

A JavaScript implementation of the elasticsearch Query DSL elastic.js: Namespace: ejs

Elastic query to match any of provided conditions in BoolQuery

I made elastic.js build dynamic query like this:

    "size": 15,
    "query": {
        "bool": {
            "must": [
                { "term": { "tag": { "term": "rocket" } } },
                { "term": { "name": { "term": "space" } } }
            "should": [
                { "wildcard": { "place": { "value": "Moo*" } } }

Elastic.js code for this is ( Translator ):

        .must(ejs.TermQuery('tag', 'rocket'))
        .must(ejs.TermQuery('name', 'space'))
        .should(ejs.WildcardQuery('place', 'Moo*'))

It works great, I am happy and I would like it to be like that. But I realized that I need to add an option to perform this query with OR condition, instead of AND as is now.

It should find documents that match any of provided conditions.

And that task leaves me with no clues (even about DSL that will complete this purpose).

I have looked at OrFilter but I have no idea on how to use it right (especially with elasticJS). Any solid source of information on elastic/js will be greatly appreciated

Source: (StackOverflow)

Elasticsearch and Elastic.js Query

i am currently using Elastic.js (Angular.js integration) to query Elasticsearch.

I have an Elasticsearch query that is as follows:

    "query" : {
        "range" : {
            "created_at" : {
                "from" : "2013-07-21T03:55:32.000"
    }, "facets" : {
        "tag" : {
            "terms" : {
                "field" : "hashtag.text",
                "size" : 10

I have a query that works without the data range filter, the query using Angular and Elastic.js is :

.query(ejs.QueryStringQuery($rootScope.globalVariable || '*'))





I have tried many combinations to add the date range filter to the Elastic.js query.

Can anyone please give some ideas/clues on how I can do this?

Many thanks

Source: (StackOverflow)


Access to request result of elastic.js from js code

I have this code:

$scope.search = function() {
            $scope.results = ejs.Request()
                .query(ejs.TermQuery("amount", 10)).size(10).from(0)

and :

<tr id="tr" ng-repeat="record in results.hits.hits" repeat-done="reload_scroll()">
                        <td><input type="checkbox" ng-model="record._source.checked"/></td>
                        <td>{{ record._source.id }}</td>


and it work properly. But I want to have access to $scope.results in js code but when I write:

$scope.search = function() {
            $scope.results = ejs.Request()
                .query(ejs.TermQuery("amount", 10)).size(10).from(0)


but it print undefined it console, what should I use instead $$v? Thanks.

Source: (StackOverflow)

elastic.js + node.js : queries not making sense

As seen on the official documentation of FullScale, I've got :

// The official one
var elasticsearch = require('elasticsearch');

var client = new elasticsearch.Client({
    host: conf.elastic.server

// FullScale one (for some reasons, needing the official one, whereas in AngularJS, same version, used alone. But hey ! I'm not judging.
var ejs = require('elastic.js');

    index: conf.elastic.indice,
    type: conf.elastic.index,
    body: ejs.Request().query(ejs.BoolQuery().must(ejs.MatchQuery('field': 'exemple'))
}).then(function(resp) {
    _this.sendResponse(null, resp.hits.hits, res);
}, function(args) {
    console.trace("Erreur #" + args.status + " : " + args.error);

And everything seems to work, except when I look closely to the results that have absolutely nothing to do with 'exemple', like :

    "field": "something that have absolutely nothing to do with anything"
    "field": "lolwut i don't even know how to elasticsearch"
    "field": "kthxbye"

Is the elastic.js (fullscale) broken on npm (because I know it's working on AngularJS) ? or have I forgot to guess something that wasn't in the FullScale documentation ?


Source: (StackOverflow)

Create elastic.js query

Long story short.

I need to create an analogue with elasticjs for query:


I'm confused with options listed on the docs page. Already tried to create BoolQuery, TermQuery and a couple of others, but they don't work for me.

I'm stuck now and would appreciate any kind of help on subject.

P.S. And another side of the same question. I can't find how json should look to obtain the same data. Came up with this solution so far, but unfortunately it's not working:

  "query": {
    "bool": {
      "should": [
          "term": {
            "tag": "three*"

Source: (StackOverflow)

Abort elasticsearch request using elastic.js

Is there a way to cancel requests/queries to Elasticsearch using elasticjs? The web app I am working on performs a request/query every 5 seconds, but I would like to cancel the request if for some reason the response doesn't show up in 5 seconds (so the browser doesn't pile up a bunch of requests that are unnecessary since the queries are happening repeatedly). I understand this would not prevent Elasticsearch from completing the query, but I would like to at least cancel the request in the browser.


var request = ejs.Request().doSearch();
var dataFromElasticsearch;

request.then(function (data) {
    dataFromElasticsearch = data;   

setTimeout(function () {
    if (!dataFromElasticsearch) {
        //do something here to cancel request
}, 5000)

Source: (StackOverflow)

Query the number of elements matching a filter using elastic.js?

I'm building a leaderboard with elasticsearch. I'd like to query all documents who have points greater than a given amount using the following query:

"constant_score" : {
    "filter" : {
        "range" : {
            "totalPoints" : {
                "gt": 242

This works perfectly -- elasticsearch appropriately returns all documents with points greater than 242. However, all I really need is the count of elements matching this query. Since I'm sending the result over the network, it would be helpful if the query simply returned the count, as opposed to all of the documents matching the filter.

How do I get elasticsearch to only report the count of documents matching the filter?

EDIT: I've learned that what I'm looking for is setting search_type to count. However, I'm not sure how to do this with elastic.js. Any noders willing to pitch in their advice?

Source: (StackOverflow)

How to index documents with elastic.js client?

So far I haven't found any samples of HOW the elastic.js client api (https://github.com/fullscale/elastic.js) can be used for indexing documents. There are some clues here & there but nothing concrete yet.

  • http://docs.fullscale.co/elasticjs/ejs.Document.html
  • Document ( index, type, id ): Object used to create, replace, update, and delete documents
  • Document > doIndex(fnCallBack): Stores a document in the given index and type. If no id is set, one is created during indexing.
  • Document > source (doc): Sets the source document.

Can anyone provide a sample snippet of code to show how an document object can be instantiated and used to index data?


Update # 1 (Sun Apr 21st, 2013 on 12:58pm CDT)


Source: (StackOverflow)