third-party developers.
Where do I view the list and how can I browse and install some of these (just like Android and iPhone users can download and install apps from the respective play store or equivalent)??
Source: (StackOverflow)
I'm trying to hook up a Twitter account with a newly created Facebook business page.
Inside my Twitter settings, I have set everything up accordingly, but it is not working. Tweets are simply not being displayed on the Facebook page.
When I change the settings so that tweets are sent to my personal Facebook profile, there is no problem whatsoever. It is only being difficult when it comes to actual PAGES (I have tried it with a few other pages and still no dice).
Has anybody experienced this before?
How did you solve the problem?
Source: (StackOverflow)
My Facebook account was opened as a fanpage/business account (not a fanpage as a child from a personal account). Now I want to create an app. The link developers.facebook.com/apps/ gets redirected to my fanpage.
Does that mean I can't create an app with this account?
Source: (StackOverflow)
Is it possible to receive alert for a particular friend’s activity on Facebook? For instance when he posts/updates on his wall, likes, uploads pics etc.
Source: (StackOverflow)
An app I connect with via Facebook is now asking me about a security certificate. I don't know what that is or what to do with it.
In my example the app is DoubleDowns Casino. I have no problems with other apps on Facebook and had previously accessed it for a long time with no problem. It's only now showing this error message.
Source: (StackOverflow)
I have a number of pending requests from friends to install the "I want to add your birthday" application.
Given that I already have my birthday (day and month only) visible on my profile, what are the advantages to me of installing this application?
With your birthday visible your friends are notified of the date on the right hand side of your home page - just below the recent activity feed. To me this seems to be enough. What am I missing?
Source: (StackOverflow)