

A micro PHP framework that's fast, easy, clean and RESTful. The framework does not do a lot of magic under the hood. It is, by design, very simple and very powerful. jmathai/epiphany · GitHub epiphany - a micro php framework that's fast, easy, clean and restful. the framework does not do a lot of magic under the hood. it is, by design, very simple and very powerful.

raspberry pi epiphany html5 features

i notice that epiphany is the native webbrowser for raspberry pi. The doc mention that epiphany has a better support of html5. But i can not find anywhere all html5 features supported by epiphany. Especialy websocket support. It seams that a new release is planed for march 2015. But no documentation for html5 support. I know that epiphany is build on a webkit gtk module, but this way too lacks of documentation.

could anyone tell me where could i find documentation for all html5 features supported in epiphany ? (Especially websocket)

Thank you

Source: (StackOverflow)

Epiphany Browser is unable to display HTML5 Video

I installed latest RaspberryPI OS and it has a default browser (Epiphany) on my RPI.

I want to run my simple html5 webpage having a video, but browser is displaying only video controls and do not display and stream video.

I use html5test.com for checking the supporting videos format, (webm) and it is supporting my uploaded video (My video have Webm vp9 codec and another one is having MPEG-4)

Videos are working fine on ubuntu, windows and mac browsers but problem arise only at raspberry pi, any configuration or some other tools installation is required??

Any suggestion or idea why Epiphany browser is not running my video??

Source: (StackOverflow)


Epiphany framework redirects to homepage

Hello so I've started using epiphany microframework and is having simple problem. I followed the docs but I can't get the route to work. Here is my code:

include_once 'src/Epi.php';
getRoute()->get('/', 'home');
getRoute()->get('/contact', 'contactUs');

function home() {
    echo 'You are at the home page';

function contactUs() {
    echo 'Send us an email at <a rel='nofollow' href="mailto:foo@bar.com">foo@bar.com</a>';

and running it on terminal with php -S localhost:8080. Whenever I enter localhost:8080 it echos out 'You are at the home page'. But when I do localhost:8080/contact it still echos out 'You are at the home page'. I've followed everything in the docs. Am I doing something wrong?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Selenium Web Driver - Span Div CSS dropdownframe - Unable to click the element

I have a complex epiphany web application which is only IE compatible. Here are the sequence of actions on the UI:

The page has multiple frames, out of which there is a Button which when clicked on presents a set of menu options. And the HTML for them is as below :

<div class="FWDropdownMenu" id="test_dropdown">
<div class="DropdownMenuFrame">
<span class="eABCD" id="e1">
<div class="DropdownMenuItem" id="test2_dropdown" onclick=return eTop.Fire(1,this,event)">
<div>Option 1</div>

I want to click on Option 1, so i was using this to locate the element :

List<WebElement> options = driver.findElements(By.tagName("table")

The Webdriver is able to get the element, but not able to click on it. I was getting error as element not visible, but even when the options are presented on screen through click on menu options, i am still not able to click it.

Any thoughts/suggestions?

Source: (StackOverflow)

OpenMPI / mpirun or mpiexec with sudo permission

I'm working on a code that work with Epiphany processor (http://www.parallella.org/) and to run Epiphany codes i need sudo privileges on host side program. There is no escape from sudo!

Now i need to run this code across several nodes, in order to do that i'm using mpi but mpi wont function properly with sudo

#sudo mpirun -n 12 --hostfile hosts -x LD_LIBRARY_PATH=${ELIBS} -x EPIPHANY_HDF=${EHDF} ./hello-mpi.elf

Even a simple code that does node communication does not work. The ranks comes 0 if i use sudo. Communication between threads works but not across nodes. This is important because i wanted to divide the work load properly across the cards.

here is the simple code

#include <stdio.h>
#include <mpi.h>

int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
   int numprocs, rank, namelen;
   char processor_name[MPI_MAX_PROCESSOR_NAME];

   MPI_Init(&argc, &argv);
   MPI_Comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &numprocs);
   MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &rank);
   MPI_Get_processor_name(processor_name, &namelen);

   printf("Hello World from MPI Process %d on machine %s\n", rank, processor_name);


This code should spit out the rank number differently across the nodes but it does not work with sudo

Any help on this would be great

Here is the output from running the above code without sudo.

mpirun -n 3 --hostfile $MPI_HOSTS ./mpitest


Hello world from processor work1, rank 1 out of 3 processors
Hello world from processor command, rank 0 out of 3 processors
Hello world from processor work2, rank 2 out of 3 processors

This is as expected.

Here is the output from running the above code with sudo.

sudo mpirun -n 3 --hostfile $MPI_HOSTS ./mpitest


Hello world from processor command, rank 0 out of 1 processors
Hello world from processor work1, rank 0 out of 1 processors
Hello world from processor work2, rank 0 out of 1 processors

This is not.


as @Hristo Iliev said we tried

mpirun -n 12 ... sudo ./hello-mpi.elf

This didn't work. We still get rank as 0. Other issue we are having is, even a simple math problem would give garbage results or sometimes segmentation faults. Program runs fine on one node but not across all.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Epiphany Browser is loading local page really slow if there is a Network but no Internet connection

I just set up a new Raspberrypi Pi 2 model with raspbian and try to run epiphany for a local website (hosted with node).

No I have a really strange issue:

  • when the Raspberrypi is connected to a network with internet connection, all is running quite well (even HTML5 Video playback)
  • when the Raspberrypi is not connected to a network, all is running quite well as well


  • when the Raspberrypi is connected to a network without any internet connection (FritzBox just providing a local network to be able to access the RaspberryPi) epiphany takes almost 3 minutes during the startup, and the page is loaded suuuuuuuper slow, HTML5 videos cannot be played anymore.

Does anyone have an idea, where this could come from and how I could fix it? In the meanwhile I testet chromium-browser and midori but both are not able to play the HTML5 videos :-(, but at least they opened the page in every of the three states described above in the same speed and time.

Thanks a lot for your help.

Source: (StackOverflow)

core to core message passing in epiphany chip

I want to pass a message from core to core in epiphany chip, first i created a data structure in one core which is a hash table and inside this hashtable I have another struct(hLinkedList) which have two arrays.

struct hLinkedList
    int core;
    int arr[taskNo][msgNo];
    int next[taskNo];

// hashtable
struct hashTable
    unsigned int size;
    int x;
    struct hLinkedList **lists;

Now i want to allocate a memory for the above data structure inside a first core and then send a message from another core to this hashtable. I did a memory allocation as follow

struct hLinkedList *list;
struct hashTable *dst;

if (!(dst = (struct hashTable *)e_get_global_address(row,col,0x4000)))
if (!(list = ( struct hLinkedList*)e_get_global_address(row,col,0x8000)))

now i can send a single integer to a single member inside the struct(hLinkedList) and the hash table , but i cant send a value inside the array of the struct(hLinkedList) or i cant send more than one member. I'm not quite sure if my memory allocation is correct and i think the problem is in the memory allocation.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Apache URL Rewrite for Subdomain

I'm trying to achieve the following:

An HTTP request made to subdomain.domain.com/some/path should be rewritten to domain.com/subdomain/api.php?__route__=some/path.

This is the requirement in order for the Epiphany library to function and properly process RESTful API calls. My website is currently hosted on GoDaddy and I have setup subdomain.domain.com to point to domain.com/subdomain using the GoDaddy web interface. I have placed the following text in the .htaccess file under the subdomain directory:

RewriteEngine on
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
RewriteRule ^(.*)\?*$ api.php?__route__=/$1 [L,QSA]

I'm getting the standard 500 Internal Server Error when I try to make any calls to the RESTful API.

Unfortunately, I have to wait several hours before GoDaddy gives me access to any Apache log files. Any ideas why this isn't working?


In order to clarify, I want the following rewriting to take place:

internal.ledworld-me.com/some/path => ledworld-me.com/internal/api.php?__route__=/some/path

Right now, GoDaddy is being used to map internal.ledworld-me.com to ledworld-me.com/internal. I'm starting to think I should remove the mapping from the GoDaddy side and rely solely on mod_rewrite in order to achieve this.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Epiphany browser open URLs in the same tab in python

I am using epiphany webbrowser in my Raspberry Pi project. According to the requirement I need to open a link on the same tab using python webbrowser module. But each time a new tab is opened although I've given the parameter new=0

import webbrowser
import time
b = webbrowser.get('epiphany')
b.open('http://www.google.com', new=0)
b.open('https://stackoverflow.com', new=0)

Any way to resolve this? I need to open urls on the same tab. Any solution from the webbrowser's perspective or python webbrowser module's perspective is highly appreciated.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Epiphany regex-route error

i'm trying to implement a Rest web services using epiphany framework in this way:

include_once 'rest/Epi.php';

Epi::setSetting('exceptions', true);
Epi::setPath('base', 'rest');
getRoute()->post('/city/(\w+)', 'getCity');

function getCity($tmp){
    //My work

The problem borns when i use url like:


what i understood is that the problem is with regex (\w+), how can i change it to allow any string?

Source: (StackOverflow)

RPI kiosk mode fullscreen epiphany

I have a raspberry pi 2 model B with Raspbian that i want to boot into fullscreen browser.

I can get it boot into the browser with the right url, but not in fullscreen.

I am using ths command line to boot it up.

epiphany-browser http://mylink.com

What should i do to get it into fullscreen?

Source: (StackOverflow)