
dynamic-dns interview questions

Top dynamic-dns frequently asked interview questions

My dyndns domain doesn't point to the right IP from inside my network, how do I correct that?

I set up a DynDns account to point a domain to my dynamic IP server at home. From any "outside" network, the connection is working and pointing to my server. But when I point my browser to my URL (xxxx.dyndns.org) from within my LAN it goes to the login page of my ADSL modem.

What am I doing wrong?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Can't set "example.com" as a CNAME record?

I'm currently running a server at home, but I have a dynamic IP. So I subscribed to a dynamic dns service(dlinkddns.com). I made all the correct settings in my own network, and the ip updates perfectly.

The problem is that I have a domainname(let's say: "example.com"), and I want to set the root domainname without any prefixes ("example.com") to CNAME to my dlinkddns domain. But my domain name DNS host says I can't do that(it's "not allowed"). I can do it for "www.example.com" etc. and that works perfectly, but just not for the root domain name. Anyone knows a solution to this?

Source: (StackOverflow)


how to clear Window DNS cache

My router reset and my ip address changed. DynDNS was updated with the new address automatically. But windows still pings the old address.

How do I clear the DNS cache in Windows Vista?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Self-hosting a dynamic dns service?

Is there a way to self-host a dynamic DNS service? I really like the flexibility of DynDNS et al, but I'd like to host my own dynamic DNS service so I can have better control and the ability to send my owned domains to the nameserver without having to pay a fee. Are FOSS implementations of dynamic DNS available, or is there a way to do this in BIND?

Source: (StackOverflow)

How can I configure a "global hostname" in Airport Utility?

AirPort Utility 5.6.1 for Windows disallows entering dots ('.') in the global hostname. Whenever you try to enter a '.', it just beeps with an error.

AirPort hostname dialog

Setting a global hostname is the AirPort way for the "Dynamic DNS" feature found in other routers; i.e. a way to register a hostname for your dynamic IP. It can be found by clicking the AirPort button, then going to the Base Station tab and clicking the Edit button by the AirPort Express Name field.

Configuring AirPort Express hostname

Source: (StackOverflow)

2 servers behind single IP using DD-WRT and Dynamic DNS

I current have a single server running at home. I use freedns.afraid.org to route the domain name to my current ip.

I wish to setup an additional server on a separate domain. How best to achieve it so:

domain1.com -> DDNS -> current ip -> DD-WRT -> server 1


domain2.com -> DDNS -> current ip -> DD-WRT -> server 2

for all ports (http, ssh, ftp etc.)

Source: (StackOverflow)

Can I manage my own domain using a web sever at home without having a static IP address using NO-IP?

I have purchased my own domain in GoDaddy. I have a server at home, Windows Server 2008 R2 to be specific. I do not have a static IP address, however I have created an account in No-IP, have the DUC software running which assures that the hostname I was provided with will always point to the dynamic IP address at my place.

However, in GoDaddy they ask for an IP to specify where is the site hosted. How can I do this?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Dynamic DNS for both IPv4 and IPv6 (using freedns.afraid.org or others)

[Edit: I have now found a solution; see below for my answer]

I want to set up dynamic DNS on my Fritz!Box 7490, so that it is reachable both on IPv4 and IPv6. Note that I want to reach the Fritz!Box itself, and not a computer behind it.

The scenario is that I have both native IPv4 and native IPv6 as dual stack, and both IPv4 and IPv6 are dynamically assigned by my ISP.

I am currently using freedns.afraid.org but would be open for other services as well if what I want can be achieved.

The issue I am facing is that the Fritz!Box GUI only allows for one update URL. In that update URL, I can use one of these three options:

  • Automatic IP address detection (which uses IPv4): http:⁄⁄freedns.afraid.org⁄dynamic⁄update.php?MY-SECRET-TOKEN
  • Pass IPv4 address to freedns.afraid.org: http:⁄⁄freedns.afraid.org⁄dynamic⁄update.php?MY-SECRET-TOKEN&address=<ipaddr>
  • Pass IPv6 address to freedns.afraid.org: http:⁄⁄freedns.afraid.org⁄dynamic⁄update.php?MY-SECRET-TOKEN&address=<ip6addr>

However, what I would need is a link that updates both the IPv4 and the IPv6 address at the same time.

I have seen Dynamic DNS at freedns.afraid.org using a Fritz!Box - this helped as it showed me the <ip6addr> tag, but the person asking the question only wanted to update the IPv6 address, so it is not applicable to me.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Running a home mail server using dynamic dns

Is it possible to run an email server on my home box using dynamic dns?

The scenario is, I want to auto cc all incoming and outgoing emails from my one account to another, from some server side config instead of configuring email clients for rules. I have tried Google Apps Mail but it doesn't allow auto cc of outgoing emails. After having read tons of blogs, forum messages etc (hope I have been reading the correct info :) ) the only option to achieve what I am needing is to setup my own mail server, but the cost of getting a static IP doesn't fit my budget.

Please can someone point me in the correct direction. Platform doesn't matter, I can setup a Windows or Linux server.

Many Thanks

Source: (StackOverflow)

If I ssh to a domain provided by dyndns, does my password go through them?

I'm running Ubuntu on my work PC, and my work place provides me with a static IP address but not with a domain. It's sometimes useful for me to connect to that PC through ssh, but it's not common enough for me to instantly remember the IP number. So I set um a dyndns account, and associated a short and intuitive domain name to that IP.

Here's my question, when I try to ssh to the domain, it asks me

$ ssh me@something.there.foo
The authenticity of host 'something.there.foo (xx.xx.xx.xx)' can't be established.
RSA key fingerprint is 'ALPHANUMERIC STRING'
Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)?

That surprised me a little bit. I have already registered the RSA fingerprint by connecting directly to the IP address. I thought the domain name was simply a convenient way of pointing me in the right direction (i. e. the ip address), but that message makes me think my data is actually going through their servers or something.

Which one is it? Am I sending my password through someone else's server? Or is ssh just really really careful, thus warning me even if the final destination is a know host?

The ssh server I'm using is the openssh-server package.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Redirect Apache SSL traffic to subdomain with a proper certificate

I currently have a server which has a DynDNS subdomain (let's call it foo.dyn.com). I also have a proper domain with a CNAME pointing to that subdomain (let's call it bar.baz.com). foo.dyn.com has a self-signed SSL certificate, while bar.baz.com has a proper CA-signed SSL certificate.

I've set up Apache to redirect non-ssl requests for either domain to https://bar.baz.com, which works fine. My problem is this: I want anyone trying to access https://foo.dyn.com to get redirected to https://bar.baz.com. I've tried 2 solutions and neither get it quite right:

  1. Have 1 VirtualHost, using the CA certificate. This obvious gives a horrible warning about domain using the wrong certificate when someone tries to access https://foo.dyn.com.
  2. Have 2 VirtualHosts, one for foo.dyn.com with the self-signed certificate and one for bar.baz.com using the proper certificate. The foo.dyn.com has a redirect clause that redirects all traffic to https://bar.baz.com, which works except that you still the the self-signed certificate warning. Also, some non-web browser HTTP clients (like wget) get foo.dyn.com's certificate when pointed at bar.baz.com

Is there a way I can get around this problem?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Config Issue with dyndns windows updater

I'm unable to open website xyz.dyndns.org internally as well as externally. I have UTStarCom ASDL Router and also did port 80 forward.

Can someone tell me why its not working?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Dynamic DNS for the domain root

I have a host set up with Dyn, and the IP address for this host is dynamically updated by my router.

My domain's DNS is delegated to Dyn, and I've set up subdomain CNAME records which alias the host, e.g. www.example.com now forwards to example.dyndns.org

Is it possible to get example.com to point to the Dyn host as well? It won't let me create a CNAME record for the root domain.

I don't want to use the webhop option.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Hosting dynamic DNS website on Virtual Box with single open port - safe?

I am looking to host a website on my own machine at home with something like dynamic DNS purely to demonstrate it to a some friends for a few days over my ADSL connection. On my LAN are a few precious things such as a NAS with various important photos etc. I am therefore very keen to protect the rest of my network from the possibility of being damaged/hacked by incoming traffic.

(the website can't be hosted online for technical and financial reasons - I can't afford the hosting it would require)

My router doesn't provide DMZ functionality. Therefore, I am planning on running the website in a VirtualBox VM and using port forwarding. My logic is that I can control at the Hypervisor level the amount of access the guest machine has. I would open a single incoming port on my router and forward it to the host machine which would then forward that port to the guest machine using Virtual Box's port forwarding functionality.

I'm not worried about the speed of the guest machine, like I said I'm only showing a few friends who I can't physically meet. The host machine is Lubuntu and the guest machine would be Ubuntu Server.

Is this an acceptable approach, or is there something I'm overlooking which makes it risky?

Source: (StackOverflow)

How to share Twonky 7 library (running in NAS) over internet?

The problem:

I had funplug & Twonky Server 7 running on my Dlink DNS320 (guide).

Now I want to share my Twonky library over internet using dyndns but failed.


I modified [dyndns] section in the file: /ffp/opt/twonky/twonkyserver-default.ini


but the library links still show local IP, for e.g:$3$27I157706.wmv

Things I tried:

  • Restart Twonky
  • Reinstall Twonky
  • Rename twonkyserver-default.ini → twonkyvision-default.ini (as some forums suggested)

No chance. Any ideas?

Source: (StackOverflow)