

Epic is a high performance statistical parser written in Scala, along with a framework for building complex structured prediction models. ScalaNLP

Syntax check does not work for modules (*.pm) in Perl Eclipse Plugin (EPIC)

I'm using Eclipse Perl Integration Plugin (EPIC) for developing with Perl. All its functions work great with Perl files (*.pl), but there are problems with Perl modules (*.pm) (I add them to the same project, so project settings are the same): on-the-fly syntax check does not work for them, so that I can't see any errors while coding.
Is it a bug or do I need to recheck any settings?
Thank you.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Why can't I get Eclipse / EPIC to display line numbers?

I installed EPIC, but I cannot see the line number even I enable line number, any idea?

Source: (StackOverflow)


How to make (EPIC perl) plugin on eclipse do syntax coloring for a file that does not have .pl extension

I have to work on a file that for a variety of reasons cannot be renamed to have a .pl extension. So far I have worked by creating a private version, changing its name to have a .pl extension and then copying it back again after changes. It is now becoming cumbersome and creating bugs. Is there any way to make perl epic/eclipse syntax color a .pl file

Source: (StackOverflow)

LLVM compiler infrastructure for VLIW architectures

Do you know how strong VLIW architectures (or EPIC, like Itanium) support exists in LLVM compiler infrastructure?

Are there good documents/slides materials on this?

Source: (StackOverflow)

How can I run Perl test cases in Eclipse using EPIC?

I am using eclipse EPIC (Perl plug-in) to run my Perl scripts. The scripts are running fine. but I want group my scripts and run together at a go. How can I do this?

The scripts I am running are test cases. So basically it would be nice if I can take the results of each script and display them in table like fashion or write into a file all the results. How can I do this too?

And can I connect to remote host to run the scripts?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Why does the EPIC eclipse plugin not show any info in "Explain Errors/Warnings"?

I use the "EPIC" plugin to Eclipse for Perl development, but in the "Explain Errors/Warnings" view there's no info at all, even though I have some compilation errors. Do I need to do anything special to get EPIC to display useful info in that view? What is that view for anyway?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Eclipse: Perl EPIC debug & release mode execution mismatch

I am noticing an execution mismatch of Perl in Eclipse EPIC plugin.


Perl version: (v5.12.4) built for MSWin32-x86-multi-thread

Eclipse version: Indigo Service Release 2

EPIC version: 0.6.53

Consider the files & source codes below: (all source files are in same directory)


use package1;

require "package1.pm";
require "package2.pm";


require "packagetest.pm";



package package1;

use Exporter;

our @ISA = qw(Exporter);

our @EXPORT = qw(

sub sampleFunction {
    print "from package1.pm \n";    


package package1;  # declare the same package 'package1'

use Exporter;

our @ISA = qw(Exporter);

our @EXPORT = qw(

sub sampleFunction {
    print "from package2.pm \n";    


package packagetest;

use package1;

sub callSampleFunction {


When I execute the sample.pl file in Eclipse EPIC, I am getting two different console outputs.

Debug mode output:

from package2.pm 
from package2.pm

Run mode output:

Subroutine sampleFunction redefined at D:/My.Soft.Dev/Perl_XS/package2.pm line 11.
from package1.pm 
from package2.pm 

I have the below questions:

1) Why am I getting two different outputs here? Is it not a bug?

2) Which of the outputs shown is a "valid output"?

3) Can someone explain why is the particular output valid?

I tried to derive the reasons from my Perl knowledge. But I couldn't. So, I understood, I have to get to know more about Perl:))

UPDATE: I have created a bug report: https://sourceforge.net/p/e-p-i-c/bugs/669/

Looks like (1) is a bug in Perl debugger of 5.12.4 version

Source: (StackOverflow)

Can't configure Eclipse for running a perl script using the EPIC plugin?

I just installed EPIC (Perl in Eclipse Plugin) in Eclipse Indigo. I'm running win7. I read that I needed to install padwalker, which I did also. I then created a Perl project and a script file.

Everything looks good, but when I try to setup the run or debug configuration, the project isn't referenced in the Project Selection dialog under run configurations in Eclipse, as one I can select and in the EPIC user guide it shows all projects should be available?

I'm pointing to the "C:\Perl\bin\perl5.8.8.exe" in my PerlEpic preferences. Is there something else I need to do that I've missed?

After doing some research, I see that the reason the project won't run is that general projects can't run under eclipse, only java projects, those with a java nature associated with them. (ie have a project and a classpath folder with the "J" icon designated in their source file under the Project View). My Perl project has a "Perl Nature" associated with it, so it's not a java project perse.

So the real question is how do I create a Perl project in eclipse, but still be able to run it like I do a java project?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Epic ( Eclipse ) Perl not working

I have installed Epic in my Eclipse to run perl scripts. Unfortunately, iam getting the below error while trying to run the script.

Failed to execute command line: "perl" "-v"

Cannot run program "perl" (in directory "."): CreateProcess error=2, The system cannot find the file specified

When i tried to run "perl -v" in command prompt, it worked fine on the day i installed Epic. After restarting, the command does not work and the folder C:\Dwimperl became empty.

  • Note : The script did not run and showed the same error in eclipse even on the day i installed Epic.

I am using Windows 7, Eclipse Luna Release 2(4.4.2), and Perl 5 (before restart, now deleted)

These are the contents of my System PATH

C:\Program Files (x86)\Sony\VAIO Startup Setting Tool
C:\Program Files (x86)\QuickTime\QTSystem\
C:\Program Files (x86)\Skype\Phone\

Source: (StackOverflow)

How can I import perl scripts in a project using Epic?

I am interested in using Epic for Perl development as my background is Java. So I have installed Epic in my Eclipse.
There is already a source code repository with perl scripts in a remote file system.
My question is, if I mount the remote file system how am I supposed to use Eclipse to work on the scripts?
In Java there files would be under a project (with the corresponding files).
I see that there is an equivalent Eclipse Project in the Eclipse menu after installing Epic.
So how would I access the perl scripts? Some how add them under a new project?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Perl PadWalker does not display variables declared with "our"

Having some problems with Perl debugger in Eclipse and PadWalker. Only used it for simple one-file scripts before. Variables declared using "my". They appear fine in the debugger "variables" window.

Now I am using someone else's more complicated script and I don't see the variables declared using "our". To investigate, I boiled it down to one very simple example


use strict;
use warnings;

require 'junk2.pl';

package Junk;
my $simon = "SOMETHING";
print "JUNK  " . $Junk2::james . "\n";
print "JUNK  " . $simon . "\n";


package Junk2;
our $james;
$james = "FOO";


Stepping through the code, the vairable my $simon displays in the debugger window fine but variable our $james does not. The debugger is working OK: the program runs and the output window shows the correct output... it's just the variables window that fails to show $james.

The screen shot below demonstrates the problem. As you can see the variable $james from the Junk2 package prints ok, but does not appear in the variables display.

View of IDE debugger with no package variables

Been searching a while for a solution but can't find anything that matches well... any ideas?

EDIT: Have found out that I can "see" the package variables if I use the Perl debugger: View of cmd line debugger.

Is there a way to have the same output in a friendly manner in the IDE like padwalker shows?

Thank you to guys who have answered so far :)

Source: (StackOverflow)

Is there a JIra query which will return all stories without an EPIC?

I'm trying to tidy up our Jira board and create an accurate story map.

To do that I need to come up with a query that will return open user stories within a certain project that don't have any issue links (preferably 'related to (primary)')- the last part does not seem to be supported.

I've had a look around an post of the Q&As are a few years old, so i'm wondering if it was been updated recently?

I'm using version 5.1


Source: (StackOverflow)

Eclipse EPIC Bug? Can't Modify Perl Include Path

I'm working on a small Perl program in Eclipse that involves using my own Perl module. This module is saved in my current project's workspace so it should be in the Perl include path by default, but Eclipse has one of these annoying red "x's" telling me that it cannot find the module. When I hover over the "x" it says:

Can't locate in @INC (@INC contains: C:/Perl64/site/lib C:/Perl64/lib)

I went into my project properties and tried to modify the "Perl Include Path" to include "." (The current working directory) but it won't let me add to the include path.

Project properties

I can't add anything to the include path, not even a different directory altogether. The second I click "OK" I get this error message:

Error message

I even get the error message if I make no changes at all! If I just go to that page in "Project Properties" and click "OK" I will get the error message without even trying to add to the Perl Include Path.

Does anyone have any idea what is going on here? I have searched the internet for a few days now with no luck. I have not seen anyone having the same issue or anything similar. This is getting very frustrating and I appreciate any help.

Thank you


Here is some information about my version of Eclipse, just in case that helps with solving this issue.

About Eclipse

More information:

After messing with this a little more I realized that if I go into the "Perl Include Path" section of the project properties at all, even if I make no changes and leave it and click "OK" in a different section, I still get the error message. Somehow this error is caused simply by clicking on the "Perl Include Path" tab without doing anything else.

Source: (StackOverflow)

How to make Eclipse/EPIC work with perlbrew

I'm using Eclipse/EPIC for programming/debugging and perlbrew to switch between perl versions. For any reason Eclipse/EPIC doesn't recognize switching the perl versions initiated by perlbrew. Switching the version is persistent but does only effect the terminal session. I tried already the method that was suggested in this forum...

Click through to Window->Preferences->Perl EPIC and set the Perl executable to


... but that didn't work. When entered, Eclipse/EPIC tries to run the perl -v command, which fails. I assume that is because there is no executable perl command accessible in this path. The path settings that actually should be changed by perlbrew apparently don't have any effect. When pointing instead onto the absolute path...


...Eclipse/EPIC considers the requested version, but that's actually not what I want. Is there any other proper way to make Eclipse/EPIC work with perbrew? I'm running: MAC OS X -> Mountain Lion, Eclipse -> 4.2 JUNO, EPIC -> 0.5, perlbrew -> 0.58 .

Source: (StackOverflow)

Installation of EPIC within eclipse juno

I'm installing EPIC within eclipse but always get an error:

Unable to read repository at http://e-p-i-c.sf.net/updates/testing/content.xml

I tried the second answer in this post which is:

1) add the line in eclipse.ini: -Djava.net.preferIPv4Stack = true

2) delete eclipse/p2/org.eclipse.equinox.p2.repository/cache directory

But still get the error. However I can install CDT correctly.

I'm using Mac OX Lion and Eclipse Classic 4.2.1 the mac os 64bit version. I also tried to switch to 32bit version but didn't work. Any help is appreciated.

Source: (StackOverflow)