
evernote interview questions

Top evernote frequently asked interview questions

How can I create a shortcut/bookmark to "create a new note" in Evernote?

I want to press just one button on my browser (or desktop) and have it bring up the "new note" page on Evernote.com so I could quickly jot down ideas.

How can I do that?

Source: (StackOverflow)

How can I sync Evernote with Google Docs (Google Drive)?

I prefer to create notes in Evernote, but people I work with like editing them in Google Docs (now called Google Drive).

Is there a way to sync us up so we can each use our preferred app to edit the same note?

Source: (StackOverflow)


What is the difference between Evernote and Remember the Milk?

I've interested in using some sort of online note-keeping application. I've seen these two mentioned frequently online, and have briefly taken a look at their websites. As far as I can tell, they are both note-keeping tools. Are there any substantial differences I should know about?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Does Facebook block ifttt backup recipes?

I've started using this ifttt recipe to automatically backup all Facebook status updates / posts to Evernote (so I can finally make them searchable). However, it doesn't seem to do anything - no statuses are backed up at all.

The recipe log says "Trigger Timeout Error".

Could Facebook be blocking this recipe? Should I open a support ticket with ifttt?

enter image description here

Source: (StackOverflow)

Does the web-based Evernote app have keyboard shortcuts?

If it does? What are they?

The most important shortcuts for me are: search & new

Source: (StackOverflow)

Can I link between notes in Evernote?

For example, if I wanted to create a note about gifts to purchase for others, and then had a note for one of the people on those list, could I link the notes between each other?

Source: (StackOverflow)

How to make Evernote support code syntax hightlight and formatting?

I use Evernote as my PKM; it's just so convenient and it's cross-platform. It's a pity that code in HTML page is not supported perfectly in Evernote.

It sucks if we paste code directly into Evernote; formatting and syntax highlighting will both be lost. I try to paste code into another website which support them (e.g., Github's "gist") and then copy from it, but this still remains useless.

Is there a better and convenient way to make Evernote support code formatting better so that I can use it as a code library?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Is it possible to copy all my bookmarks from Delicious to Evernote?

I'd like to migrate my content from Delicious from Evernote. Is that possible?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Quotes as signatures in Gmail using Evernote

Long ago, I used to store my favorites quotes in a .sig file that I would send as signatures in emails. I now want to integrate the quotes into my Gmail messages but I'm not sure of how to go about this.

If I was using something like Evernote would it be possible to have tagging, import/export from/to .sgi file and ultimately integrate those quotes in my GMail email signatures?

Source: (StackOverflow)

How do I increase the font size on Evernote?

Is there a way to increase the font size on Evernote?

So far I've only been able to use the default size and changing the paragraph style (but it works only for a line).

Source: (StackOverflow)

What are the differences between Springpad and Evernote, and how can I choose?

What are the main differences between these two tools? (If you want to bring in other note apps, that is okay - I am looking at Org-mode, Google Docs, and maybe Simplenote - although this would need another app for more powerful notetaking)

What sort of questions could I ask myself to determine or rule out a possible solution?

I am looking for something that:

  • can be accessed offline in some form, eg through an iPhone app or desktop client
  • has a native iPhone app, has an easy to use way of clipping web content into it
  • has voice notes on the iPhone and computer too, if possible,
  • I can add notes too on my iPhone while not connected to the internet.

Eg: Would you need to make many longer notes without access to the internet? If yes - then choose Evernote as Springpad doesn't have a desktop client, and the iPhone/Android clients aren't suited to longer text entry.

Answers will be voted up by how much easier they make my choice between note apps.

Source: (StackOverflow)

How to define styles such as headings in Evernote

I'm migrating from Microsoft OneNote to Evernote and one of my biggest gripes is that Evernote does not have pre-defined styles. In particular, heading styles (h1, h2, h3) that I can access through a keyboard shortcut.

OneNote 2010 has that feature (although I can't modify them). I would pay for a special client just to have that feature in Evernote. Sure, I can change the formatting manually, but it gets very tedious to change the font, the size and the bold for every heading I'm creating.

Another style I use all the time is for code examples. Courier, 9px, no bold. I'm sure this is not a requirement just for me. How are the other power users of Evernote handling it?

Source: (StackOverflow)

When exactly does the Evernote monthly usage meter reset?

I now that Evernote claim that it is every 30 days, but what time of day does this happen?

Is there any way to know in exactly how many more minutes the meter will be reset?

Source: (StackOverflow)

What would happen after my Evernote account reaches note/ notebook/ tag limit?

A single Evernote account can't accommodate unlimited no. of notes, notebooks, tags. So, I'm worried about it. What happens after reaching the limit? Do they say to create new account or close account? Is there any workaround or prioritized action for premium customer? Has anyone run into this problem before?

Source: (StackOverflow)