
events interview questions

Top events frequently asked interview questions

What are the differences between delegates and events?

What are the differences between delegates and an events? Don't both hold references to functions that can be executed?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Understanding events and event handlers in C#

I understand the purpose of events, especially within the context of creating user interfaces. I think this is the prototype for creating an event:

public void EventName(object sender, EventArgs e);

What do event handlers do, why are they needed, and how do I to create one?

Source: (StackOverflow)


jQuery multiple events to trigger the same function

Is there a way to have keyup, keypress, blur, and change events call the same function in one line or do I have to do them separately?

The problem I have is that I need to validate some data with a db lookup and would like to make sure that there is no way that the validation is missed weather it is typed or pasted into the box.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Watch multiple $scope attributes

Is there a way to subscribe to events on multiple objects using $watch


$scope.$watch('item1, item2', function () { });

Source: (StackOverflow)

How to remove all event handlers from a control

To create a new event handler on a control you can do this

c.Click += new EventHandler(mainFormButton_Click);

or this

c.Click += mainFormButton_Click;

and to remove an event handler you can do this

c.Click -= mainFormButton_Click;

But how do you remove all event handlers from a control?

Source: (StackOverflow)

How to trigger event in JavaScript?

I have attached an event to a text box using addEventListener. It works fine. My problem arose when I wanted to trigger the event programmatically from another function.

How can I do it?

Source: (StackOverflow)

C# Events and Thread Safety

I frequently hear/read the following advice:

Always make a copy of an event before you check it for null and fire it. This will eliminate a potential problem with threading where the event becomes null at the location right between where you check for null and where you fire the event:

// Copy the event delegate before checking/calling
EventHandler copy = TheEvent;

if (copy != null)
    copy(this, EventArgs.Empty); // Call any handlers on the copied list

Updated: I thought from reading about optimizations that this might also require the event member to be volatile, but Jon Skeet states in his answer that the CLR doesn't optimize away the copy.

But meanwhile, in order for this issue to even occur, another thread must have done something like this:

// Better delist from event - don't want our handler called from now on:
otherObject.TheEvent -= OnTheEvent;
// Good, now we can be certain that OnTheEvent will not run...

The actual sequence might be this mixture:

// Copy the event delegate before checking/calling
EventHandler copy = TheEvent;

// Better delist from event - don't want our handler called from now on:
otherObject.TheEvent -= OnTheEvent;    
// Good, now we can be certain that OnTheEvent will not run...

if (copy != null)
    copy(this, EventArgs.Empty); // Call any handlers on the copied list

The point being that OnTheEvent runs after the author has unsubscribed, and yet they just unsubscribed specifically to avoid that happening. Surely what is really needed is a custom event implementation with appropriate synchronisation in the add and remove accessors. And in addition there is the problem of possible deadlocks if a lock is held while an event is fired.

So is this Cargo Cult Programming? It seems that way - a lot of people must be taking this step to protect their code from multiple threads, when in reality it seems to me that events require much more care than this before they can be used as part of a multi-threaded design. Consequently, people who are not taking that additional care might as well ignore this advice - it simply isn't an issue for single-threaded programs, and in fact, given the absence of volatile in most online example code, the advice may be having no effect at all.

(And isn't it a lot simpler to just assign the empty delegate { } on the member declaration so that you never need to check for null in the first place?)

Updated: In case it wasn't clear, I did grasp the intention of the advice - to avoid a null reference exception under all circumstances. My point is that this particular null reference exception can only occur if another thread is delisting from the event, and the only reason for doing that is to ensure that no further calls will be received via that event, which clearly is NOT achieved by this technique. You'd be concealing a race condition - it would be better to reveal it! That null exception helps to detect an abuse of your component. If you want your component to be protected from abuse, you could follow the example of WPF - store the thread ID in your constructor and then throw an exception if another thread tries to interact directly with your component. Or else implement a truly thread-safe component (not an easy task).

So I contend that merely doing this copy/check idiom is cargo cult programming, adding mess and noise to your code. To actually protect against other threads requires a lot more work.

Update in response to Eric Lippert's blog posts:

So there's a major thing I'd missed about event handlers: "event handlers are required to be robust in the face of being called even after the event has been unsubscribed", and obviously therefore we only need to care about the possibility of the event delegate being null. Is that requirement on event handlers documented anywhere?

And so: "There are other ways to solve this problem; for example, initializing the handler to have an empty action that is never removed. But doing a null check is the standard pattern."

So the one remaining fragment of my question is, why is explicit-null-check the "standard pattern"? The alternative, assigning the empty delegate, requires only = delegate {} to be added to the event declaration, and this eliminates those little piles of stinky ceremony from every place where the event is raised. It would be easy to make sure that the empty delegate is cheap to instantiate. Or am I still missing something?

Surely it must be that (as Jon Skeet suggested) this is just .NET 1.x advice that hasn't died out, as it should have done in 2005?

Source: (StackOverflow)

How to stop event propagation with inline onclick attribute?

Consider the following:

<div onclick="alert('you clicked the header')" class="header">
  <span onclick="alert('you clicked inside the header');">something inside the header</span>

How can I make it so that when the user clicks the span, it does not fire the div's click event?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Definitive way to trigger keypress events with jQuery

I've read all the answers on to this questions and none of the solutions seem to work.

Also, I am getting the vibe that triggering keypress with special characters does not work at all. Can someone verify who has done this?

Source: (StackOverflow)

What's the difference between event.stopPropagation and event.preventDefault?

They seem to be doing the same thing... Is one modern and one old? Or are they supported by different browsers?

When I handle events myself (without framework) I just always check for both and execute both if present. (I also return false, but I have the feeling that doesn't work with events attached with node.addEventListener).

So why both? Should I keep checking for both? Or is there actually a difference?

(I know, a lot of questions, but they're all sort of the same =))

Source: (StackOverflow)

jQuery same click event for multiple elements

Is there any way to execute same code for different elements on the page?

$('.class1').click(function() {

$('.class2').click(function() {

instead to do something like:

$('.class1').$('.class2').click(function() {


Source: (StackOverflow)

How to find event listeners on a DOM node when debugging or from the JS code?

I have a page where some event listeners are attached to input boxes and select boxes. Is there a way to find out which event listeners are observing a particular DOM node and for what event?

Events are attached using:

  1. Prototype's Event.observe;
  2. DOM's addEventListener;
  3. As element attribute element.onclick.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Android Spinner: Get the selected item change event

How can you set the event listener for a Spinner when the selected item changes?

Basically what I am trying to do is something similar to this:

spinner1.onSelectionChange = handleSelectionChange;

void handleSelectionChange(Object sender){
    //handle event

Source: (StackOverflow)

CSS3 transition events

Are there any events fired by an element to check wether a css3 transition has started or end?

Source: (StackOverflow)

How to add a touch event to a UIView?

How do I add a touch event to a UIView?
I try:

UIView *headerView = [[[UIView alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(0, 0, tableView.bounds.size.width, nextY)] autorelease];
[headerView addTarget:self action:@selector(myEvent:) forControlEvents:UIControlEventTouchDown];
// ERROR MESSAGE: UIView may not respond to '-addTarget:action:forControlEvents:'

I don't want to create a subclass and overwrite

- (void)touchesBegan:(NSSet *)touches withEvent:(UIEvent *)event


Source: (StackOverflow)