
email-filter interview questions

Top email-filter frequently asked interview questions

MS Outlook search folder for uncategorized mail?

How do I create a search folder for uncategorized mail in Outlook? There only seems to be a way to filter by "being in which category?", not by "not being in any category". I would like a search folder with mail with "no category".

Source: (StackOverflow)

Is there a way to permanently delete Exchange/Outlook email while away?

Like many, I'm locked into using Exchange server emails for work via Outlook on Windows XP at my work place.

In my case there is absolutely no opportunity to use a different client at all ever.

Is there a way to permanently delete emails while I'm away on leave?

By using Rules and Alerts, I found that the permanent deletion is a client-side only rule, which won't work while I'm away.

Source: (StackOverflow)


Inverse Thunderbird's Quick filter selection?

Thunderbird 3.1 has a quick filter bar, very convenient. You click 'starred' and only the starred messages are shown.

Is there some trick or way to also apply the inverse filter, for example show all NOT starred messages?

Edit: I don't want to create a custom filter. I am thinking along the lines of for example alt-clicking the button or so.

Source: (StackOverflow)

How can I filter meeting requests and other calendar items in Outlook 2011 with a local client-side rule?

A server-side rule has "[Kind] is [Meeting Request]" as an available type of rule filter, but client-side rules do not have the [Kind] filter at all.

Is there an email header that I could use to trigger a client-side rule to mimic that behavior?

Source: (StackOverflow)

is there a way to setup this rule in outlook to identify emails just to me (no other to or cc)

is there a way to setup a rule to isolate emails that are sent directly to me and noone else is cced or in the to:

Source: (StackOverflow)

How to filter Outlook email using a Rule with a VBA script?

Certain things are not possible using the default e-mail rules like searching subjects or message bodies with wildcards. You can do multiple words but it's not the same if you need the words one character away from each other. How can I write my own Visual Basic for Applications code to filter Outlook email?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Is it possible using regular expression in inbox rule criteria

I want to filter all mail whose subject starts with [SomeWord], so I wonder is it possible using regular expression(such as ^\[SomeWord\]) for inbox rule of outlook.

I'm using outlook web aceess, not outlook client.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Removing duplicate emails in Thunderbird

I need to stop the duplicate mail (which is already in my mail box) in Thunderbird or any mail box.

Are there any filters for this?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Script ThunderBird filters

Is it possible to write your own filters for Thunderbird, I don't care what language is used.

I want to be able to do a full analysis of the email (headers and text) and take certain actions based on the content.

Bonus points if I'm able to compare the current email with older received messages (mainly to remove duplicate log messages)

Source: (StackOverflow)

Is there a way in Mozilla Thunderbird to delete mail from the remote server and keep it locally?

Is it possible to have Thunderbird delete mail from the server but leave it on your local disk?

Ideally I'd like to be able set it up so that it will delete mail on the remote server under a certain number of days but keep it locally so I can reference it if need be.

What would be even more awesome if I could set different policies on different folders, so that certain email gets cleanup more often then other email.

Source: (StackOverflow)

outlook rule to convert incoming email to plain-text

We all have those people who decide to put a ton of junk mark-up in their emails and make it nearly impossible to read. What I'd like to have is a rule in Outlook 2010 that as soon as an email comes from a certain person (or probably group) it automatically converts it to plain-text instead of html. Any ideas?

Source: (StackOverflow)

How do I create an Outlook rule that moves all email from a specific domain to a folder?

I want to create a rule that moves all non-corporate email to a separate folder.

I don't mix work and personal business, but I would like to separate renewals and subscriptions from MSDN and TechNET from email I receive from my colleagues.

I want all email NOT sent from a specific domain, like @example.com, to go to a separate folder.

Source: (StackOverflow)

priority of outlook email inbox rules

what if an email correctly hits two rules.

for example:

  1. Rule 1: Email from my boss goes into Important
  2. Rule 2: Email with subject of "Summer" goes into deleted items

what if my boss sends me an email with the subject of "Summer" ?

what is the ordering of rules?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Is there a wildcard for setting up an Outlook 2007 rule?

I would like to create a rule that moves anything with the words SUCCESS * BenchmarkResults, where the * indicates a wildcard to a specific folder. We have multiple systems that will be put in place of the *.

We have emails that will return WARNING * BenchmarkResults that I don't want the rule applied to.

I know I can create a separate rule for each of our systems, but I want this rule to be dynamic where I can add new benchmark emails without creating a new rule.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Apple Mail doesn't apply rules unless I choose "Apply Rules" manually

I'm using Apple Mail with IMAP account. I have several filtering rules defined. The problem is that Mail doesn't apply them automatically to incoming email. Even spam isn't filtered automatically.

For all incoming email, every time, I have to select e-mails and select "Apply Rules", and then rules work fine (that one time on selected e-mails only).

It works like this on two separate installs of Mail with different accounts (both IMAP though).

How can I get Mail to apply all rules automatically every time to all e-mails?

I wonder does it ignore rules because of misconfiguation, bug or does Apple seriously expect people to use "Apply Rules" menu item regularly?

Source: (StackOverflow)