
duplicate interview questions

Top duplicate frequently asked interview questions

Good tool for finding photo duplicates based on image data [closed]

What is a good (and preferably free) tool for finding photo duplicates based on the photos themselves?

So, not filename, filesize etc., but how the photos look like. It would be nice if it managed to match photos that were the same image, but not exactly the same size for example too.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Removing duplicate emails in Thunderbird

I need to stop the duplicate mail (which is already in my mail box) in Thunderbird or any mail box.

Are there any filters for this?

Source: (StackOverflow)


How to remove all the duplicated words on every line using Notepad++?

I'm working on a file containing lines with keywords and some lines contain duplicated keywords.

For example:


I want to tell Notepad++ that I want to remove every duplicated word per line. For this example dangerous, would be removed:


I have a bunch of lines like that and that's why I'm looking for an automated way of doing this.

Source: (StackOverflow)

How discover duplicate IP using Ubuntu? (is it possible to have duplicate ip?)

I have a problem in network sharing using SMB protocol. I think it's related to IP-duplicating issue. How to detect this.
Note: I'm using Ubuntu on my desktop the other are using various OSs (win xp, vista, mac, Ubuntu).

Source: (StackOverflow)

Duplicate File Scanner

I have a 15TB storage network, and I am down to about 2.5TB now (due to a large amount of duplicates). I have tried many scanners, but I have had little success, eventually they all crash due to the massive amounts of data. Is there any program that you know of that will be able to handle these large loads. I don't care about the platform that it runs on.

Thank you.

Source: (StackOverflow)

How to detect similar videos

I have a directory full of media. I would like to search similar videos and hand-remove certain copies (those that are too short, too long, have watermarks, don't have watermarks, &c.).

How can I find videos that are somewhat similar to each other?

Source: (StackOverflow)

How to remove non-duplicate records in Excel-2010

How do I 'Remove Non-Duplicates' keeping only the duplicate records? I know I can highlight duplicate records with a different color, but I'd prefer to remove the non-duplicates instead, as I don't want to scroll though thousands of records looking for the needle in the haystack.

I want to keep the duplicates and remove the slingletons.

Source: (StackOverflow)

App to delete doubles files? (dupes) [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate:
Duplicate file finder

What app can i use to search a folder and remove doubles, triples, etc of a file? I know of noclone but i need to pay for that. Is there a freeapp i can use?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Find duplicate files on Mac OS X

Is there an application that would search duplicate files in my Mac with an easy way to delete the duplicates?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Duplicate window across monitors

I have a notebook with a projector attached. Normally I would set my the desktop to extend to the projector screen in Window's settings. I'm required to type something which should be seen by the audience. The projection is behind me so it's a bit tedious to type without seeing actually what I type.

All other windows should not be duplicated therefore the "duplicate the screen" option is not an option for me.

Is there any kind of software available with duplicates the window so I could put one of them on the projector screen?

Source: (StackOverflow)

How to remove duplicate entries in iTunes

For some reason, songs in my itunes library are listed twice. Note: It is the exact same song just referenced twice, so removing one of the songs will keep one reference in the library but delete the song efficiently making the remaining song just a dead link.

this is similar to other superuser questions but not exactly.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Show Duplicate Files [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate:
Find duplicate files on Mac OS X

Hi all

I am trying to sort out duplicate folders in a folder which again has an awful lot of subfolders on a Mac OS X system. I want to have a list with the absolute paths to the duplicate files. I tried to solve the Problem in the Bash shell but if there is a GUI Application which does this I would prefer it.

Source: (StackOverflow)

How can I use conditional formatting or a macro to italicize duplicates (but not the original) cells?

I have a spreadsheet in which there are many duplicates (intentionally), and I would like to highlight the duplicates but not the first instance of a cell. Below is an example row:


These duplicates are all in rows, and I basically want the first (left-most) of each item to stand out. In an ideal world, I would actually change the color of the text of each of the duplicates as well to a dark grey while leaving the first instance in black and unitalicized.

I'm inexperienced in conditional formatting and writing macros but have been exploring a bit in reference to this project.

Source: (StackOverflow)

How to hide other team member's calendar entries if I have them too?

Since I'm displaying the calendars of other team members, I see appointments where more than one of them (including me or not) participate for every participant. Is there any way to visually merge those entries in the week display, or at least hide all but one of them?

To clarify, I use overlay mode due to the amount of calendars, and currently it looks like this:

outlook calender, overlay mode, identical entries by different persons

As you can see, some entries such as the brown and green one at the bottom left are identical except for being in two different (persons') calendars. I'd like these entries to show up merged into one item (e.g. only a green box with a brown border, or half green, half brown, or even only one color but with other entries from only green still showing up) to decrease clutter.

I wouldn't mind using an add-on if Outlook doesn't natively support this.

Source: (StackOverflow)

DOS Find duplicate files between two disk drives

I have two drives, lets say driveA (F:) and driveB (G:). I had once copied all of the contents of driveB into driveA. But after that the driveB has some new files and folders added to it. I would like to delete the duplicate files and folders from driveB and leave only those that do not exist in driveA.

I have tried the below command just to check if the duplicates are found but it does not work as I wanted because it has the full path in the variable %%a. Of course the output that now has echo %%a will be replaced with a DELequivalent in case it works.

@echo off
for /F "tokens=*" %%a in ('dir G:\*.* /b /s') do if not exist "F:\%%a" echo %%a >> C:\Users\billy\Desktop\files.txt

If I remove the /s switch from the dir command it works because the %%a has only the file name instead of the full path but it is not working recursively for the subfolders, so it is not that useful.

Source: (StackOverflow)