
directx interview questions

Top directx frequently asked interview questions

How do I know if DirectX is using hardware acceleration or software rendering?

Is there any DirectX diagnostcs tool which will allow me to understand if Graphics acceleration from my GPU is actually working or software rendering is kicking-in instead?

I ask this because If I go properties (right click on desktop) --> settings --> I get an error saying my drivers are not working for my Intel Embedded GPU (Intel Embedded Graphics Driver - IEGD) and the system is defaulting to standard VGA drivers.

I am on WinXP Professional.

Source: (StackOverflow)

What is the use of DirectX? [closed]

Windows upgrades the Direct X in it's newer versions. But only the games require Direct X during the installation.Is it only useful for games or does it have any other useful purpose?

Source: (StackOverflow)


How to check which directx runtime version is installed on my windows machine?

I need to do coding for 3D graphics, I would like to check which version of directx runtime is installed on my Windows machine. How to do that?

Source: (StackOverflow)

DirectX SDK Setup is freezing

On my windows XP machine when I try to install the DirectX SDK the setup freezes on the first screen.

When I click on the "next" button the system does some processing and stays on the same window. Clicking again on the next button does nothing.

The directX SDK log only contains a single entry for each try: 12/01/09 09:49:03: DXSDKSetup: CLR version number = 2.0.50727

any ideas?

Thank you!

Source: (StackOverflow)

How can I determine the highest GPU-supported DirectX version?

On Windows 7 / Vista how can I determine what DirectX version is really supported by the GPU?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Does Windows 8 bring in any changes to DirectX (specifically Direct 3D) pipeline?

Windows Vista brought in DirectX 10, thereby breaking compatibility with apps/games which are exclusively designed for DirectX 10.

Does Windows 8 introduce any such APIs, thereby breaking compatibility? I know Metro UI Modern UI apps are one such change, I'm looking at from a 3D Applications/games perspective

To be specific: I'm asking if there are changes to DirectX such that any games/applications "exclusively" targeted at Windows 8 will run on Windows 7.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Why do lots of games have Direct X 9 and 11 options, but NOT DX10?

I don't really know much about DirectX other than it is responsible of having better graphic options for games, for example, tessellation and Ambient Occlusion in DX11.

But my question is, why some games (most recent games I've played at least), have the option of choosing DX9 (default) or DX 11 (with advanced options, and obviously with compatible video cards), but there is NO option for DX 10?

Is DX10 a version that never got released? was it defective? or what about it? why those games don't show an option to use DX 10 along DX 9 and 11?

Are there ANY games that show those 3 options? or do they just 'jump' from DX 9 directly to 11? why?


Source: (StackOverflow)

DirectX on Windows 7 - older game

I am using a fresh install of Windows 7 64bit edition. I was previously using Vista 32 bit. Both times I was just using the default version of DirectX which came with Windows, which was version 10 for Vista and 11 for 7.

I am using the latest drivers for my video card, a radeon mobility 3650. On Vista 32bit, I installed IGI 2 and played it without a problem. I can not get it to run on Windows 7 at all. Whatever I try, compatability mode, different drivers, DirectX versions etc, I only get the error message "This application requires DirectX version 8.1 or higher".

Even searching for this error message returns only about 3 or 4 other, non-resolved similar problems. Does anyone have any suggestions?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Graphics Cards DirectX version upgrade?

When shopping or looking at specs for graphics card you will see the DirectX version that it supports (in my specific case the card supports 10). What I want to know is that when Microsoft released their new version 11, what would be stopping this card from performing at DX11 standards?

I would theorize that it is a matter of firmware on the actual graphics card itself, could this not be flashed to support the latest version? Or will this DX10 card support and run DX11 just fine, it is just the fact that Nvidia couldn't label it as such since DX11 wasn't out yet?

Anyone that has some good insight to this, let me know!

Edit: alright, if you downvote this thread or vote to have it closed... would you please explain why you think it is a 'stupid question'. I seriously am curious as to how or what the difference is between DX versions that would require a complete hardware change. GPU instruction sets are the same, the only difference in hardware is that the newer ones have faster VRAM, more stream processors, etc. So why can't a DX10 card be upgraded to support DX11?? Give me a reason.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Windows cannot enter very low-res video mode with modern graphics cards/drivers


I was trying to post here yesterday, but it kept giving me an error. I have discovered that it actually is not using DirectX at all, but GDI or whatever is the non-DX graphics in Windows (not OpenGL Or any other hardware-related API). Sorry about that. I really did think it was DX.

I have a bunch of Windows 32-bit fullscreen EXEs that were compiled for the Windows XP era and use some version of DirectX for settings the graphics mode: 320x240x8. It is hardcoded, native (not faked in any way), and the binaries cannot be touched, recompiled or modified in any way (don't ask).

I'm trying to get these to run on Windows 7 64-bit and later (it doesn't even run on XP without the right card and driver, just to clear up any confusion). They only run if the video card and its driver specifically supports this mode, which is extremely rare, regardless of whether it's run on XP or 7. The 32/64-bit versions seem to have no impact either.

I have been on this problem for a long time, asking experts for help numerous times and getting all kinds of potential solution, which I've tried one by one. Each of them fail with the same error: can't set video mode. The problem is always that it cannot set the video mode. The obvious solution is that it cannot attempt to set the video mode, because it is not supported. So I need some kind of small EXE that I can bundle with these EXEs and which can be set up to "wrap around" it and fool it into thinking that it's actually set the mode, whereas it's actually running in some kind of emulated video window.

I have tried "Wine on Windows", various utilities that "change the resolution" (including DXWIN and D3DWindower), running it inside a VM, compatibility settings, etc. Just about anything you immediately think of. Nothing works at all. But the VM thing wouldn't be good even if it did work, because this has to be "distributable" as well.

Can anyone help me? Is this even possible to solve at all? It seems so bizarre that it's not possible to "trick" the programs into thinking that they actually did get to set the video mode.

I hope that a true expert will be able to come up with some solution.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Does f.lux affect DirectX video games?

Does f.lux affect the color temperature of DirectX video games?

I appreciate what it does on the desktop, but I'm not sure if I want it on in a game.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Game for DirectX 9 not working with DirectX 11

I have installed a game called "Orcs Must Die" but when running it, it only shows an error about absence of d3dx9_43.dll file. It's part of DX 9, however I hava already DX 11 installed. How can I solve this problem without coming back to DX 9?

I'm using Win7 Home Preemium 32-bit, DirectX 11, nVidia GeForce Go 7300 (drivers v295.73)

Source: (StackOverflow)

How can I install Directx9 on Windows 10?

How can I install Directx9: https://www.microsoft.com/en-ph/download/confirmation.aspx?id=34429, I'm running Windows 10 but the setup says:"You must be running win98 etc...."

Source: (StackOverflow)

How do I disable DirectDraw and Direct3D acceleration on Windows 8?

Some old games that I would really like to play run slowly on some graphic drivers when Direct3D acceleration is enabled.

I have tried many suggestions but none seem to work. The only thing I have not tried is disabling Direct3D acceleration. Is it possible to disable DirectDraw and Direct3D acceleration on my Windows 8 PC?

From InterAction Studios:

There are certain bad versions of GeForce drivers that cause this problem. This is a problem in the drivers themselves and is unfortunately completely outside our control. The recommended way to fix this problem is to update your graphics card drivers (go to NVIDIA's web site for this).

Alternatively, there is a workaround that alleviates or solves the slowdown problem altogether.

Try this: Right-click on your desktop and select "Properties". Go to the "Settings" tab and click on "Advanced...". Click on the "Troubleshooting" tab and move the slider to the left until it says that all DirectDraw and Direct3D accelerations have been disabled (around the middle of the range). Finally, click on "OK".

Note that this workaround might cause other games on your computer to slow down, so you may have to switch back and forth between settings, but it's certainly worth a try if you can't obtain an updated graphics driver.

Source: (StackOverflow)

the program can't start because xinput1_3.dll is missing from your computer

I'm trying to run Elite Dangerous Launcher, yet I keep getting following error:

the program can't start because xinput1_3.dll is missing from your computer

According to: How to install the latest version of DirectX, DirectX is ALREADY installed on my Windows 8.1 system.

Why am I getting this error then? How do I actually solve this?

Source: (StackOverflow)