
drag-and-drop interview questions

Top drag-and-drop frequently asked interview questions

JS library (with drag n drop) compatible with iOS and regular browsers

Does anyone know of a JS framework that has drag and drop functionality and is compatible with mobile (iOS) and regular browsers?

I currently have a web-based app and it is a hassle to make its drag'n'drop functionality work on iOS... I wish there was one that would do it for both...

Source: (StackOverflow)

Bauerca drag-sort-listview simple example

Bauerca drag-sort-listview is an amazing library for the drag functionality in a list view.. https://github.com/bauerca/drag-sort-listview

BUT my problem is that the demo project is pretty complex, I cant track it to include the functionality in my project..

Any simple example would be appreciated..

For example I just need a screen with this custom list that contains three items.. Or any other simple example..

Thank you

Source: (StackOverflow)


Twitter Bootstrap Modal Form: How to drag and drop?

I would like to be able to move around (on the greyed-out background, by dragging and dropping) the modal form that is provided by Bootstrap 2. Can anyone tell me what the best practice for achieving this is?

Source: (StackOverflow)

How do I get the coordinate position after using jQuery drag and drop?

How do I get the coordinate position after using jQuery drag and drop? I want to save the coordinate to a database, so that next time I visit, the item will be in that position. For example, x: 520px, y: 300px?


I am PHP and mysql programmer :)

Is there any tutorial out there?

Source: (StackOverflow)

How do I drag and drop files into a C# application?

I've seen this done in Borland's Turbo C++ environment, but I'm not sure how to go about it for a C# application I'm working on. Are there best practices or gotchas to look out for?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Basic Drag and Drop in iOS

I want to have a view in which there are vehicles driving around that the user can also drag and drop. What do you think is the best large-scale strategy for doing this? Is it best to get touch events from the views representing the vehicles, or from the larger view? Is there a simple paradigm you've used for drag and drop that you're satisfied with? What are the drawbacks of different strategies?

Source: (StackOverflow)

jQuery Draggable and overflow issue [closed]

I am having an undesired effect when I drag a div from a container div which is set as overflow: scroll.

I have found an example of someone else where they have had the issue but I have been unable to find a resolution

Example on Paste bin

What happens is that the scroll is just increased, I can see why this would be the desired behaviour if you wanted to drag to a destination within the scrollable div but I want to be able to take it outside of its scrolling grasp.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Is there a good jQuery Drag-and-drop file upload plugin? [closed]

Is there a nice tidy jQuery plugin that allows including a single JS script then using a simple snippet to enable a form? Something like this:


With the upload target being the action of the form.

Any solution must not prevent a regular file field from being usable (using traditional browse method).

I only need one file at a time, though of course having the option for multiple isn't a bad thing.

I've found a couple of drag-drop upload examples:
http://www.appelsiini.net/2009/10/drag-and-drop-file-upload-with-google-gears http://www.appelsiini.net/2009/10/html5-drag-and-drop-multiple-file-upload

But the code there isn't setup as a plugin. It's probably not too difficult to change it, but also no point doing so if someone else has already done that work and is simply evading my Google searches.

I'm ideally looking for a pure HTML5/jQuery solution.
A Google Gears one is acceptable, but a Flash solution is not.

Source: (StackOverflow)

HTML5 dragleave fired when hovering a child element

The problem I'm having is that the dragleave event of an element is fired when hovering a child element of that element. Also, dragenter is not fired when hovering back the parent element again.

I made a simplified fiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/pimvdb/HU6Mk/1/.


<div id="drag" draggable="true">drag me</div>


<div id="drop">
    drop here

with the following JavaScript:

                 dragenter: function() {

                 dragleave: function() {

                 dragstart: function(e) {
                     e.allowedEffect = "copy";
                     e.setData("text/plain", "test");

What it is supposed to do is notifying the user by making the drop div red when dragging something there. This works, but if you drag into the p child, the dragleave is fired and the div isn't red anymore. Moving back to the drop div also doesn't make it red again. It's necessary to move completely out of the drop div and drag back into it again to make it red.

Is it possible to prevent dragleave from firing when dragging into a child element?

Source: (StackOverflow)

'dragleave' of parent element fires when dragging over children elements


I have the following HTML structure and I've attached the dragenter and dragleave events to the <div id="dropzone"> element.

<div id="dropzone">
    <div id="dropzone-content">
        <div id="drag-n-drop">
            <div class="text">this is some text</div>
            <div class="text">this is a container with text and images</div>


When I drag a file over the <div id="dropzone">, the dragenter event is fired as expected. However, when I move my mouse over a child element, such as <div id="drag-n-drop">, the dragenter event is fired for the <div id="drag-n-drop"> element and then the dragleave event is fired for the <div id="dropzone"> element.

If I hover over the <div id="dropzone"> element again, the dragenter event is again fired, which is cool, but then the dragleave event is fired for the child element just left, so the removeClass instruction is executed, which is not cool.

This behavior is problematic for 2 reasons:

  1. I'm only attaching dragenter & dragleave to the <div id="dropzone"> so I don't understand why the children elements have these events attached as well.

  2. I'm still dragging over the <div id="dropzone"> element while hovering over its children so I don't want dragleave to fire!


Here's a jsFiddle to tinker with: http://jsfiddle.net/yYF3S/2/


So... how can I make it such that when I'm dragging a file over the <div id="dropzone"> element, dragleave doesn't fire even if I'm dragging over any children elements... it should only fire when I leave the <div id="dropzone"> element... hovering/dragging around anywhere within the boundaries of the element should not trigger the dragleave event.

I need this to be cross-browser compatible, at least in the browsers that support HTML5 drag-n-drop, so this answer is not adequate.

It seems like Google and Dropbox have figured this out, but their source code is minified/complex so I haven't been able to figure this out from their implementation.

Source: (StackOverflow)

drag drop files into standard html file input

These days we can drag & drop files into a special container and upload them with XHR 2. Many at a time. With live progress bars etc. Very cool stuff. Example here.

But sometimes we don't want that much coolness. What I'd like is to drag & drop files -- many at a time -- into a standard HTML file input: <input type=file multiple>.

Is that possible? Is there some way to 'fill' the file input with the right filenames (?) from the file drop? (Full filepaths aren't available for file system security reasons.)

Why? Because I'd like to submit a normal form. For all browsers and all devices. The drag & drop is just progressive enhancement to enhance & simplify UX. The standard form with standard file input (+ multiple attribute) will be there. I'd like to add the HTML5 enhancement.

I know in some browsers you can sometimes (almost always) drop files into the file input itself. I know Chrome usually does this, but sometimes it fails and then loads the file in the current page (a big fail if you're filling out a form). I want to fool- & browserproof it.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Preventing click event with jQuery drag and drop

I have an elements on page that are draggabe with jQuery. These elements have click event wich navigates to another page (ordinary links for example).

What is the best way to prevent click from firing on dropping such element, while allowing clicking it in not drag and drop state?

I have this problem with sortable elements, but think it is good to have solution for general drag and drop.

I've solved the problem for myself. After that found that same solution exists for Scriptaculous, but maybe someone have a better way to achieve that.

Source: (StackOverflow)

UICollectionView effective drag and drop

I am currently trying to implement the UITableView reordering behavior using UICollectionView.

Let's call a UItableView TV and a UICollectionView CV (to clarify the following explanation)

I am basically trying to reproduce the drag&drop of the TV, but I am not using the edit mode, the cell is ready to be moved as soon as the long press gesture is triggered. It works prefectly, I am using the move method of the CV, everything is fine.

I update the contentOffset property of the CV to handle the scroll when the user is dragging a cell. When a user goes to a particular rect at the top and the bottom, I update the contentOffset and the CV scroll. The problem is when the user stop moving it's finger, the gesture doesn't send any update which makes the scroll stop and start again as soon as the user moves his finger.

This behavior is definitely not natural, I would prefer continu to scroll until the user release the CV as it is the case in the TV. The TV drag&drop experience is awesome and I really want to reproduce the same feeling. Does anyone know how they manage the scroll in TV during reordering ?

  • I tried using a timer to trigger a scroll action repeatedly as long as the gesture position is in the right spot, the scroll was awful and not very productive (very slow and jumpy).
  • I also tried using GCD to listen the gesture position in another thread but the result is even worst.

I ran out of idea about that, so if someone has the answer I would marry him!

Here is the implementation of the longPress method:

- (void)handleLongPress:(UILongPressGestureRecognizer *)sender
    ReorganizableCVCLayout *layout = (ReorganizableCVCLayout *)self.collectionView.collectionViewLayout;
    CGPoint gesturePosition = [sender locationInView:self.collectionView];
    NSIndexPath *selectedIndexPath = [self.collectionView indexPathForItemAtPoint:gesturePosition];

    if (sender.state == UIGestureRecognizerStateBegan)
        layout.selectedItem = selectedIndexPath;
        layout.gesturePoint = gesturePosition; // Setting gesturePoint invalidate layout
    else if (sender.state == UIGestureRecognizerStateChanged)
        layout.gesturePoint = gesturePosition; // Setting gesturePoint invalidate layout
        [self swapCellAtPoint:gesturePosition];
        [self manageScrollWithReferencePoint:gesturePosition];
        [self.collectionView performBatchUpdates:^
            layout.selectedItem = nil;
            layout.gesturePoint = CGPointZero; // Setting gesturePoint invalidate layout
        } completion:^(BOOL completion){[self.collectionView reloadData];}];

To make the CV scroll, I am using that method:

- (void)manageScrollWithReferencePoint:(CGPoint)gesturePoint
    ReorganizableCVCLayout *layout = (ReorganizableCVCLayout *)self.collectionView.collectionViewLayout;
    CGFloat topScrollLimit = self.collectionView.contentOffset.y+layout.itemSize.height/2+SCROLL_BORDER;
    CGFloat bottomScrollLimit = self.collectionView.contentOffset.y+self.collectionView.frame.size.height-layout.itemSize.height/2-SCROLL_BORDER;
    CGPoint contentOffset = self.collectionView.contentOffset;

    if (gesturePoint.y < topScrollLimit && gesturePoint.y - layout.itemSize.height/2 - SCROLL_BORDER > 0)
        contentOffset.y -= SCROLL_STEP;
    else if (gesturePoint.y > bottomScrollLimit &&
             gesturePoint.y + layout.itemSize.height/2 + SCROLL_BORDER < self.collectionView.contentSize.height)
        contentOffset.y += SCROLL_STEP;

    [self.collectionView setContentOffset:contentOffset];

Source: (StackOverflow)

Make WPF window draggable, no matter what element is clicked

My question is 2 fold, and I am hoping there are easier solutions to both provided by WPF rather than the standard solutions from WinForms (which Christophe Geers provided, before I've made this clarification).

First, is there a way to make Window draggable without capturing and processing mouse-click+drag events? I mean the window is draggable by the title bar, but if I set a window not to have one and still want to be able to drag it, is there a way to just re-direct the events somehow to whatever handles the title bar dragging?

Second, is there a way to apply an event handler to all elements in the window? As in, make the window draggable no matter which element the user click+drags. Obviously without adding the handler manually, to every single element. Just do it once somewhere?

Source: (StackOverflow)

jQuery - Drag and drop elements from list into separate blocks

I'm trying to get an jQuery component similar to this http://www.dhtmlgoodies.com/scripts/drag-drop-nodes/drag-drop-nodes-demo2.html .

Basically there is a list of available elements in a list, that you can drag and drop into several blocks.

I have quite a bit of JavaScript development experience, but I'm quite new to jQuery, the language I want this scripted in...

Can you guys please lead me to some example similar to the one showed above, or give me some hints on what would be a good place to start looking for something like this?

Source: (StackOverflow)