embed interview questions
Top embed frequently asked interview questions
I've created photo galleries on my blog. I used tables and it was easy to embed pics from Picasa. I did some complicated thing to embed pics from Google+ not too long ago but I cannot figure it out again. So, how can I embed a single photo from Google+?
Source: (StackOverflow)
Is it possible to embed a Google Spreadsheet into a Google Document à la Microsoft Excel and Microsoft Word? How about a chart from a Spreadsheet?
Source: (StackOverflow)
Is there a way to embed the Google +1 (plus one) button without the use of JavaScript or an iframe? Don't care about the counter of other people who also clicked the plus one since that's probably only something you can pull from the JavaScript version.
Google runs you through a wizard to add the +1 button to your website. What's generated is a few lines of JavaScript that your site/page needs to include in order to display the button.
For other sites like Twitter, delicious, reddit and even Facebook, you can send a link only version of their version of crowdsourcing social happy times.
You can also make that an inline version to send in emails or even drop in forums. Something you'd also be able to drop into a Tumblr post or such where they might not let you include either JavaScript or iframes in posts.
Is there a workaround to having an inline, non JavaScript or iframe version, of the Google +1 button?
Source: (StackOverflow)
So far I have been successful embedding Youtube videos into Trello card comments; simply by including the URL in the comment Trello picks it up and renders an embedded Youtube thumbnail.
What I would like to do is the same thing, but with a simple PNG image. I don't want to upload the image as it is a Balsamiq mockup permalink which will get updated periodically, and I want the latest version to be displayed on the Trello card.
However, pasting the image URL into the Trello card has no effect.
Am I missing somthing?
Source: (StackOverflow)
If I have the embed HTML for a Google Calendar, can I extract the URL I would use to subscribe to the calendar?
For example:
Embed code (linebreaks added for clarity):
<iframe src="https://www.google.com/calendar/hosted/example.com/embed?
style=" border-width:0 " width="800"
height="600" frameborder="0" scrolling="no">
the juicy bit is src=example.com_ecafa7el7kc4du1ervkdff4x6a%40group.calendar.google.com
but I can't seem to get it into a format I can use in Add -> Add by URL in my Google Calendar.
Source: (StackOverflow)
WordPress doesn't support iframe embeds on its free sites, but it does provide a Shortcode option for Google Apps. It seems to automatically convert the iframe code from the older version of Google Drive into the Shortcode snippet, but it doesn't seem to work anymore now that Google has changed the form of its form URLs.
Is there an easier way to do this? Am I missing something here?
The old form looks like this:
<iframe src="https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/embeddedform?formkey=MyFormKey" frameborder="0" width="760" height="500" marginheight="0" marginwidth="0"></iframe>
and the new form looks like this:
<iframe src="https://docs.google.com/forms/d/MyFormKey/viewform?embedded=true" width="760" height="500" frameborder="0" marginheight="0" marginwidth="0">Loading...</iframe>
They work fine when tested at the W3 school HTML sandbox.
Source: (StackOverflow)
My Question: Is there a way to change the embed code or some javascript I can run in a blogger blog to embed only the audio of a YouTube video in my blog posts?
My specific situation: I have a private blog that I would like to record my musings to in audio form. I'm looking for a good solution for hosting the audio recordings and embedding them in my blog. My research has led me to believe that YouTube would be the best despite the fact that it is meant for video.
What I've tried: Everything online says that you just change the height of the embed code to be 25, but I think this is a hack and would like to avoid it if I can.
In case you're interested: Here are the things I've looked at and why I don't think they are suitable solutions for my problem:
- Dropbox: Workable, but if I ever want to change the location of the files in my dropbox then the links would all break (I presume). This is my current solution. I'm just using the
tag which works great for me.
- Google Drive: Doesn't have any streaming capabilities I'm aware of.
- SoundCloud: Limit of 2 hours for free version and there's no way to make a clip "unlisted" so my blog can access it but the world can't.
- Last.fm: Just wont work...
I'm open to other solutions, but this seems to be the best one. My criteria are:
- Free and basically unlimited
- Permanent links (this is why Dropbox is not a great solution)
- Access only to those with a link, not searchable to the general public
Reiterating my question: Remember, I've done my research, so my question isn't which service I should use, but rather if there's a way to embed only audio from a YouTube clip. But I'm happy to accept alternatives. I just don't want to break the rules of the site :) Thanks!
Source: (StackOverflow)
I'm building a website to help a friend who schedules piano lessons. They use Google Calendar to track lessons, and I'm building a website for them to manage students, lesson packages, etc.
The customer-facing portion of the site can use a read-only embedded Google Calendar (which I already know how to find). I would like to embed the fully-functional Google Calendar to their admin pages, however, so they can manage their schedule through the same web interface, as could other people on their team who are logged in to the admin portion of their website.
Is there any way to do this without re-building Google Calendar from scratch using the APIs? (I keep considering doing that, with just the core "credit/edit/delete events" functionality, but I feel like I'm reinventing the wheel for no reason.)
Source: (StackOverflow)
The scrolling perspective of a Video Wall display for my YouTube Channel video collection would be of great value. Easy access to more than 100 videos.
So I got it working using a Cooliris Express embed code generator. Problem is YouTube video annotations are not enabled in the Cooliris player. This is a big problem. Major loss of functionality. Annotations are very important. Here is a comparison of the Cooliris Video Wall with a YouTube embed player that supports viewing of video annotation. http://googleplexmath.blogspot.com/p/mathview-video-wall.html
How do I get the Video Wall to show YouTube annotations when a video is selected and then played in the embedded player?
Source: (StackOverflow)
I want to embed a Google Docs spreadsheet in a forum post so that it is easily viewed by people.
The spreadsheet should be read-only in the embedded status. Any way to do it?
Source: (StackOverflow)
I'm embedded a Google Map in my website and it always appears in the user's browser locale language, whereas I want it to always be in English.
Is there any way to enforce this?
Here's an example:

Source: (StackOverflow)
I want to change the Facebook embedded posts plugin to fit in the side bar widget for my site. Currently, it is 286px wide, but the Facebook plugin width is around 567px.
How can I accomplish that?
Source: (StackOverflow)
I would like to search the internet for specific mentions of a URL in the HTML source code - which is used inside an embed but not mentioned in the text rendered on the page and is not used as a link either.
Note: This is not a text link, this URL will be mentioned in the HTML source code only, not mentioned on the page, so google searching for it doesn't find it. A good example would be a youtube embed url - how do I find sites that contain that embed?
Is there a tool for this online or would you have to write a web crawler to do it?
Source: (StackOverflow)