

Test code against multiple versions of PHP with the help of docker

DUnit GUI Testing: Can I force 'Application' to a different "form"?

I'm trying to run a GUI unit test with DUnit to an application whose mainform creates dynamically frames to itself. I've been able to create the application-to-test's mainform as a form in the test case and access its menu items etc.

The problem comes when the application tries to create a frame dynamically. The frame's resource reading comes to a point where it needs the window handle (in my case, setting the caption of a tab sheet). Here it goes from TWinControl.GetHandle to TWinControl.CreateWnd and to TCustomFrame.CreateParams.

In this CreateParams, the code says:

  if Parent = nil then
    Params.WndParent := Application.Handle;

This is where the difference occurs. When I run the actual application (not in the test), the Application.Handle here returns a non-zero number and the flow continues ok. But in the DUnit test application, the Application.Handle here returns 0. This causes the code in the TWinControl.CreateWnd to raise an exception telling that the frame does not have a parent:

  with Params do
    if (WndParent = 0) and (Style and WS_CHILD <> 0) then
      if (Owner <> nil) and (csReading in Owner.ComponentState) and
        (Owner is TWinControl) then
        WndParent := TWinControl(Owner).Handle
        raise EInvalidOperation.CreateFmt(SParentRequired, [Name]);

I'd like to try to get around this problem (and in general, all test problems) without modifying the "production" code just because of the tests. Can you provide any clues on whether I could somehow force the "Application" to something else, or in some other way work around this?

Looking at the code, a possible other workaround scenario might be to try to get the owner (which is my "MainForm" of the application-to-test, i.e. whose handle I'd want to get) to be in csReading state while doing this frame creation in the test, but at least initially it doesn't seem so straightforward to get this to happen either.

Source: (StackOverflow)

What kind of test cases can we write using DUnit?

I am using Delphi 7.

I am new to DUnit, my doubt is what kind of test cases I can write using DUnit and how (that is very important for me).

Is it possible to write test cases for a particular button click event? Because in that event there may be a big set of code used in which more units are called with their respective database related procedures or functions. In that case, what is the best approach to write the test cases and how? (If possible, an example or referal would be a great help for me).

Because, in sample DUnit project we can't write entire sets of application code, because there may be some other form required to be created in some cases.

So, my doubt is for such situations how to write test cases, and generally also what type of test cases we can write using DUnit and importantly how?

Source: (StackOverflow)


How to make Delphi DUnit test fail when TSQLConnection.Connected = true

When using Delphi IDE, it will silently change SQLConnection.Connected to "true" when populating field or table lists in various properties.

Since I don't want to release with Connected = true, I need my dunit test to fail when TSQLConnection.Connected is left true in dfm.

Source: (StackOverflow)

In a Dunit project and exe version info is disabled, how do I get it back?

Why cant I set a version info in a Dunit Test projet? The checkbox is disabled for this projetct, but not for other projects. See the screenshot:

enter image description here

Source: (StackOverflow)

What Delphi components ship with unit tests? [closed]

Given the popularity of unit testing, and the inclusion of DUnit with Delphi, has this been embraced by any component vendors who have released their source along with a suite of unit tests?

I'm looking for examples to share with other developers.

Source: (StackOverflow)

HTTP server for unit tests in Delphi

I need to test some HTTP components in my Delphi app. I use DUnit and want to add some automation into testing.

So my testing code need to start the local HTTP server, configure it (for example, prepare for connection break in 3 seconds, or to simulate low bandwidth, or to ask for login/password etc), run my unit-tests and close HTTP server.

Are there some HTTP servers available exactly for Delphi/DUnit?

I know that Mozilla team have such server, but it's not too easy to integrate it into DUnit.

Source: (StackOverflow)

How to deal with tangled uses dependencies in order to start unit testing?

I have a messy Delphi 7 legacy system to maintain and develop. I am already reading "Working effectively with legacy code" and I like this book very much.

In order to start following the advices in the book, I created a test project and tried to write a single test. To do this I need to add some unit to the test project, but here lies the problem: the system under test has horrific uses dependencies. One unit uses some other unit, that uses some other unit and so on, and so on. It seems that most units directly or indirectly use one particular unit, and this unit in turn has 170 dependencies in its uses clause. There are indirect circular dependencies also.

Currently I am trying to add all of the legacy system's units into the test project, but I am running into all kind of problems, like "unit xxx was compiled with a different version of xxx", and others.

So I wonder if I am doing something wrong. I have used unit testing before, but in my own projects, that were smaller and with better structure and modularization. What are the options I have in this situation? Am I missing something?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Comparing issues in DUnit CheckEquals with Currency Field Values

I'm comparing some currency values in DUnit but it is not working at all on my machine (work on others, but not on mine).

An example:

CheckEquals(16.65, SomeCurrencyFieldValue);


expected: <16,65> but was: <16,65>

if do the following the comparison then works:

  Temp: Currency;
  Temp := 16.65;
  CheckEquals(Temp, SomeCurrencyFieldValue);

The question is: Why the comparison doesn't work when I pass the value direct to the CheckEquals method?

Source: (StackOverflow)

dunit test result messages in hudson

i am using Hudson as CI server for Delphi 2010 projects. The XMLTestRunner.pas unit writes DUnit test result to a xml file that is used by the hudson xUnit plugin to report test results. The xUnit plugin shows failures but no messages:




In the hudson project configuration at "Publish testing tools result report" i choose "NUnit-Version N/A (default)" as tesing tool, because there is no dunit option in the list and the xml files looks similar to nunit format:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1" standalone="yes" ?>
<test-results total="123" notrun="0" date="20.12.2010" time="09:19:24">
<test-suite name="HelloWorldTestSuite" total="46" notrun="0">
<test-case name="TestCase.HelloWorldTest" execute="True" success="False" time="0,003" result="Failure">
<failure name="ETestFailure" location=""/>
<message>expected: &lt; hello world! &gt; but was: &lt; hallo welt &gt;</message>

In the hudson configuration there is also an "Custom Tool" option, where i have to specify a "Custom stylesheet", but i don't know how to write such a stylesheet (is there any documentation?).

On my C++ projets with boost test, the failures are reported nicely with all messages.

Source: (StackOverflow)

How do I prevent my unit tests from requiring knowledge about implementation internals when using mock objects?

I'm still in the learning stages regarding unit-testing and in particular regarding mocking (I'm using the PascalMock and DUnit frameworks). One thing I now stumbled over was that I couldn't find a way around hard-coding implementation details of the tested class/interface into my unit test and that just feels wrong...

For example: I want to test a class that implements a very simple interface for reading and writing application settings (basically name/value pairs). The interface that is presented to the consumer is completely agnostic to where and how the values are actually stored (e.g. registry, INI-file, XML, database, etc.). Naturally, the access layer is implemented by yet a different class that gets injected into the tested class on construction. I created a mock object for this access layer and I am now able to fully test the interface-implementing class without actually reading or writing anything to any registry/INI-file/whatever.

However, in order to ensure the mock behaves exactly like the real thing when accessed by the tested class, my unit tests have to set up the mock object by very explicitly defining expected method calls and the return values expected by the tested class. This means that if I should ever have to make changes to the interface of the access layer or to the way that the tested class uses that layer I will also have to change the unit tests for the class that internally uses that interface even though the interface of the class I'm actually testing hasn't changed at all. Is this something I will just have to live with when using mocks or is there a better way to design the class-dependencies that would avoid this?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Single-source unit tests for Free Pascal and Delphi

Is there a way to write unit tests so that they can be compiled and run both with Delphi and Free Pascal?

There are different unit test frameworks for Delphi and Free Pascal, which causes duplicate work for developers who target both compilers (for example, library and framework developers).

So maybe there is a way, using either the DUnit or the FPCUnit framework and tweak the test case source code (or the framework itself) so that it also works with the other compiler.

So essentially the question is:

  • which framework (DUnit or FPCUnit) can be compiled with both compilers (Delphi and Free Pascal) with as little modifications as possible?


  • is there a third framework (Thanks to Arnaud for mentioning TSynTest) which works with Delphi and FPC?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Unit testing a Firemonkey Application

I'm trying to use DUnit, which came with RAD Studio XE2, to unit testing a Firemonkey app (C++).

The problem is, DUnit is a VCL project, and this makes me unable to include the Firemonkey Unit Forms (ex.: UfrmMain.h) on the testing project.

Even if I separate the Visual with Logic (MultiTier/MVC), i cannot include any Firemonkey library into my classes (sometimes this would be useful, when there is a class "CustomDatabase" which have a object of type TConnection, that is only available in Firemonkey - of course only an example).

The testing is possible when i separate the firemonkey code completely and leave it on forms, and the logic/data kept on classes with pure C++ code.

So, this "handicap" is actually a good thing? Forcing me to work with MultiTier/MVC? (This thing in C++ is new to me) Or should i look for an alternative of unit testing, that lets me test forms too?

(Can you also recommend me some C++ project on github or code example which is separated in the mentioned way, where i can rely on?)

Source: (StackOverflow)

Using DUnit from the Delphi IDE and avoid breakpoint on exceptions

I'm using Delphi XE and I've got a project group containing the main application and a DUnit test application. From time to time, I go to the DUnit test application to add some tests and run existing one.

Some test code generates exceptions which are handled by the application, but displayed multiple time by the Delphi Debugger as I'm used to running the test application using the F9 shortcut like I do with standard application: this is not very handy in that case.

I know about the SHIFT+CTRL+F9 shortcut to run without debugging and that's great when I remember to use it but I often find myself hitting F9, then grunting, then closing the test application, then hitting SHIFT+CTRL+F9. What a lost of time.

So my question: is there a better way ? Can I define some settings or use some expert to make that particular application run without debugging by default ? Surely I'm not the only one having this issue.

Thanks in advance.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Data-driven DUnit testing

The way DUnit normally works is you write some published methods, and DUnit runs them as tests. What I want to do is a little different. I want to create tests at run time based on data. I'm trying to test a particular module that processes input files to creates output files. I have a set of test input files with corresponding known good output files. The idea is to dynamically create tests, one for each input file, that process the inputs and check the outputs against the known good ones.

The actual source of data here however isn't important. The difficulty is making DUnit behave in a data-driven way. For the sake of this problem, suppose that the data source were just a random number generator. Here is an example concrete problem that gets to the heart of the difficulty:

Create some test objects (TTestCase or whatever) at runtime, say 10 of them, where each one

  1. Is named at run time from a randomly generated integer. (By 'name' I mean the name of the test that appears in the test-runner tree.)
  2. Passes or fails based on a random integer. Pass for even, fail for odd.

From the design of DUnit, it looks like it was designed with enough flexibility in mind to make such things possible. I'm not sure that it is though. I tried to create my own test class by inheriting from TAbstractTest and ITest, but some crucial methods weren't accessible. I also tried inheriting from TTestCase, but that class is closely tied to the idea of running published methods (and the tests are named after the methods, so I couldn't just have a single one called, say, 'go', because then all my tests would be called 'go', and I want all my tests to be individually named).

Or alternatively, is there some alternative to DUnit that could do what I want?

Source: (StackOverflow)

How to access fields of a TTestCase in a TTestSetup class

I am creating unit tests with DUnit. I have a class that takes quite a long time to initialize.

I derive a class TMyTestSetup from TTestSetup and override its Setup method. This SetUp method is only called once for all the tests in my TTestCase. I put the Initialization process in the TMyTestSetup.SetUp routine to increase performance.

My problem is how can I access the object I want to initialize, which is a field of my TMyTest in the TestSetup class? Is the only way to do it declaring it globally?

untested short example:

TMyTestSetup = class(TTestSetup)
    procedure SetUp; override;

TMyTest = class(TTestcase)
    fTakes4Ever2Init : TInits4Ever2Init;
  procedure Test1;     


procedure TMyTestSetup.Setup;
   // How can I access fTakes4Ever2Init from here?
  fTakes4Ever2Init.create // This is the call that takes long

procedure TMyTest.Test1;


Source: (StackOverflow)