
dependencies interview questions

Top dependencies frequently asked interview questions

Adding project as dependency in XCode 4.x

With the revamp of XCode I am having a lot of trouble working out how to add make one xcodeproj dependent on another. It was hard enough to work out before but now I am just stuck.

If I drag lib.xcodeproj into app.xcodeproj it just shows up as an item in the project tree and I can't expand it or see build products for linking.

Can someone give me the correct sequence for adding lib.xcodeproj as a dependency to app.xcodeproj (ie it will build if necessary and link to app)

Source: (StackOverflow)

Downloading all maven dependencies to a directory NOT in repository?

I started to convert my project to maven because I needed to use a library that was distributed in binary form over maven only, but after banging my head against the wall on it for far too long I've decided to stop hurting myself and just use Ant. I'd like to just have maven download the jar and all of its transitive dependencies into a directory of my choosing so I can just check them into my SCM as I normally enjoy and be a blissful developer once again. Any ideas how to do that easily?

Source: (StackOverflow)


Multi-project test dependencies with gradle

I have a multi-project configuration and I want to use gradle.

My projects are like this

Project A
-> src/main/java
-> src/test/java

Project B
-> src/main/java (depends on src/main/java on Project A)
-> src/test/java (depends on src/test/java on Project A)

My project B build.gradle file is like this:

apply plugin: 'java'
dependencies {
  compile project(':ProjectA')

The task compileJava work great but the compileTestJava does not compile the test file from Project A

Source: (StackOverflow)

Circular import dependency in Python

Let's say I have the following directory structure:


In the a package's __init__.py, the c package is imported. But c_file.py imports a.b.d.

The program fails, saying b doesn't exist when c_file.py tries to import a.b.d. (And it really doesn't exist, because we were in the middle of importing it.)

How can this problem be remedied?

Source: (StackOverflow)

HintPath vs ReferencePath in Visual Studio

What exactly is the difference between the HintPath in a .csproj file and the ReferencePath in a .csproj.user file? We're trying to commit to a convention where dependency DLLs are in a "releases" svn repo and all projects point to a particular release. Since different developers have different folder structures, relative references won't work, so we came up with a scheme to use an environment variable pointing to the particular developer's releases folder to create an absolute reference. So after a reference is added, we manually edit the project file to change the reference to an absolute path using the environment variable.

I've noticed that this can be done with both the HintPath and the ReferencePath, but the only difference I could find between them is that HintPath is resolved at build-time and ReferencePath when the project is loaded into the IDE. I'm not really sure what the ramifications of that are though. I have noticed that VS sometimes rewrites the .csproj.user and I have to rewrite the ReferencePath, but I'm not sure what triggers that.

I've heard that it's best not to check in the .csproj.user file since it's user-specific, so I'd like to aim for that, but I've also heard that the HintPath-specified DLL isn't "guaranteed" to be loaded if the same DLL is e.g. located in the project's output directory. Any thoughts on this?

Source: (StackOverflow)

How do I tell Maven to use the latest version of a dependency?

In Maven, dependencies are usually set up like this:


Now, if you are working with libraries that have frequent releases, constantly updating the <version> tag can be somewhat annoying. Is there any way to tell Maven to always use the latest available version (from the repository)?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Dependency graph of Visual Studio projects

I'm currently migrating a big solution (~70 projects) from VS 2005 + .NET 2.0 to VS 2008 + .NET 3.5. Currently I have VS 2008 + .NET 2.0.

The problem is that I need to move projects one by one to new .NET framework ensuring that no .NET 2.0 project references .NET 3.5 project. Is there any tool that would give me a nice graph of project dependencies?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Maven: Failed to read artifact descriptor

I am hoping someone can help me with a problem I am struggling with.

When I try to build my project from the terminal I get this error:

Failed to read artifact descriptor for com.morrislgn.merchandising.common:test-data-utils:jar:0.3b-SNAPSHOT: Could not find artifact com.morrislgn.merchandising:merchandising:pom:0.3b-SNAPSHOT

The common.test-data-utils jar is created by a separate project and shared between this and another project (the other project doesn't build either, but that is down to another problem).

I am able to build com.morrislgn.merchandising.common:test-data-utils without issue, I can see the entry it makes in the .m2 local repository on my machine. I have reindexed my repository in Eclipse also.

The POM for my project has this entry:


Which appears to be correct to me - the POM doesn't report any errors either when it is viewed in Eclipse.

Can some one tell me what I am missing here or doing wrong?

Source: (StackOverflow)

How can I have linked dependencies in a git repo?

In my scripts, I often use libraries (mine or others') that have their own repos. I don't want to duplicate those in my repo and get stuck with updating them every time a new version comes out. However, when somebody clones the repo, it should still work locally and not have broken links.

Any ideas about what I could do?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Using npm to install or update required packages just like bundler for rubygems

I love Bundler, it's great at dependency management. I love npm, installing node packages is easy! I have a nodejs app and would love to be able to specify my apps dependencies and easily install / update them wherever I deploy my app. This isn't a library I'm releasing, it's a full fledged web-app.

I'm aware of the npm bundle command, but that just seems to simply override the directory where packages are installed.

I'm used to using bundler in this fashion:

# Gemfile
gem "rails", "3.0.3"

Installs rails v3.0.3 and any other required gems on the host machine only if it doesn't already exist

> bundle install

How can I achieve something similar with npm?

Source: (StackOverflow)

How do I package a python application to make it pip-installable?

I'm writing a django application in my spare time for a footy-tipping competition we're running at work. I figured I'd use this time wisely, and get up to speed on virtualenv, pip, packaging, django 1.3, and how to write an easily redistributable application. So far, so good.

I'm up to the packaging part. A lot of the django apps on GitHub for instance are mostly bundled (roughly) the same way. I'll use django-uni-forms as an example.

An assumption I'm making is that the MANIFEST.in and setup.py are the only required pieces that pip needs to do its job. Is that correct? What other components are necessary if my assumption is wrong?

Are the required packaging files generally generated, or are they crafted by hand? Can dependencies be described and then installed also? My application depends on django-uni-forms, and I have it listed in a requirements.txt file within my app which I used to install the dependency; but is that something that the packaging system can take care of?

What are the steps I need to follow to package my application in such a way that pip will be able to install it and any dependencies?

Source: (StackOverflow)

How do I install package.json dependencies in the current directory using npm

I have a web app: fooapp. I have a package.json in the root. I want to install all the dependencies in a specific node_modules directory. How do I do this?

What I want

Lets say I have two widget dependencies. I want to end up with a directory structure like this:


What I get

when I run npm install fooapp/ I get this:


npm makes a copy of my app directory in the node_modules dir and installs the packages inside another node_modules directory.

I understand this makes sense for installing a package. But I don't require() my web app inside of something else, I run it directly. I'm looking for a simple way to install my dependencies into a specific node_modules directory.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Unit testing code with a file system dependency

I am writing a component that, given a ZIP file, needs to:

  1. Unzip the file.
  2. Find a specific dll among the unzipped files.
  3. Load that dll through reflection and invoke a method on it.

I'd like to unit test this component.

I'm tempted to write code that deals directly with the file system:

void DoIt()
   Zip.Unzip(theZipFile, "C:\\foo\\Unzipped");
   System.IO.File myDll = File.Open("C:\\foo\\Unzipped\\SuperSecret.bar");

But folks often say, "Don't write unit tests that rely on the file system, database, network, etc."

If I were to write this in a unit-test friendly way, I suppose it would look like this:

void DoIt(IZipper zipper, IFileSystem fileSystem, IDllRunner runner)
   string path = zipper.Unzip(theZipFile);
   IFakeFile file = fileSystem.Open(path);

Yay! Now it's testable; I can feed in test doubles (mocks) to the DoIt method. But at what cost? I've now had to define 3 new interfaces just to make this testable. And what, exactly, am I testing? I'm testing that my DoIt function properly interacts with its dependencies. It doesn't test that the zip file was unzipped properly, etc.

It doesn't feel like I'm testing functionality anymore. It feels like I'm just testing class interactions.

My question is this: what's the proper way to unit test something that is dependent on the file system?

edit I'm using .NET, but the concept could apply Java or native code too.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Which maven dependencies to include for spring 3.0?

I am trying to do my first project with Spring 3.0 (and maven). I have been using Spring 2.5 (and primer versions) in quite some projects. Nevertheless I am kinda confused, what modules I have to define as dependencies in my pom.xml. I just want to use the core container functions (beans, core, context, el).

I was used to do this:


But now I am kinda confused, as there is no full packed spring module for version 3.0 anymore. I tried the following but it didnt work (some classes are missing).


Any help would be appreciated!

Source: (StackOverflow)

How should I detect unnecessary #include files in a large C++ project?

I am working on a large C++ project in Visual Studio 2008, and there are a lot of files with unnecessary #include directives. Sometimes the #includes are just artifacts and everything will compile fine with them removed, and in other cases classes could be forward declared and the #include could be moved to the .cpp file. Are there any good tools for detecting both of these cases?

Source: (StackOverflow)