
display-driver interview questions

Top display-driver frequently asked interview questions

Change Overscan/Underscan settings without Catalyst Control Center

Just installed Windows 8 and downloaded the Catalyst version which ATI website recommended. However it says that it can't start! My main monitor is connected to my PC via a HDMI cable and the display is not full screen (there is a blank padding area around display). Usually I change overscan/underscan settings in CCC to reset it but since I have no access to it, I wanted to know if there is any way I can change it without CCC (through registry maybe?) Thanks.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Which drivers should I install?

I have HP Compaq Elite 8200 Small Form Factor desktop PC with Windows 7 64-bit.

I can download drivers for my PC on HP website but cannot decide which one is appropriate one. I know that there are different versions of the same driver, then I should choose the latest one.

There are multiple chipset and graphic drivers. Should I install all of them except for the old versions of the same driver?

enter image description here

Source: (StackOverflow)


Windows 8.1 Display Driver Gone? Black Screen on Boot and Safe Mode

I've got some really weird problems with my computer. It's the Asus G750JX Notebook.

To clarify;

  • I've got one 256 GB SSD(Windows is on a 90GB partition) and a 1TB HDD(which I installed by myself).
  • I'm running Swedish Windows 8.1 64-bit

The Problem

I get a black screen after Windows logo is shown on boot, even in safe mode.

I was playing around in Photoshop when I noticed that the contrast on my monitor changed when I turned on/off a layer containing dark elements. I searched the internet for a solution when I found out that it might be a setting in the Nvidia control panel.

I opened my system tray and right-clicked on the Nvidia icon. I proceeded and clicked on the Nvidia Control Panel and waited for a minute or two. Nothing happened. I tried and failed once more. I got a bit frustrated and found the file path in explorer and tried to open it as an administrator, still without any luck. I found a forum post with the same problem and some people said that he should make a clean install of the display drivers.

I checked if my display drivers were up to date through the Nvidia Experience software and on their website. Both said that my drivers were up to date. The posts on the forum recommended a software called Display Driver Uninstaller(DDU) to properly uninstall the driver.

I downloaded DDU from a website called www.guru3d.com. I placed it in my downloads folder and extracted it. When I opened the .exe it said that it was recommended to uninstall the driver in safe mode. It asked me if I wanted to restart and go into safe mode and I pressed "Ok". The computer restarted, the Republic of Gamers logo appeared(Asus replaced the Windows logo) and then there was just a black screen. I waited for like 20 minutes but nothing happened.

I force shutdowned the computer by holding the power button and turned it on again, just to be greeted with the same black screen. I searched the DDU forums but didn't find anything of interest.

After hours of scouring through threads with similar problems I still didn't find any solution.

What I've done to try and fix it

  • Restarted the computer like 100 times(mainly to try and get into the BIOS settings and Boot menu)
  • Looked at guides and reading forums for hours
  • Turned off my computer, waited for more than 10 seconds, removed the battery and then started it again.
  • Kept my computer shutdown for >1 hour and tried to start it again.
  • Reset my BIOS to default settings
  • "Refresh your PC" through boot menu
  • Automatic reparation through boot menu
  • SFC Scannow in command prompt through boot menu
  • Change the start behaviour in boot menu

Some notable things

  • I haven't(to my knowledge) uninstalled the display drivers yet, DDU just told me to boot into safe mode.
  • The Safe Mode doesn't work, it's just a black screen with "Safe Mode" appearing for a couple of seconds in the corners.
  • Whenever I fail to get into the BIOS settings or the boot menu by pressing F2 and F8 at startup, the mouse sometimes appears on the black screen. I can control it, but when I let go, it disappears and returns to the middle of the screen.
  • The "Refresh your PC" tells me there's not enough space on the SSD. Update Now it says:

    "The drive where Windows is installed is locked. Unlock the drive and try again."

  • The Automatic Repair fails every time and created a log file on the desktop
  • The SFC scannow says: "Windows Resource Protection could not start the repair service."


I have no idea what to do anymore. I don't want to do a full recovery since I've got some valuable files on my drives. Though, if that's the only solution, is it possible to remove the HDD(my most valuables files are on the HDD) before doing a full system recovery?

I would really appreciate any help! I've managed to get into the boot menu once more and I'm not leaving it yet...

Source: (StackOverflow)

Installing Windows 7 on Toshiba Notebook M50 (PSM51E) - Is there a display driver?

Has anyone successfully installed Windows 7 on a Toshiba Notebook M50 (PSM51E)?

Toshiba apparently doesn't support it, and I'm having trouble finding a working display driver.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Secure Boot, Bumblebee and Fedora - how to?

I'm a happy user of Fedora 19 and I have it installed on a Samsung Series 5 laptop, which has an off board video card from NVidia - specifically a GeForce GT 630M. I managed to successfully install Fedora and dual boot it with Windows 8 (not via GRUB, but that's for another moment) and installed Bumblebee, since the Nouveau drivers cause the laptop to get really warm and don't provide a good energy management.

However, I can't get the Bumblebee compiled NVidia drivers to load - and I discovered that happens because of Secure Boot enabled! Since I don't know what kind of issue might arise from disabling Secure Boot, here comes my question: is there a way to make NVidia proprietary drivers load properly via Bumblebee without disabling Secure Boot?

I'm looking for some kind of signing which can make these drivers to load.

Source: (StackOverflow)

ATI Sapphire Radeon HD 5770 driver update crash

I'm running Windows 7 64-bit, with an ATI Sapphire Radeon HD 5770 card. The driver version is 2010.0504.2152.37420, from 2010-05-04 (their version numbering apparently corresponds with the release date)

Now, I can't seem to update these drivers/CCC and other packages. If I pull the drivers from amd.com, the installation gets to a point where I lose display connectivity, (which is expected when installing/updating the drivers) but while display is lost my machine restarts, and I'm brought back to Windows with no functional display drivers. Thankfully I could roll them back to the 2010-05-04 version.

I haven't yet tried the ones from sapphiretech.com because I don't want to run in circles unnecessarily.

How do I correctly update the drivers/CCC for my system? I'm searching around for common/known issues with this driver version/hardware; can't find anything. Anyone know about problems with this?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Windows 8.1 doesn't recognize my graphics card

I have purchased Monitor is a Dell S2240L 21.5 inch LED Backlit LCD Monitor Max resolution 1920 x 1080 pixels, HDMI with mother board Gigabyte GA-78LMT-USB3 Motherboard and processor AMD FX 8350 AMD FX Processor Black Edition.

After installing Windows 8.1 OS. I noticed that the resolution was wrong (it was 1400 x 1050 pixels and my monitor max resolution is 1920 x 1080 pixels),I went To device Manager and I opened the Display Adapters and It said: Microsoft Basic Display Adapter.

I tried everything inserting my driver cd and installing all drivers, didn't help anything..

Integrated Graphics card: ATI Radeon HD 3000 graphics

Full display details:


Source: (StackOverflow)

How to run two radeon video cards (one old, one new) after catalyst dropped unified driver?

(Apologies for the rather long post...)

On early 2012, i was running a Radeon HD2400 and a HD6950 on the same computer, driving 3 monitors; primary monitor on the HD6950 and two side monitors on the HD2400. Everything works just fine.

Now some time later, one of the monitors broke down so i only had two left. Because of this, I removed the HD2400 and ran both monitors directly on the HD6950.

I recently got an extra monitor available and thought i'd just install the old HD2400 back in. I was surprised to learn that this is not the case anymore because AMD removed support for older cards (HD2000/3000/4000) since catalyst 12.7 or something.

Source http://www.phoronix.com/scan.php?page=article&item=amd_catalyst_legacy2&num=1

So here's the question: is there any way i can make this work on my setup? (Windows 7 x64, 16GB RAM, i2500K, intel z68, radeon HD6950)

Some additional info:

  • List item I have tried downloading and installing the "legacy drivers" for HD2000/3000/4000 and they refused to install over the current catalyst 13.1 driver. I can see the card in device manager, with yellow warning icon saying "the device cannot start". The card is confirmed working on another computer though, so this is 100% a driver issue.
  • I do have an integrated intel vga (i believe it's HD3000 sandy bridge) but i was having stability issues (random BSOD, etc) when using it on this particular motherboard.
  • the HD6950 cannot support triple monitors without one of them using an Active DisplayPort cable. This thing costs at least $50 where i live, so it's not an attractive option. None of my current monitors have DP connection, so i have to add another converter to the cost.
  • Assuming there's no way i can make the old radeon cards work, would a cheap low end nvidia card do the job? I've never tried running a mixed nvidia/ati card before. My understanding is that this is not a healthy thing to do, but i might be wrong...

Thanks in advance.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Blender refuses to start

I'm trying to run Blender under Linux, but I'm unable to do that, whenever I try I get some errors. I'm using Kubuntu 12.04 with KDE 4.11.1.

This is my video card:

~$ lspci | grep VGA
01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. [AMD/ATI] RV610/M74 [Mobility Radeon HD 2400 XT]

I used to have installed the fglrx proprietary Catalyst drivers, but lately they gave me some system-wide problems and I had to revert to the open source Mesa drivers (I don't think that these details are important, but just in case, the whole story is here).
Whit the fglrx drivers Blender was running fine, but now, whenever I try to start it, I get this error message (some parts are in italian, but I think that they are easily understandable):

~$ blender
connect failed: No such file or directory
Writing: /tmp/blender.crash.txt
Errore di segmentazione (core dump creato)

The content of /tmp/blender.crash.txt is as follows:

# Blender 2.68 (sub 5), Revision: 60150

# backtrace
/usr/lib/blender/blender() [0x877a41f]
/usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/libLLVM-3.0.so.1(_ZN4llvm3ARM8SPRClassC1Ev+0x15) [0xa8f4a9d5]
/usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/libLLVM-3.0.so.1(+0x25ca48) [0xa8eefa48]
/lib/ld-linux.so.2(+0xeeab) [0xb7765eab]
/lib/ld-linux.so.2(+0xef94) [0xb7765f94]
/lib/ld-linux.so.2(+0x12fa6) [0xb7769fa6]
/lib/ld-linux.so.2(+0xeccf) [0xb7765ccf]
/lib/ld-linux.so.2(+0x127f4) [0xb77697f4]
/lib/i386-linux-gnu/libdl.so.2(+0xbe9) [0xb4ff9be9]
/lib/ld-linux.so.2(+0xeccf) [0xb7765ccf]
/lib/i386-linux-gnu/libdl.so.2(+0x133a) [0xb4ffa33a]
/lib/i386-linux-gnu/libdl.so.2(dlopen+0x47) [0xb4ff9c97]
/usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/mesa/libGL.so.1(+0x3cbf0) [0xb7717bf0]
/usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/mesa/libGL.so.1(+0x4079d) [0xb771b79d]
/usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/mesa/libGL.so.1(+0x1a3aa) [0xb76f53aa]
/usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/mesa/libGL.so.1(glXQueryVersion+0x2e) [0xb76f0cee]
/usr/lib/blender/blender(_ZN15GHOST_WindowX11C1EP15GHOST_SystemX11P9_XDisplayRK10STR_Stringiijj18GHOST_TWindowStatei25GHOST_TDrawingContextTypebbt+0x11c) [0x8f54aec]
/usr/lib/blender/blender(_ZN15GHOST_SystemX1112createWindowERK10STR_Stringiijj18GHOST_TWindowState25GHOST_TDrawingContextTypebbti+0xd7) [0x8f4f4a7]
/usr/lib/blender/blender(GHOST_CreateWindow+0xb6) [0x8f4cf86]
/usr/lib/blender/blender(wm_window_add_ghostwindows+0x205) [0x8799be5]
/usr/lib/blender/blender(WM_check+0x50) [0x877b670]
/usr/lib/blender/blender(wm_homefile_read+0x111) [0x87859f1]
/usr/lib/blender/blender(WM_init+0xd2) [0x8787872]
/usr/lib/blender/blender(main+0xe6e) [0x873848e]
/lib/i386-linux-gnu/libc.so.6(__libc_start_main+0xf3) [0xb4e694d3]
/usr/lib/blender/blender() [0x8778a99]

The only thing that I can guess from this report is that the mesa drivers are somewhat involved, as I already suspected, but I don't have a clue on what I need to do to try to solve the issue.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Motherboard with embedded hdmi problems with Windows 8 Consumer Preview (64bit)

I'm specifically referring to GIGABYTE GA-E7AUM-DS2H LGA 775 NVIDIA GeForce 9400 HDMI Micro ATX with a Core 2 Duo chip.

This computer is connected to a Sharp Aquous TV using HDMI. It all worked fine with Windows 7 64 bit.

In Device Manager I see GeForce 9400 and have installed the latest NVidia drivers (295.73 WHQL).

However, when I click on the change the screen resolution to 1920x1080, I see that Windows 8 thinks that it's using some other graphics card with Microsoft Basic Display Driver. This was made clear, when I tried to launch the NVidia tools and it claimed that the current monitor (in this case my TV) wasn't attached to the GeForce 9400 card.

In Device Manager, there's a "Coprocessor" and "Unknown device" without drivers, but I've no idea what they are. I've run the original CD that the motherboard came with no success.

Any ideas?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Can anyone provide me the correct Intel HD Graphics driver link?

I am knowing that many users will find this question funny as I can't even find the correct driver but the question is somehow complicated. My device is Asus x200ma. Manufacturer's driver is only made for Windows 8.1 64bit or x64. But the problem now is I have installed Windows 7 ultimate 32bit x86. I don't want any other driver. I want only two drivers: VGA driver and Intel HD Graphics driver. I am giving the netbook's details below. I can't provide any screenshot as i don't have that much reputations. Again, highliting the main question:

Download link for VGA and Intel HD Graphics driver for Asus x200ma.

Netbook details:-

Manufacturer: AsusTek©

Processor: Intel(R) Celeron(R) CPU N2920 @ 1.86GHz 1.86 GHz

Installed memory (RAM): 2.00 GB (1.89 GB usable)

System type: 32-bit Operating System

Graphics Adapter info:

Chip Type: Intel(R) VLV Mobile/Desktop Graphics Chipset

DAC Type: 8 bit

Adapter string: VGA

Bios Information: Hardware Version 0.0


Total Available Graphics Memory: 63424 KB

Dedicated Video Memory: n/a

System Video Memory: n/a

Shared Video Memory: n/a

Again highliting question:

Download link for VGA and Intel HD Graphics

Thanks for viewing. If any additional information is required, comment it below. Please help me.

Source: (StackOverflow)

How to determine number of colours (bit per pixel) in X11

How can I see how many bits per pixel are actually available in a running X11 session?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Windows 7 losing one of my displays after restart

I have an Intel DZ68BC motherboard with Intel HD graphics card using two monitors (on DVI and on HDMI » VGA). My friend asked me to test if his NVIDIA graphics card works well on my computer (at his it was doing some trouble), so I inserted it in my computer, installed the NVIDIA driver and it worked quite well. Then I removed it, uninstalled everything NVIDIA-related I could find and switched monitors back to my Intel card.

Since then after every system start/restart, the system sees only monitor on HDMI » VGA connector, completely ignoring the DVI monitor.

I noticed that installing the Intel video drivers causes the system to recognize the second monitor if I don't immediately reboot. After a reboot, the system recognizes only the HDMI » VGA monitor.

I also tried starting in safe-mode and using DriveSweeper to remove the remains of NVIDIA drivers. While it seems that some drivers were removed, the situation didn't change. Now I am out of ideas and I really wouldn't like to reinstall the system (again...).

I also tried restoring the system to the state before this whole story, but it also didn't change anything.


I am still trying to troubleshoot this problem. The only point that I could start was driver re-instalation. I traced down the part that restores right settings to a call:

C:\Users\Jarek\Desktop\GFX_Win7_64_8.15.10.2696\x64\Drv64.exe -driverinf "C:\Users\Jarek\Desktop\GFX_Win7_64_8.15.10.2696\Graphics\igdlh64.inf" -flags 20 -keypath "Software\Intel\Difx64"

This call fixes my displays, and as workaround, I will add it for now to my autorun. I am still looking for better solution anyway...


Using DriverView i made a list of currently used drivers both before and after fixing my display using above command. Then i compared logs:

  • No drivers were removed by fixing command.
  • Drivers added by fixing command:
    • MS Remote Access serial network driver (asyncmac.sys)
    • security processor (spsys.sys)
  • Drivers that changed base address (indicates driver-reload?)
    • Canonical Display Driver (cdd.dll)
    • Intel Graphics Kernel Mode Driver (igdkmd64.sys)
    • Monitor Driver (monitor.sys)

Added drivers seem rather unrelated to the problem to me, reloaded drivers are just a cnsequence of installing new driver file so there is not much to go here... I really cannot make heads or tails out of it...


I made clean install of Windows 7, and guess what? It still doesn't work... After some more googling it seems that it's most likely faulty driver - after I installed it, HDMI went down... If i didn't have additional VGA monitor, I would probably conclude that my graphic card doesn't work at all. I really wonder how did I get it working in the first place. I remember installing Windows 7 without big problems. The drivers I used before were the same as used now, and I disabled automatic updates while installing W7, in case some of them are causing trouble - without much success.

I found out that it's enough to disable and re-enable your graphic card to get it working. You can use DevCon.exe (don't use the old one that you can download directly, it's veeeery old. Please extract it from WDDK, from archive WDK\setuptools_x64fre_cab001.cab). After you find out right Hardware ID for your video card, it's best to create small script (.bat file) using devcon restart <HwID> and add it to logon scripts ('gpedit.msc' -> Computer configuration -> Windows settings -> Scripts).

While it's a hack, it works so well, that you won't even notice it was there. And I am avoiding constant re-installing drivers (in my old method) which is quite significant on my SSD drive I think ;)

Source: (StackOverflow)

"Display driver stopped responding and has recovered"

My Vista machine was running fine until about a week ago while surfing the web, when my system started locking and unlocking followed by this error and a quick BSOD to reboot:

Display driver stopped responding and has recovered

I immediately assumed that I had gotten a virus, but other than some tracking cookies, scans from two different anti-malware programs have turned up nothing. I wanted to do a Windows restore but found that for whatever reason (possibly low space on C drive), I had no backup to revert to.

Initially the driver error was popping up quite frequently, generally after a freeze and black screen, but lately it's been appearing less and in some cases my desktop will freeze but the error message doesn't appear.

I of course upgraded my NVidia drivers which may have lead to the decrease in occurrence, but hasn't solved the problem. I want to rule out all possible causes before assuming that it's a hardware failure with the mobo or video card.

I plan to open up my case tonight and blow the dust out (been too long since I've done this last) to see if it could be due to overheating, and after that I'm planning to check for RAM failure by removing one stick at a time, but I'd like to know some other easy things I can do to figure out what the culprit is.

Edit: also forgot to mention that, oddly enough, the problem seems to come up most often while a web browser is open (Firefox and Chrome). I was able to run Lord of the Rings Online for a good 1.5 hours last night with only a couple of slowdowns when entering new areas and no crashes or lockups. You'd think a graphic-intensive program would be really unstable in this situation.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Issues with AMD Catalyst Driver v14.12 on Windows 8.1 x64

I updated my video card drivers to version 14.12 for Windows 8.1 Update 1 x64. I have an AMD Radeon HD 6800 with 3 monitors. The are plugged in through the HDMI and DisplayPorts on the card.

After updating, my third monitor displays in a monochrome / B&W style. I managed to roll back to a different driver version by uninstalling the driver from the device manager and letting windows locate a driver from Windows Update. But I would like to run the Catalyst software and have the latest driver if possible, I am unable to use the Windows 8 Hulu app because it says my video driver is out of date. Also, flash, in chrome, seems to be using a lot more CPU now than it did before I had to roll back to the Windows driver.

I tried installing a previous version of Catalyst from the AMD site. First time it failed to install saying that it was unable to detect hardware. Then after a reboot, I was able to install the earlier version (14.9), but that was the same driver version that windows installed, I just now have the catalyst software also.

Source: (StackOverflow)