
duckduckgo interview questions

Top duckduckgo frequently asked interview questions

Is the JavaScript front-end of DuckDuckGo open source?

I couldn't find any info on the DuckDuckGo webpage, but apparently some parts of DuckDuckGo are open source.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Access DuckDuckGo without HTTPS?

Is there a way to use DuckDuckGo search without HTTPS? My internet access blocks HTTPS by default.

Is there an option I can put after duckduckgo.com/?opt=val that disables HTTPS? For example, Google allows http://www.google.com/?nord=1, which bypasses HTTPS.

Source: (StackOverflow)


Permanently exclude / blacklist site from search results on DuckDuckGo

Using DuckDuckGo, it's possible to temporarily remove a specific site from search results by adding -site:example.com to the search query.

Is there a way to permanently block/blacklist/exclude undesired websites from search results? I didn't find anything in the DDG settings but maybe there is some Greasemonkey script or Firefox extension out there that could do the trick?

Source: (StackOverflow)

DuckDuckGo: Exact string search within a domain

I searched DuckDuckGo for site:wikipedia.org "advisary", hoping to spot some typos.

To my surprise, DuckDuckGo replied with articles that do not contain the word "advisary", even thought I took the pain to put it inside quotes.

I notice that this behavior only occurs in conjunction with the usage of the site: keyword.

How to search for an exact string within a domain with DuckDuckGo?

Source: (StackOverflow)

How does DuckDuckGo know what is an official site? [closed]

Well after recently switching to DuckDuckGo, I noticed that after searching for certain sites a certain result might say that it's the official site.

Here's an example.

Obviously you know websites like google.com are the official site, but maybe there are sites that are harder to prove as 'official sites' or even an 'official site' got modified/hacked or somebody purchased the domain.

How does DuckDuckGo know that a site the official site, or what makes a site an official site?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Comprehensive list of all available !bangs on DuckDuckGo.com

Recently I switched from Google to DuckDuckGo and so far I am very pleased with the experience. "The Internet" tells me that one of DuckDuckGo's best features is the possibility to directly search on specific pages using bangs (defined prefixes). E.g. search for "!so [duck-duck-go]" on DuckDuckGo to get duck-duck-go tagged questions on Stackoverflow.

I was searching for a comprehensive list of all available bangs, but the only thing I found was the official bang-page wich offers a search box and categorized lists, but no complete list of all 7,447* bangs.

Is there a possibility to find all bangs without clicking through all the categories on the bang-page?

(*) by time of writing, 2015-12-15

Source: (StackOverflow)

How do I get the list of all DuckDuckGo Bangs with categories and history?

Is there a way to get the overall list of all DuckDuckGo Bangs, together with the categories and history of each bang being introduced or modified?

For example, I've noticed a few months ago that one of my sites, !BXR, appears on the bang list. However, today I've noticed that DuckDuckGo must have recently introduced the categories, as a two-level hierarchy, and I could only find my site on the first level "Tech", not on the second level "Programming" where I think it should belong as well, but I couldn't find out any more info (like whether it belongs to any second-level category at all, maybe even a more relevant one that I may have overlooked; I finally found it's at Sysadmin, but this involved a few too many manual attempts at listing each category individually).

Is there a way to see all DuckDuckGo bang sites, together with their categories?

I'm also curious when each site was added, possibly who added it, and, possibly an unrelated question, what's the procedure to modify it, if necessary? For example, whoever added my site, appears to have restricted the search on it to symbol references (e.g., identifier search), whereas it is my expectations that most people would instead be interested in a full-text search. (Also, any chance of getting any sort of search statistics?)

The question Comprehensive list of all available !bangs on DuckDuckGo.com is similar to this one, but while that question only asks for a list of bangs, this question is asking for a list of bangs with history and categories.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Block Stack Overflow scrapers from Google or DuckDuckGo search results [duplicate]

This question already has an answer here:

As you may know, there are a number of websites (such as wenda.io) that scrape content from StackOverflow (and other StackExchange sites). I couldn’t care less that they do this, and indeed they are at perfect liberty to do so as long as they attribute where they got it from (I’ve also done my fair share of reporting those sites that don’t do this), except these sites are polluting my search results.

The problem is that there are dozens of these sites, with new ones seeming to appear every day. They often appear right beside the corresponding Stack Overflow page, but sometimes they don’t. The sites themselves are usually terribly formatted and difficult to use, and of course don't have all the “related” boxes that I find super useful on Stack Overflow (though they have their own poor imitations). Furthermore, I don’t want to support these sites by using them.

Is there a simple way to exclude these scraper sites from Google search results? (I'd be happy if you could find a solution for DuckDuckGo too.) Note that I don't want only SO search results, because then that would exclude all the other non-SO stuff that also helps me.

Here’s an example search on DuckDuckGo (as of 4 Sept 2015) where 11 of the 30 results on the first page are from Stack Overflow scrapers. Google has quite a few Stack Overflow scrapers too, though it also has lot of results that don’t show up on DuckDuckGo that are mixed in.

Edit: I was looking for solutions specifically for StackExchange sites, and more specifically, StackOverflow. The question that is marked as a duplicate is similar enough that it could be a duplicate, depending on if specificity is taken into account (but it certainly doesn't answer my question, but then, neither do any of the answers here).

Source: (StackOverflow)

Are DuckDuckGo redirects a privacy issue?

If you search for a term on DDG:


and then click on a search result, you will notice that it goes through a redirect:


Why does DDG do this? And is this a privacy concern?

Source: (StackOverflow)

What are DuckDuckGo goodies?

I just discovered these cool looking 'goodies' on DuckDuckGo, but I have no idea how to use them, or what they are. Can someone enlighten me?

Source: (StackOverflow)

How to persist DuckDuckGo settings in Firefox without a permanent cookie?

DuckDuckGo offers 4 methods of storing its settings:

  1. Cookies. The most obvious choice, but not for this use case - the whole idea of switching to DuckDuckGo is to avoid being tracked.

  2. URL with embedded setting codes. Works great when I open DDG start page with a bookmark. Sadly, there is no way to add setting codes to the URL when I select some text in a web page and rightclick it to search with DDG.

  3. JSON. Useful only for their Answers API unless I'm missing something here.

  4. Server-side storage with a passphrase. Inconvenient and readily identifiable.

So, any suggestions? I really do not understand why these settings are not in the add-on settings dialog, but it's of course a whole different story.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Is there a way to seek forward/backward in duckduckgo audio preview?

I tried left/right arrows but it would get me to the previous/next song.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Does duckduckgo search pass on search terms to visited websites with https on?

So, I'm using duckduckgo search engine. What I want to know is if i'm sharing the search terms with the sites i click on.

My search settings were: Redirect - OFF HTTPS - ON So, will this pass the search terms on to the sites I visit? Or only if the visited site uses HTTPS? The only information I've found from Duckduckgo's website is below.

There's a 'search redirect' option in the settings (which by default is supposed to be on but was actually off). If it had been on then it should have not passed the search terms to the sites I clicked.

("we route (redirect) that request in such a way so that it does not send your search terms to other sites. The other sites will still know that you visited them, but they will not know what search you entered beforehand.")

But it wasn't. However, i was using the 'encrypted version' (HTTPS) of Duckduckgo. According to Duckduckgo,

"At some other search engines (including us), you can also use an encrypted version (HTTPS), which as a byproduct doesn't usually send your search terms to sites. However, it is slower to connect to these versions and if you click on a site that also uses HTTPS then your search is sent. Nevertheless, the encrypted version does protect your search from being leaked onto the computers it travels on between you and us.

At DuckDuckGo, our encrypted version goes even further and automatically changes links from a number of major Web sites to point to the encrypted versions of those sites. It is modeled after (and uses code from) the HTTPS Everywhere FireFox add-on. These sites include Wikipedia, Facebook, Twitter, and Amazon to name a few."

Source: (StackOverflow)

Load more image/video hits on duckduckgo

When searching images or videos on duckduckgo.com it displays just a few results compared to google. Is there any button or setting do make duckduckgo load more search results for images/videos?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Remove DuckDuckGo Bangs

Can I remove Bangs?

I never use Amazon or YouTube and don't want them cluttering up my list.

It seems possible to add more - I want to get rid of them.

Source: (StackOverflow)